Crash Site's collection #6 【Grandmother's Brooch】

Sub Quest Series #55
《So-Called Curse Attractor》
#55-3【Detective's Orangery 刑事の温室】⇦Prev Next➡#55-5【Nitocris's Final Journey ニトクリス最期の旅路】

 Crash Site❻ 【Grandmother's Brooch 祖母のブローチ】
Golden needle Ancient pendant Decorative plate Dim stone Broken frame Assyrian brooch
金の針 古代のペンダント 装飾プレート 鈍く光る石 壊れたフレーム アッシリアのブローチ

【Grandmother's Brooch】 【祖母のブローチ】  
[Attack in the Fog]
Find the rim. - Explore the Crash Site.
Ah, monsieur! Help me! I was just walking down the street when someone leaped out of the fog and grabbled me! I defended myself as well as I could and managed to escape! It was terrible, monsieur! And completely unthinkable in our City! Juliette

- What a nightmare! Player (YOU) -そりゃあ災難だったね!  
You need evidence?! Please... I had a brooch on my collar, but It fell onto the sidewalk, ringing against the stone. If we find the brooch, then will you believe that I was attacked? Juliette

Oh! This is the filigree rim from my brooch. My family heirloom has been broken! ああっ!これ、私のブローチの透かし細工の縁飾りよ。家に代々伝わる品だったのに、壊れちゃったのね! ★filigree: 金銀などで筋状に施された透かし細工
[Golden Needle]
Find the Golden Needle. - Explore the Crash Site.
When the villain grabbed me, the brooch must have come undone and pricked him! If we find the brooch's needle, with traces of blood on it, then monsieur Detective will surely be able to find out who that madman was and what he wanted! Juliette

You see, monsieur? There are drops of blood on the needle! It must be the blood of the man who attacked me in the fog! I'm sure he had terrible intentions! ムッシュー、ほらこれが見えて?針の上に血が付いてるでしょ!霧から私を攻撃してきた男の血液に違いないわ!きっと恐ろしい事を企てていたのよ!  
O holy Mary, I remember monsieur Detective told me that the fresher the clues, the faster the case can be solved! I beg of you, run to the Detective and give him the needle. Juliette

ああ聖なるマリアよ、何てことかしら、思い出したわ、刑事さんが言ってらしたの、手がかりっていうのは新しければ新しいほど、事件を早く解決できるんだって!どうかお願い、刑事さんの処へ走って行って、この針を渡していただきたいの。 I beg of you: I beg youのフォーマル版。かなりちゃんとしたお願いで使う。
- I'll hurry. Player (YOU) -急いで向かうよ。  
[Investigative Methods]
Find the Revealing Solution. - Explore any location in the City in "Silhouettes" mode.
Juliette was attacked? And the criminal's blood is on this needle? But how can we identify the attacker without a laboratory!? I've heard about a special revealing solution that can show us whether this blood belongs to a man or monster. At least that's something. Could you find it for me? Detective

ジュリエットが攻撃されたって?で、その犯人の血がこの針に付いてるだと?しかし分析装置もなしにどうやってその襲撃者を特定する!?特殊な可視化液の話を聞いたことがあるんだ、それがあればこの血液が人間のモノかモンスターのモノかが分かるぞ。少なくともないよりマシだ。お前、それを見付けて来てくれないか? at least that's something: 少なくともないよりマシ ※何かしらは分かるから、最悪の予想よりは悪くないと言う意味。that's somethingは、驚いた時の感想としても使う。
Bingo! We have the Revealing Solution. Look at the key on the back: blue means the blood belongs to a man, red a monster, green a zombie and yellow means a ghost. ビンゴ!可視化液が手に入ったぞ。背中に説明書きがあるな-青は人間の血液、赤はモンスター、緑はゾンビ、黄色はゴースト、だとよ。  
[In Search of a Brooch]
Find the Pendant. - Explore the Crash Site.
I fear that one drop of blood isn't enough for an investigation! Blood might have gotten on the other parts of the brooch too! Let's find them. We should probably start with the pendant. Detective

I've inspected the pendant from Juliette brooch. It doesn't have a speck of a blood on it! ジュリエットのブローチのペンダントを調べてみたんだがな。僅かな血液すら付いてなかったぜ! not have a speck of~: わずかの~もない
[Return What Was Stolen]
Take back the brooch piece. - Fight against the Gargoyles.
Well, we'll have to continue our search... Oh no! Some sort of monster just grabbed something shiny on the ground and ran off into an alleyway! It could have been a piece of the brooch! Detective

Let's inspect our trophies. I think this gold plate is what we're looking for. But it doesn't have any blood on it either! Has our investigation reached a dead end? さて、戦利品を調べてみるか。この金のプレートが探してたヤツじゃないかと思うんだがな。だがこれにも血液は付いてないぜ!俺たちの捜査はここで袋小路か?  
[Memories the Criminal]
Find the Keeper of Blood. - Explore the Organ Room.
Keeper of Blood
I just had a thought - maybe we should look for the Keeper of Blood? Even one drop is enough for the Keeper to memorise it forever! The trouble is, I have no idea where to find him. Detective

