Now Removed 現在削除されました

🚂Railcar  (鉄道車両)

*Removed from City's map in Feb 2020

*This location wasn't in the Dungeons, but behind the Station, the left of City Hall


*BGM in 2016

Dungeons' Entrance ダンジョン入り口⇦Prev  Next➡Hall of Wisdom 叡智の殿堂


Location Entrance ロケーション入口

The station caved in when the plane crashed. Now the platform is occupied by the front part of the plane's fuselage and other debris. A detailed inspection may reveal a number of interesting items.



★Sub quest series 《Intrigue against the Conductor コンダクターに対する陰謀
【Paracelsus' First-aid Kit パラケルススの救命キット


Dungeons' Entrance ダンジョン入り口⇦Prev  Next➡Hall of Wisdom 叡智の殿堂


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