Scaly Gargoyle's Introduction
Scaly Gargoyle's collection #1 【Arabica collection】

Sub Quest Series #89
Thou Behold Our Wings!
#89-2【First-born Gargoyle 始まりのガーゴイル】⇦Prev  Next➡#89-4【Sound of Bells 鳴り響く鐘の音】

Scaly Gargoyle's Introduction
[Cowardly Gargoyle]
Sling - Explore any location in the City.
Scaled Gargoyle - Fight the Scaled Gargoyles.
何故かクエストの指示だけはscaled gargoyleになっている…
There's a new monster in the City - a Scaly Gargoyle. Scaly Gargoyle are more cowardly and meaner than their brethren. They rarely let their enemies get close to them. A sling is the best weapon for striking them from afar. Huntress

Careful beasts roam the skies above the City. An accurate shot is the only way to make the swamp beast drop its valuable trophy. Sling

Scales? Angry, elongated head with fangs? webbed wings? One might assume that bats and crocodiles were among its ancestors. Scaly gargoyles are much more cowardly and cunning that there brethren. It's better not to engage them in negotiations but to strike immediately. A sling is the most effective weapon against these beasts. Scaly Gargoyle
Scaly Gargoyle
A Scaly Gargoyle is a dangerous monster. It's good that you can deal with her with a sling, so as not to get too close. By the way, these monsters are crazy about smell of coffee and often take coffee beans with them. Huntress


Scaly Gargoyle❶ 【Arabica collection アラビカ種の収集】
India Ethiopia Brazil Guatemala Costa Rica Jar of coffee
インド産 エチオピア産 ブラジル産 グアテマラ産 コスタリカ産 コーヒー豆の瓶

【Arabica collection】 【アラビカ種の収集】 ※このコレクションのストーリーは連続しません
[Care for a Cup of Joe?]
Brazilian Coffee - Fight the Scaled Gargoyles.

I can hardly remember the last time I slept at night. For whatever reason, I always think more clearly after midnight. Today, as luck would have it, I've run out of my favorite Brazilian coffee. Whenever you try to find some good coffee in the City, you always run into gargoyles. The first time I barely escaped in one piece... If you manage to make it past them, do you think you could bring me a bag of coffee? Detective

最後に夜寝たのがいつだか、ほとんど記憶にないぜ。どういう訳か、俺は夜中になるほど頭が冴えるんだ。今日、ふと気が付いたら、お気に入りのブラジリアンコーヒーを切らしちまってたんだ。いいコーヒーをシティで見つけようとすると、どうしてもガーゴイルと出くわすことになるんだよな。最初の時は辛うじて無傷で逃げたんだが…。あいつらをどうにかできたら、コーヒーを一袋手に入れられるとは思わないか? ★a cup of Joe = a cup of coffee: 由来ははっきりしないが、米国海軍で時の海軍大臣ジョシファス=ダニエルズに船での飲酒を禁止され、代わりにコーヒーを飲む羽目になったため、皮肉を込めて一杯のジョーと呼ぶようになったという説が有力。
Coffee - my favorite Brazilian blend! It's a gift fit for a king! Thank you, now I'll be able to sit up until dawn without batting an eye. コーヒー、しかも俺のお気に入りのブラジリアンブレンドじゃないか!王への献上品になろうかってな品だな!感謝するよ、これで目をショボショボさせずに夜明けまで起きてられるぜ。 bat an eye: 瞬きする
[Irish Coffee]
Coffee - Fight the Scaled Gargoyles.

You don't look so hot... You need a pick-me-up - a good cup of coffee with a splash of cognac. But making such a drink is not easy. To get coffee, you have to defeat a gargoyle. Cognac, on the other hand, can be found in the Café. Martha

Let's have coffee, then I'll tell your fortune by reading the grounds. I don't normally tell the future like that, but with the way things are I want to leave no stone unturned. So, hold the cup in your left hand and turn clockwise three times. Let's see... a dagger. That means your enemies conspire against you. The coffee was delicious, but we failed to learn anything new. さあ、コーヒーを飲みましょう、飲み干したら、カップの底に残るコーヒーの滓(かす)を読んで、未来を占ってあげるわ。私は普段はこんな風に安易に未来を教えたりしないんだけど、どうにかなるならどうにかしたいって思うのが世の常ってもんでしょ。で、カップを左手に持って、時計回りに3回まわして。どれどれ…ダガーね。これの意味するところは、敵があなたに策謀を巡らせているということね。コーヒーは美味しかったけど、これといって新しいことは何も分からなかったわね。 the way things are: 世の習い、浮きの世の常
leave no stone unturned: 表にならない石を残さない⇒問題を解決したり何かを見けるためにできることを慎重に全てやる

Scaly Gargoyle❶ 【Arabica collection アラビカ種の収集】
India Ethiopia Brazil Guatemala Costa Rica Jar of coffee
インド産 エチオピア産 ブラジル産 グアテマラ産 コスタリカ産 コーヒー豆の瓶

Sub Quest Series #89
Thou Behold Our Wings!
#89-2【First-born Gargoyle 始まりのガーゴイル】⇦Prev  Next➡#89-4【Sound of Bells 鳴り響く鐘の音】

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