Marchant's Shop and Lower the Item in Oct 2017 
商人の店とアイテム落とし 2017年10月

Go to the Event Story, "Perfect Halloween".

You see the man near the Station in the dark coat? That's the Artifact Marchant, one of the City's legends... No one knows where he goes and when he'll return to the City. They say that he can safely navigate the lost parts of the City that are shrouded in fog, and most importantly, return alive.
When the Marchant returns from these parts of the City, he brings unique artifacts with him. Their properties can help you complete difficult quests during an event.
Visit the Merchant's Shop to see what rare artifacts he brought with him this time.
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This is a rare artifact from the Merchant's Shop. It will help you complete difficult event quests. description これが商人の店の珍しいアーティファクトだ。これがあれば難しいイベントクエストをクリアする助けとなるだろう。  
To get the artifact, search Pumpkins in the "Crystals" mini game in "Lower the Item" mode.

[Magic Pumpkins]
Collect Pumpkins - Play the "Crystals" mini game using "Lower the Item" mode.
Use Magic Spot light - Activate Magic Spotlight at the Marchant's Shop.

The City is brimming with the magic of Halloween, changing its familiar places. Yesterday, residents were enjoying the fun mini-game "Crystals," but today it looks different.
The machine now has a special holiday mode called "Lower the Item" which you can play to win Magic Pumpkins. These small items are full of Halloween magic.
Magic Pumpkins will allow you to get rare artifacts at the Marchant's Shop. If you see a special Halloween Magic sign over the game machines, know that this is your chance!

brim with~: ~でいっぱいになる、溢れている
To collect as many as magical items as possible, drop them in special cells at the bottom of the field.
Great job! The Halloween Magic contained in the pumpkins allowed you to charge and activate Magic Spotlight.
Now hurry back and continue exploring the "Jack's Masquerade Ball" location! The artifact will make it easier for you to complete a difficult event quest. Have fun!


Go to the Event Story, "Perfect Halloween".


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