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Shop1: Energy
Savory Apple | Christmas Stollen | Lingonberry Champagne リンゴンベリー・シャンパン *Lingonberry リンゴンベリー(苔桃):ツンドラに生える木苺の一種 |
Christmas Amulet クリスマスのアミュレット |
Crystal Rose クリスタルの薔薇 |
Christmas Moments クリスマスのひと時 |
Icy Heart 氷のハート |
The item gives 35 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 20 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | The item gives 150 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | The items gives 280 energy units and triples energy recovery rates. It lasts for 30 minutes and can only be purchased during the event. | The Christmas Amulet makes
your energy restore 5times faster for 24 hours. クリスマスのアミュレットは、24時間の間、エネルギー回復を五倍にしてくれるよ。 |
+30% to find items in
locations and mini-games; +30% more coins and experience. Lasts for 6
hours. ロケーションとミニゲームでのアイテム発見確率+30%、コインと経験値+30%。継続時間6時間。 |
Accelerate energy recovery by
50% for 3 hours. 3時間の間、エネルギー回復を50%加速 |
Increases the chance of
getting weapons against monsters by 30% for 10 hours. 10時間の間、対モンスター武器の取得確率を30%増加 |
Sticker (Moments)
*Avatars you already have do not be displayed in the shop.
Golden Ice Skate | Cloth Horse | Pair of Gnomes | Shining Christmas Lights |
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