5. Night Terrors  (夜の恐怖) ★Anomaly of Night and Silhouettes

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Allotted time: 4 min
The terrors darken the area, leaving only a small illuminated area. On a miss, the anomaly doubles the timer speed for 15 sec. Search for items by silhouette.

(Former description)
Night Terrors is a phenomenon known to all citizens. Creatures from childhood fears and nightmares, unleashed from the depths of the subconscious, lurk in dark corners and hide within mirrors. It takes considerable will to resist these delusions.

 *Now removed

Explanation of the location portal

The "Night Terrors" phenomenon is active on the location. Subconscious fears restrain one's movement and willpower. Night falls and brings silhouettes that are barely visible in the darkness. Any wrong guesses speed up time by 2x for 15 seconds.


⓪ Night Terrors' Introduction

❶【Flight Suit パイロットスーツ

Flight jacket Walkie-Talkie Flight glasses Insignias Flight helmet Aviator's suit
パイロットジャケット トランシーバー パイロットゴーグル 階級章 パイロットヘルメット 飛行機乗りの


Dispelling and Summoning items (退散・召喚アイテム)
Old Lantern

Old Lantern
Required to dispel the Night Terrors effect
Banishes the "Night Terrors" anomaly.
The light from an old lamp can chase away even the most powerful Night Terrors.

(Former description) The light from an old lamp can chase away even the most powerful Night Terrors

Scary Toy

Scarly Toy
Used to summon the Night Terrors
Summon the "Night Terrors" anomaly.
This old toy absorbed so many children's fears it can bring about an anomaly.

(Former description) This old toy absorbed so many children's fears it can bring about the Night Terrors anomaly



Efficient Items 有効なアイテム

Illuminates the location for 30seconds
This artifact is said to contain liquid daylight instead of gas. It can disperse the darkness of night for 30seconds.
*Now converted to Lighters.

Increases the viewing area in Night mode
The Lantern tool doubles the viewing area for finding items in Night mode for 30 seconds.


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