Boggarts  (ボガート) ☆Anomaly

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Allotted time: 3 min
Boggarts are small City spirits. On a miss, the anomaly doubles the timer speed for 10 seconds. Search for items by name.

(Former description)
Noisy, pesky but relatively harmless urban spirits, they can make an awful mess and steal a citizen's belongings.

 *Now removed

Explanation of the location portal

Boggarts have appeared in the location. Any wrong guesses make these small spirits speed up time by 2x for 10 seconds.


⓪ Boggarts' Introduction

❶【Anomalous Activities アノマリーの活性化 *Former name: Black Box ブラックボックス

Flask Oxygen mask UFO photograph Player Life vest Black box
フラスクボトル 酸素マスク UFOの写真 プレーヤー 救命胴衣 ブラックボックス


Dispelling and Summoning items (退散・召喚アイテム)
A Bunch of Firecrackers

A Bunch of Firecrackers
Essential for chasing Boggarts away
Banishes the "Boggarts" anomaly.
The loud sound of firecrackers will scare away the mischievous Boggarts in seconds.

(Former description) The loud sound of firecrackers will scare away the mischievous Boggarts in seconds

A Jar of Jam

A Jar of Jam
Required to summon Boggarts
Summons the "Boggarts" anomaly.
Boggarts have a sweet tooth. You just have to leave a jar of raspberry jam in the room and they're here in a flash.

(Former description) Boggarts, or brownies, as they are also called, have a sweet tooth. You just have to leave a jar of raspberry jam in the room and they're here in a flash



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