Adept's collection #5 【Fatal Whistles】

Sub Quest Series #U3
《Secret Maneuvers of the Shadow Cult》
#U3-8【Tesla Lanterns テスラの照明装置】⇦Prev Next➡#U3-
10【Protective Braiding 護りの組紐(くみひも)】

Adept❺【Fatal Whistles 破滅の笛】
Hunter's Duck Call Police Whistle Ultrasonic Whistle Rattle Whistle Sailor's Whistle Mystical Whistle
ハンターの鴨笛 警官のホイッスル 超音波ホイッスル ガラガラの
水夫のホイッスル 不思議な力を持つ

【Fatal Whistles】 【破滅の笛】  
[In Father's Memory]
Find the Hunter's Duck Call. - Fight the Adept.

Buddy, I was flipping through the card index of unsolved crimes last night and came across a curious case: the murder of the factory tycoon John Winters. It happened more than a hundred years ago. The killer was never found, and they couldn't even say how he was murdered! I see you're already interested. Well, buddy, will you help me with this investigation? Detective

相棒、昨日の晩俺は未解決事件の索引カードにパラパラと目を通してて、気になる事件にぶち当たったんだ-大物工場経営者のジョン=ウィンターズ殺人事件さ。百年以上前の事件ではあるんだがな。犯人は見付からず仕舞いで、殺害方法も不明と来てるんだぜ!分かってんだぞ、もうお前も興味が湧いてきてるんだろ。よっしゃ相棒、この捜査、手伝ってくれるか? tycoon: 産業界の大物、大富豪
💬元ネタが分からん…。古い未解決殺人事件のリストを見てみて、一番近いのがHarry Oakes殺人事件だったけど、どうだろう?未解決殺人事件として有名で、小説や映画にもなっているらしい。本当に小説みたいな事件で、下手するとこのストーリーより面白いかも…
Harry Oakes Wikipedia
- As usual Player (YOU) -もちろんさ、いつものようにね  
The case of John Winters' murder was closed. The killer was never found, and they never learned how he was murdered. Before his death, the famous tycoon shouted, "Whistle!" Strange, right? Let's look for whistles that belonged to people from the tycoon's social circle and bring them to Martha. She'll help us find the culprit. Find the first whistle. Detective

This duck call imitates the cry of ducks. Winters kept it as a reminder of his father, who was an avid hunter. I'm sure that this is our first step towards uncovering the mystery of the tycoon's death. この鴨笛は鴨の鳴き声に似た音で鳴るんだ。ウィンターズはこれを根っからのハンターだった父親の思い出として残してたのさ。きっとこれは大富豪の死の謎を暴くのに向けた第一歩になるぜ。 avid: 熱心な、貪欲な
[Bitter Rivals]
Find the Police Whistle. - Fight the Adept.

I never would've though that whistles would be the key to solving an old case. Let's look for a Police Whistle. If I'm not mistaken, the tycoon Winters had a bitter enemy inside the police force. Inspector

You've found the whistle of the policeman who spent his life trying to prove that Winters' business was illegal. This whistle will help us solve the mystery of the tycoon's death. 警官人生を賭けてウィンターズの違法取引を立証しようとした警察官のホイッスルを見付けたのだな。このホイッスルが大富豪の死の謎を解く助けとなってくれるさ。  
[Dog Lover]
Find the Ultrasonic Whistle. - Fight the Adept.

I looked at John Winters's case over the Detective's shoulder and managed to read that he was a dog lover. Maybe the whistle he shouted about before his death was an ultrasonic one, like the ones used to train dogs? Will you look for it? Valerie

刑事さんの肩越しにウィンターズの事件簿を覗いてたら、彼が犬の愛好家だったっていう箇所が目に入ったのよ。もしかすると彼が死の直前に叫んだホイッスルって、超音波の鳴るヤツだったんじゃない?ほら、犬の調教とかで使うようなヤツ。それを探してくれる? 💬刑事、警察のデータベースが盗み見られてるぞ!バレリーは好奇心で何処にでも忍び込みそうだなぁ…。
You've found the Ultrasonic Whistle that John Winters used to train his terriers. This whistle will also help us shed some light on his mysterious death. ジョン=ウインターズがペットのテリアを調教するのに使ってた超音波ホイッスルを見付けたのね。このホイッスルが彼の死の謎にも光明を当ててくれるわよ。  
[Little Heir]
Find the Rattle Whistle. - Fight the Adept.

