Tree of Spirits and Easter Basket  (精霊の樹とイースターのバスケット)

Go to the Event Story "Spring Mysteries."

After a long winter, the City is anxiously awaiting the first warm days of spring.
★☆☆☆☆☆ Branched Twig
The Tree of Spirits has appeared in the City.
★★☆☆☆☆ Sacred Ash
You've upgraded the Tree of Spirits and its fragile stem has strengthened and turned into the Sacred Ash.
★★★☆☆☆ Green Giant
You've upgraded the Tree of Spirits, and its flexible branches have stretched and turned into the Green Giant.
★★★★☆☆ Father of the Grove
You've upgraded the Tree of Spirits. It has been filled with the freshness of the spring wind and turned into the Father of the Grove.
★★★★★☆ Forest King
You've upgraded the Tree of Spirits. Its beauty and grandeur have become even more apparent in the image of the Forest King.
★★★★★★ Yggdrasil
You've upgraded the Tree of Spirits. It's filled with the power of the Spirits of Nature and before you stands the Yggdrasil, a mythical tree!
The Tree of Spirits smells sweet with spring flowers. The sound of the citizens' laughter and clinking of celebratory wine glasses rise under its branching crown. Everyone is holding their breath in anticipation of spring!

Go to the Event Story "Spring Mysteries."


Apr 2019 Gift collection 【Lost Spirits 迷子の精霊たち】
Spirit of Roots and Shoots Spirit of the Sun Spirit of Leaves Spirit of Flowers Spirit of the Wind Stone Flower Fountain
根と新芽の精 太陽の精 若葉の精 花の精 風の精 石造りの花の噴水
*This story's adaptation is Easter Picnic's collection #8

【Lost Spirits】 Apr 2019
 Event Box
[Young Roots]
Find Spirit of Roots and Shoots. - Try to find the item in the gifts.
shoot: 新芽
Some of my spirit subjects converged on the City to bring the spring wind, the warm sun, and the first flowers to the townspeople... But, having completed their mission, they failed to return to the Magic Forest. The streams of magic running through the City have led them astray. So the spirits took the form of stone masks and hid in the Easter Gifts, enveloped in the familiar magic of spring. Will you help me find the lost spirits and bring them home? Meiden of Spring
lead 人 astray: 人に道を誤らせる。迷い子にさせる。astray は古風な単語であり、正しい道を見失ったという響きが強い。何かのせいでが強調される。比喩的に騙される、悪い道に引き込まれるという意味にも使う。astray と同語源のstrayはのら犬とか浮浪者にしか使わない。
💬文中では「Spirit of Spring 春の精」ですが、画像は「Meiden of Spring 春の乙女」ですね。従者である「Spirits of Spring 春の精霊たち(複数形)」とややこしいのでいっそMeiden of Spring に統一するのではダメなのかな?
- Sure. Player (YOU) -もちろんですとも。
My friend, the Spirits of the Magic Forest have brought spring to the City. Now we're obliged to help them return home. The Spirit of Spring said that her subjects are hiding in the gifts summoned by the Tree of Life to the streets of the City. These gifts resemble Easter eggs. Let's open a few and find the Spirit of Roots and Shoots. Lady Peacock
We found the Spirit of Roots and Shoots! While lost, it turned into a marvelous mask. But once I took it in my hands, I saw the shoots in the nearest flower bed grow. 根と新芽の精を見付けましたのね!道に迷っている間に、ギョッとするような仮面に変わってしまっていましたわ。でもわたくしが手に取りましたら、側の花壇の新芽が伸びるのが目に入りましたのよ。 marvelous: ギョッとするような。口語では素敵なという意味でも使うが、多分ここは元の意味。
[First Warmth]
Find the Spirit of the Sun. - Try to find the item in the gifts.
The next lost Spirit of the Magic Forest is the Spirit of the Sun. I can feel its magical warmth thanks to the Firebird's protection. Let's find the Spirit of the Sun in the Easter Gifts. Yui
And here's the mask that the Spirit of the Sun turned into. Careful! I can hold it in my hands, but it may be too hot for you. さあこれが太陽の精が姿を変えた仮面だな。気を付けろよ!私はこれを手に持てるが、お前にはもしかしたら物凄い熱いかもしれないぞ。  
[Green Rustling]
Find the Spirit of Leaves. - Try to find the item in the gifts.
We need to help the lost Spirits of Spring! They brought spring to the City, but got lost and hid in the Easter Gifts because of its familiar magic. Let's quickly find the Spirit of Leaves! Valerie
Excellent, we found the mask that the Spirit of Leaves turned into! For me, spring only really arrives when new leaves rustle on the trees. やったね、若葉の精が姿を変えた仮面を見つけたわ!私の場合、樹々の若葉がサラサラいう音を聞いた時に初めて春が来たーって感じがするのよね。 rustle: サラサラいう葉擦れの音
[Delicate Aroma]
Find the Spirit of Flowers. - Try to find the item in the gifts.
Mon ami, we need to find the lost Spirits of Spring and return them to the Magic Forest. The Spirit of Spring said they could be hiding in the Easter Gifts. Let's open a few to find the Spirit of Flowers. Juliette
Do you know how I guessed that the mask we found was the enchanted Sprit of Flowers? I wiped it with a handkerchief, and the mask became covered in delicate forget-me-nots! 私がどうやって見つけた仮面に花の精の魔法が宿ってるって当てたか分かる?私が仮面をハンカチーフで拭いたら、繊細な勿忘草(わすれなぐさ)で仮面が覆われたからなのよ。 forget-me-not: 勿忘草(わすれなぐさ)。小さな青い花。
[The Breath of Spring]
Find the Spirit of the Wind. - Try to find the item in the gifts.
One of the spirits that didn't return to the Magic Forest is the Spirit of the Spring Wind. I'm sure that, like the other spirits, it turned into a stone mask and hid somewhere among the Easter Gifts. Let's find it! Bao
You've found the mask that the Spirit of the Wind turned into. Touch it... Can you feel that? It's the wind of a new spring. 風の精が姿を変えた仮面を見つけたか。触ってみたまえ…。そなたもこれを感じるか?新しい春の風だな。  
[Beacon of Spring]
Return the spirits home. - Assemble the "Lost Spirits" collection.
You found the five masks that the Spirits of Spring turned into. We need to help them shake off their protective spells and return home to the Magic Forest. Let the City's magic, which led the spirits astray, now serve a good purpose: bring me some artifacts filled with this magic. Meiden of Spring
Affected by the magic of the artifacts, the spirits return to their original form and rush... to the Fountain of Spirits, which the City created in the Magic Forest! For the spirits, this fountain is like a beacon of spring magic. Thank you! Now the Spirits of Spring will never forget the way home. アーティファクトの魔法が作用して、精霊たちが元の形に戻って駆けて行きます…、シティが魔法の森に作り出した「精霊たちの泉」に向かって!精霊たちにとって、この泉は春の魔法が手招きをするかのように映るでしょう。感謝します!これで春の精霊たちは決して自分の帰る道を忘れないで済みますね。 💬春の精に仕える精霊たちは小さい子供か動物みたいな感じなのでしょうかね?

Apr 2019 Gift collection 【Lost Spirits 迷子の精霊たち】
Spirit of Roots and Shoots Spirit of the Sun Spirit of Leaves Spirit of Flowers Spirit of the Wind Stone Flower Fountain
根と新芽の精 太陽の精 若葉の精 花の精 風の精 石造りの花の噴水

Go to the Event Story "Spring Mysteries."


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