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Shop1: Energy
Baozi Dumplings | Jasmine Tea | Lunar Elixir | Red Carp's Blessing 緋鯉(ひごい)の 言祝(ことほ)ぎ *鎮宅之寶(寶=宝):家内安全の御守り *1st sale. 新商品 |
Lucky Coins 開運の太平通寶 *たいへいつうほう:宋時代の古銭、上下右左の順に読む *1st sale. 新商品 |
The item gives 35 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 20 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | The item gives 150 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | The items gives 280 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | +70% to get collection items
from monsters; x2 exp and coins in locations and mini-games for 12h. モンスターからのコレクションのアイテム取得確率を+70%。継続時間12時間。 |
Reduces the energy required
to enter locations and mini-games by 50%. Lasts for 12hours. ロケとミニゲームへ入る際の必要エネルギーを50%減少させる。継続時間12時間。 |
*Avatars you already have do not be displayed in the shop.
Tiger Toy | Bamboo Shoots | Mandarin Duck | Bag of Happiness |
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