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⚔️The Tomb of the Knight  (とある騎士の墓碑ぼひ)

この"the Knight"は特定の騎士を指しているので、恐らくはアーサー王の第一の騎士だったLancelotランスロットの墓なのではないかと思われる。

*same BGM as underground locations, mini-games, and the Witchs' Abode

*Removed from Dungeons in July 2020

The Sewers 地下水道⇦Prev  Next➡Dungeons' Entrance ダンジョン入り口

Dungeons' Entrance 地下迷宮入り口

Faint rays of light leak around huge doors made of black obsidian. Behind them are rare artifacts whose light even black magic cannot absorb.

Location Entrance ロケーション入り口

The steering wheel from a ship, a gold-encrusted dagger, an ancient shield, cups and chests. All these things have been gathered here in the Tomb of the Knight to absorb some of the Knight's bravery and valor.

🗝Quests for the new location available and unlocked
❶【Livingstone's Secrets リヴィングストンの秘密

*This collection was assigned to the Secret Room on July 2020.*The current name is "Tomb of the Knight."

*this story is offered by the Cardsharp ※このお話はカードシャープから要請が来ます。
*ATTENSION! Sometimes ❷'s story appears before ❶'s story. In that case, you cannot read the assembling quest(⑥) without finishing the assembling ❷ quest first!


❷【Livingstone's Secrets (2)リヴィングストンの秘密(2)
*This collection was assigned to the Secret Room on July 2020. The current name is "Tomb of the Knight."

*only assembling story(⑥) available from the Conductor


The Sewers 地下水道⇦Prev  Next➡Dungeons' Entrance ダンジョン入り口


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