Wanderful Cat Café's collection #6【Wanderer in the Fog】

Sub Quest Series #101
《The Cat Emerges from the Fog and Is Foggier Than the Fog》
 Next➡#101-2【Created by the Fog 霧によりて作られしは】

Cat Café❻ 【Wanderer in the Fog 霧の中を彷徨う者は】
Tōrō Lantern Furin of Rains Obsidian Mask Matatabi Ball Fish Offering Kotatsu for the Cat
灯籠(とうろう) 雨音(あまおと)
黒曜石の面 マタタビ手毬 魚のお供え物 猫用のコタツ

【Wanderer in the Fog】 【霧の中を彷徨う者は】  
Find the Tōrō Lantern. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

Sorry to disturb you, Madame Miyuki. On behalf of some concerned citizens, we'd like to ask you a few questions. Detective
Detective-san, I assume this is about the cat spirit? Many visitors near the café saw it and unfortunately, it scared all of them. Madame Miyuki
I don't know anything about this spirit but I'd like to help it. Purr. The kitty must be so lonely since everyone's so afraid of her. あてもその霊のことはなんも知らへんけど、お手伝いはしとうてなぁ。ゴロゴロ。そのにゃんこは誰も彼もが怖がるせいで、えろう寂しい想いをしとるに違いおまへんよって。 ※知らへん=知らない
In that case, Madame Miyuki, let us help you with this matter until we've made sure the spirit is happy and the townspeople are calm. Detective
The spirit of a cat appearing near the café frightens the townspeople, but it's afraid of everything itself. This makes it vulnerable to other spirits, evil ones. If we want the cat spirit to appear to us, we have to protect it with the light of a tōrō lantern. Can you look for one? Madame Miyuki

茶房近くに現れた猫の霊が街の人らを怖がらしとるんやけど、その霊自体も周囲を怖がっとってなぁ。こんな状態やと他の霊に対して無防備になってまいますねん、悪霊とかに。その猫の霊に姿を表して欲しいんなら、灯籠(とうろう)の光でその仔を護ってやらなあきまへんで。見付けてくれはる? ※あきまへん=いけません
Tōrō 灯籠(とうろう): a type of traditional Japanese lantern made of stone. They stand in Japanese gardens, Japanese graveyards, Shinto shrines, and Buddism temples.
Thanks for finding the tōrō lantern. Its light shines in all worlds and drives away evil spirits. I lit the lantern but the cat spirit didn't appear... Then I noticed wet pawprints on the lantern's stone roof. Perhaps this is a sign of goodwill? 灯籠を見付けてくれておおきに。この光はこの世にもあの世にも届いて、悪霊を追い払うんやで。灯籠に灯(ひ)ぃを灯したんやけど、猫の霊は現れんかったなぁ…。せやけど、濡れた足跡が石灯籠の屋根に付いとったんよ。ひょっとするとこれは友好の印なんやろうか? ※おおきに=ありがとう
Find the Furin of Rains. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

Madame Miyuki says the cat spirit won't come until we make sure it's safe. Magic may not be my strong suit, but I won't leave the little spirit. I asked Madame what else might protect the cat spirit and she mentioned a furin of rains. Can you help me find it, buddy? Detective

深雪夫人が言うには、確実に安全だと分かるまでは猫の霊は来ないだろうとさ。陰陽術は俺の得意分野じゃあないが、だからってあの小さな霊は放っておけないだろ。他に何か猫の霊を護ってくれそうなモンがないかと聞いてみたら、雨音(あまおと)の風鈴がどうたらとか言ってたんだよ。そいつを見付けるのを手伝ってくれないか、相棒? one's strong suit: 人の得意分野
★Furin 風鈴:Japanese wind chime
So this is the furin of rains? Thanks, buddy. I asked Madame Miyuki how it works and she said that the water in the bell is sacred. It drives out evil and its ringing spreads cleansing power all around. Let's hope it helps the cat spirit. じゃあこれがその雨音の風鈴ってヤツなのか?ありがとうな、相棒。深雪夫人にこれにどういう力があるのかを聞いたら、この風鈴の中の水には聖なる力があるんだと。その水は邪を祓(はら)い、その鈴の音(ね)は周囲に浄化の力を振り撒(ま)くんだとさ。こいつが猫の霊を助けてくれることを祈ろうぜ。  
Find the Obsidian Mask. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

The kitty spirit still hasn't appeared to us. Perhaps it's not evil spirits that scare her but the living who are looking for her company? We need a disguise so I can pretend to be a cat spirit. Can you find a special obsidian mask? Madame Miyuki

にゃんこの霊はまだ姿を現しまへんなぁ。ひょっとするとこの猫さんを怖がらせとるんは、悪霊でのうて、あの仔のお仲間を探す人間なんちゃいます?ほんなら猫の霊に化けられるモンが要りますやろ。特殊な黒曜石の面を見付けてもろてもええやろか? ※なんちゃいます?=ではないですか?
a disguise: 変装用具 ※仮面とかそういうのを指す時は可算名詞
You found the obsidian mask, thank you! See those opal inserts - they are stones of illusion. They will enhance my spirit aura and help disguise me as a spirit.
Alas, that didn't work, either. Why doesn't the cat spirit come?
Opal オパール:和名は蛋白(たんぱく)石と言うのだが、ちっとも霊験あらたかに聞こえないので、訳では「蛍石」に。オパールはキラキラした虹色の煌めきが特徴で、幻影はその事を言っているのだと思われるが、蛍石も熱すると光るので結構幻想的だと思う。
Find the Matatabi Ball. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

The cat spirit doesn't show up no matter what we do - it's time to change our strategy.
Madame Miyuki said the cats in her establishment love balls with a special herb inside... Matatabi, I think. Maybe our spirit will like it, too. Can you find a matatabi ball, buddy?

