Snowy the Hunting Cat


Meowing Hunting にゃーにゃーハンティング  
I hear pitiful meowing! Can it be that the City's favorite pet and adventurer Snowy has become new victim of the Cult? Adeline Svensson
Adeline, you always make sensations out of everything. Snowy must have got into trouble as usual. Detective
Come on, buddy, I'll introduce you. We'll help this fluffy daredevil. 来いよ、相棒、紹介してやるからさ。あのふわもこの怖いもの知らずを俺たちで救出してやろうぜ。
I saw the cat absent on the cushion only once...
Snowy, City's favorite pet, has noticed something valuable in the fog and went on the hunt. Don't worry, he'll be back soon and share his findings and impressions with you. description スノーウィ、シティのお気に入りのペットが霧の中ですごいモノを見付けて、狩りに出掛けたぞ。心配ご無用、あの仔はすぐに見付けたモノを咥(くわ)えて戻って、感想を聞かせてくれるさ。  
According to my observations, Snowy returns to the square every 11 hours. Be sure to visit him: he often brings various useful items out of the fog. Detective

俺の観察によれば、スノーウィは11時間ごとに広場に戻ってくる。忘れずあの仔の処に顔を出せよ-あいつはしょっちゅう役に立つ色んなアイテムを霧から持ち帰るんだからな。 💬10月に現れて半月置物だったスノーウィがようやく稼働。いつまでいてくれるのでしょうか?


Peter and Dororhy's Christmas adventure ピーターとドロシーのクリスマスの冒険


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