Now that we have the Keeper, let's put in the drop of blood, the revealing solution and ... Well would you look at that - it's green. Green means the blood belongs to a zombie. A zombie? It's probably time to ask Juliette what this strange brooch actually is. さて番人を手に入れたから、血液と可視化液を加えて…。こりゃどういうこった-緑だぞ。緑ってことはつまり、ゾンビの血液だ。ゾンビだと?これはジュリエットにこの奇妙なブローチは本当のところは何なのかを聞くべきだろうな。 (well) would you look at that: 驚きなどを現す時の間投詞の一種。
[Mummies and Antiquities]
Find the Gemstone. - Explore the Crash Site.
Well... Actually, I don't know much about it. Only that my grandmother was given the brooch by her beloved - a young archaeologist. He called her his Cleopatra. That was it! Juliette

- Well I'll be. Player (YOU) -そりゃびっくりだな。 well, I'll be (damn): 驚いた時の間投詞
Just I suspected! The attack on Juliette was perpetrated by a mummy. We need to return the brooch to the mummies otherwise they'll come for it again. But the brooch is still broken - the central gemstone is missing. Let's look for it. Detective

俺の睨(にら)んだ通りだ!ジュリエットを襲ったのはミイラだったのさ。このブローチをミイラどもに返す必要があるな、でないとやつらはこれを取りにまた来るぞ。だがブローチはまだ壊れたままだ-真ん中の宝石が失くなってるからな。それを探そう。 perpetrate: 犯罪を犯す
That wasn't easy. In spite of everything, we've got the gemstone! 簡単とはいかなかったな。だが、とにもかくにも、宝石を手に入れたぞ!  
[Phoenix the Restorer]
Find the Phoenix Amulet. - Explore the Capel Basement.
Phoenix Amulet
Hmm... the brooch is completely broken and only magic can restore it. I once saw someone repair a broken Chinese vase using the Phoenix amulet. We should try and find this wonderful thing. Detective

うーん…、ブローチは完全に壊れちまってて、戻すには魔法を使うしかないな。誰ぞが壊れた中国の壺を直すのに、フェニックスのアミュレットを使ってるのを見たことがあるんだ。その素晴らしいアイテムをどうにか探し出さにゃならんな。 ★豆知識:vaseは実は英米で発音が全然違う。英ヴァーズ、米ヴェィス
This is very useful, it'll be a shame to give it away. But we can't use it ourselves - as soon as we combine all the pieces of the brooch, the mummies will swarm us. There's a whole crowd of them in the City. こいつはえらい便利だな、手放さなくちゃならんとは残念だ。とは言え、俺たちがこれを使うわけにもいかんだろう-ブローチの欠片を全部つなぎ合わせた途端に、ミイラどもが群がって来るに決まってる。シティにはミイラがわんさといるんだからな。  
[A Cunning Plan]
Find a skein of rope. - Explore the Crash Site.
A skein rope
I suggest we put all the pieces of the brooch into a parcel along with the amulet, and leave it in the catacombs. But, if I'm honest, I have no desire whatsoever to go down there. Of course, we could lower the package down using a rope. Do you have any rope? Detective

提案なんだが、ブローチの欠片を全部そのアミュレットと一緒に包みに入れて、カタコンベに置いてくるってのはどうだ。だが正直なところ、俺はあんな処に降りていく気は毛頭ない。となれば、ロープを使ってその荷物を降ろすのでも良いよな。お前なんかロープ持ってないか? 💬シティの地下には、地下迷宮とカタコンベとなんかいろいろあるんですね…。
Well done my friend! We have the rope! We're almost there! でかした、さすがだぜ友よ!ロープが手に入ったぞ!もう解決したも同然だな!  
[New Owners]
Give away the brooch. - Assemble the "Grandmother's Brooch" collection.
Since the dead like this brooch so much, I doubt Juliette will ever want to wear it again. Let's hurry up and give it to the mummies so we can forget this terrible story. Detective

As soon as I lowered the rope, a bandaged hand shot out of the darkness and carried the package off into the catacombs! The mummies no longer have any reason to attack Juliette or trouble the poor girl! ロープを降ろした途端に、包帯だらけの手が暗闇から突き出て来てカタコンベに荷物を持ってっちまったぞ!これでミイラどもはもう訳もなくジュリエットを攻撃したりか弱い乙女を悩ませることもないってこった!  

 Crash Site❻ 【Grandmother's Brooch 祖母のブローチ】
Golden needle Ancient pendant Decorative plate Dim stone Broken frame Assyrian brooch
金の針 古代のペンダント 装飾プレート 鈍く光る石 壊れたフレーム アッシリアのブローチ

Sub Quest Series #55
《So-Called Curse Attractor》
#55-3【Detective's Orangery 刑事の温室】⇦Prev Next➡#55-5【Nitocris's Final Journey ニトクリス最期の旅路】

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