What's wrong?: 何がマズかったんだ?
What's wrong with helping cats?: 猫を助けて何が悪い?→助けたっていいだろ?※かなり強い意味になる。
What's wrong with her?: 彼女、どうしちゃったの?←様子や言動がヘン。と言う意味。
What's wrong with you?: あんた、(頭)大丈夫?←頭オカシイんじゃない?という意味。かなりバカにした表現。具合は大丈夫かと言う意味にはならないので、注意!
What's the matter with 人。も同じ。
Great job, buddy! This matatabi ball should help us attract the cat spirit. The cats in the Cat Café are crazy about them, but I can't smell a thing... Hey, look over there! I just saw a spirit, but it hid right away. What's wrong? やるじゃないか、相棒!このマタタビ手毬はきっと猫の霊をおびき寄せるのに使えるぞ。猫茶房の猫たちはこれに夢中だってえのに、俺にはちっとも臭わないんだが…。おっと、向こうを見てくれ!ありゃ、さっき霊が見えたのに、すぐに隠れちまって…。なにがマズかったんだ?
Prepare the Fish Offering. - Explore the "Wonderful Cat Café" location.

Just like Detective-san, I saw the cat spirit nearby, but it's not approaching. Strange - spirits usually come when nothing threatens them. Hmm... I think I know why. Help me prepare a fish offering for the spirit and we'll find out if I'm right. Madame Miyuki

刑事さんと同じく、あても近くで猫の霊を見掛けたんやけど、寄って来よらんのや。ヘンやなぁ-霊っちゅうんはたいてい脅威になるモンがなければ来よるもんやのに。ふーむ…。どうしてか分かった気ぃがしますわ。あの霊に魚のお供えモンを用意しますよって、手伝(てつど)うてくれますやろか、ほしたらあてが正しいのかも分かりますやろ。 ※来よる=来ている *来るの進行形
You made such an appetizing fish offering. Purr. Let's leave it for a while.
Look, the offering's been eaten, but spirits don't eat! I would say we're not dealing with a spirit but a special animal. We need to catch it before someone harms it out of fear!
Heat the Kotatsu for the Cat. - Assemble the "Wandering in the Fog" collection.

We thought a cat spirit was frightening people, but perhaps it's an unusual animal. We have to draw it out before anything happens to it. It's still cold outside and the cat might be freezing, so I brought a kotatsu for it. Can you lend me some artifacts so I can heat it up? Madame Miyuki

うちらはてっきり猫の霊が人々を脅かしよんかと思うとりましたが、ひょっとすると風変わりな動物なのやも知れまへんで。アレになんぞマズいことが起きる前に引っ張り出さんと。外はまだ寒いですよって、猫さんが凍えてまうかもしれまへんさかい、コタツを持って来ましてん。おコタを温められるよう仙術触媒を貸してもらえますやろか? Kotatsu 炬燵(こたつ): a low, wooden table frame covered by a futon, or heavy blanket, upon which a table top sits. Underneath is a heat source, formerly a charcoal brazier but now electric, often built into the table itself.
Thanks to your artifacts, I heated up the kotatsu for the cat and she finally came to us! I can hardly believe it - a live cat right in front of us, but... transparent! We were lucky the delicious fish offering and matatabi ball won her trust. あんさんの仙術触媒のお蔭で、猫用のコタツを温めたら、ついに猫さんがやって来ましたで!なんやよう信じられまへんが-うちらの目の前に生きた猫がおるゆうんに…、透明なんやわ!美味しい魚のお供えモンとマタタビ手毬でこの仔ぉの信頼を勝ち取れたんは、ようおましたなぁ。 ようおました=よかったです
Miyuki-san, how is the transparent cat doing? Did you find out anything about her origin? Detective
Yes, Detective-san. The cat that frightened the townspeople is one whose body was drastically changed by the fog. Madame Miyuki
The transparent kitty appears good right now, but I'll look for a way to expel the fog from her body, just in case. 透明にゃんこは今の所元気そうですけんど、あては万が一に備えて、この仔の体から霧を祓(はら)う方法を探すことにしまひょか。

Cat Café❻ 【Wanderer in the Fog 霧の中を彷徨う者は】
Tōrō Lantern Furin of Rains Obsidian Mask Matatabi Ball Fish Offering Kotatsu for the Cat
灯籠(とうろう) 雨音(あまおと)
黒曜石の面 マタタビ手毬 魚のお供え物 猫用のコタツ

Sub Quest Series #101
《The Cat Emerges from the Fog and Is Foggier Than the Fog》
 Next➡#101-2【Created by the Fog 霧によりて作られしは】


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