The wealthy Winters was killed under mysterious circumstances, and we think that whistles could help us solve the case. I'm sure we'll find a whistle of some sort among the countless toys belonging to Winters' grandson. Shall we look? Cardsharp

Since when are children's rattle whistle made of gold? Could you let me borrow this toy once you're done with the Winters case? I'm a baby at heart! 子供用のガラガラってのはいつからゴールドで作られるようになったんだ?お前がウィンターズの事件を捜査し終えたら、この玩具を貸して貰ってもいいかい?俺の心は今もベイビーの様に純真なんだぜ! I'm a baby at heart: 俺の心はベイビーのようだ ※要するにinnocentだと遠回しに言っている。
I'm still a child at heart(未だに子供の心を持ってる)とかも言う。普通はいい意味。
[Lone Suspect]
Find the Sailor's Whistle. - Fight the Adept.

Whistles belonging to people from Winters' social circle should help us solve his murder. The only suspect in the Winters case was a boatswain who was visiting his house. Could you look for his whistle? Detective

ウィンターズの関係者の持ち物だったホイッスルはこの殺人事件を解くカギになるはずだ。ウィンターズ事件の唯一の容疑者は家を訪ねて来た甲板長だったんだ。その男のホイッスルを探してくれるか? boatswain: 甲板長
💬いちおうHarry Oakesの容疑者も義理の息子でcompetitive sailor ヨット競技とかの選手だった。この話のsailorとニュアンスが違うけどsailorはsailorだよな
The housekeeper's husband, a sailor who had just returned from his voyage, was suspected of killing the tycoon. Though he had a solid alibi, his whistle will lead us to the real killer. 家政婦の夫で水夫の男がちょうど長い航海から戻って来ていて、大富豪を殺害した容疑をかけられてたんだ。だがこの男には完璧なアリバイがあってな、そのホイッスルがきっと本物の殺人犯に繋がるさ。  
[The True Killer]
Learn the killer's identity. - Assemble the "Fatal Whistles" collection.

You've collected all the whistles connected to the life of John Winters, and now I can ask the spirits to reveal the truth about his death. Take a step back, I need to carefully read the energy of the whistles you brought. Bring some artifacts to help me focus. Martha

The otherworldly spirits have answered my call and a sixth whistle has appeared in the circle of the five whistles. That's the one that was fatal for John Winters. No! Don't touch it! It's marked by the dark seal of the Shadow Cult, and its whistle drives out the souls of any who hear it. この世ならぬ場所のスピリットたちが私の呼びかけに答えてくれたのね、六番目のホイッスルが五つのホイッスルの円の中に現れたわよ。これこそがジョン=ウィンターズに破滅を齎したホイッスル。ノー!触らないで!それにはシャドウ教団の闇の印が刻まれているわ、このホイッスルはその音を聴いた者の魂を奪ってしまうのよ。 ※直訳は、その音は(体から)魂を追い出してしまう
John Winters was a talented businessman. So of course the Shadow Cult tried to recruit him... But when Winters refused, they took revenge on him, using a fatal whistle to drive the soul from his body. That's why the method of murder was never determined.
Ah... This case reminded me of something important: we may forget about the Shadow Cult, but it never forgets about us.

💬地味にシャドウ教団が悪さをしてるな。元ネタのHarry Oakesの方が結構ショッキングだったもんだから、こっちが地味に感じてしまったよ…。ハリーは後頭部が陥没した焼け焦げ死体が、羽毛まみれの状態で室内で見付かったんだぜ?しかも地元警察は買収されてるのか非協力的で、旦那を容疑者にされた実の娘が探偵を雇って真相を解明しようとしたっておまけつきだ!こんな短い話じゃ盛り込み切らないな(笑)
- We have to stay alert Player (YOU) -警戒を続けないといけませんね  

Adept❺【Fatal Whistles 破滅の笛】
Hunter's Duck Call Police Whistle Ultrasonic Whistle Rattle Whistle Sailor's Whistle Mystical Whistle
ハンターの鴨笛 警官のホイッスル 超音波ホイッスル ガラガラの
水夫のホイッスル 不思議な力を持つ

Sub Quest Series #U3
《Secret Maneuvers of the Shadow Cult》
#U3-8【Tesla Lanterns テスラの照明装置】⇦Prev Next➡#U3-
10【Protective Braiding 護りの組紐(くみひも)】

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