Now Removed 現在削除されました

Hall of Wisdom  (叡智の殿堂)

*Moved from map to the Dungeons in Feb 2020, when City Hall was renewed
*Removed from Dungeons in Jul-Aug 2020


Railcar 鉄道車両⇦Prev  Next➡Room of Fate Reflection 鏡の中の運命の部屋

*Go to 🏛City Hall 市役所


Dungeons' Entrance 地下迷宮入り口

Hall of Wisdom is enveloped in predawn haze. Suddenly, an old book falls off a shelf by itself. What secret does the City want you to know?


Location's Entrance ロケーション入り口

Hall of Wisdom is enveloped in predawn haze. Suddenly, an old book falls off a shelf by itself. What secret does the City want you to know?

City Hall inside


❶【Borgia treasure ボルジア家の秘宝】 (№2)


❷【Art of Ballet バレエのスキル


❸【Thieving Magpie 盗みを働く鵲(カササギ)


❹【Silver Tea Set 銀のティーセット


❺【Enchanted Poseidon 魔法にかけられたポセイドン


❻【Balance of Power 力の均衡


❼【Aquarium アクアリウム


❽【Grail Incarnate 顕現(けんげん)した聖杯


Railcar 鉄道車両⇦Prev  Next➡Room of Fate Reflection 鏡の中の運命の部屋


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