Organ Room's collection #4, #10 【Shadow Music】

Sub Quest Series #68
《Master of the Black Castle》
#68-2【Chapel Basement 礼拝堂の地下室】⇦Prev Next➡#68-4【Voodoo Doll ブードゥー人形】

 Organ Room❹❿【Shadow Music 幻の旋律】
Musical Instrument Soul Strings Amulet of Alchemist Fiery Note Music book of secrets Shadow tuning fork
楽器 魂の弦 錬金術師の
炎の音符 神秘の力を持つ

【Shadow Music】 【幻の音楽】  
Get the Amulet of Alchemist. - Fight against the Werewolves.
It's as if the werewolves have gone crazy today! They keep howling nonstop. It's already given me a headache. With my mind's eye, I saw some sort of strange golden amulet around their leader's neck. If you can get your hands on it, then we might be able to find out why those monsters are behaving so strangely. Martha

What a strange amulet. It's a musical note embedded in a gold ring. Now I remember! Once, the Master sealed the Organ with this amulet, to make it play the inaudible music of Order forever. 何て奇妙なアミュレットかしら。金の輪っかの中に音符が嵌めこまれてる。これには覚えがあるわ!以前、マスターはこのアミュレットであのオルガンを封印してたのよ、人の耳には聞こえない「秩序の旋律」を延々と流させるためにね。  
[Invisible Tuning Fork]
Find the violin. - Explore the Organ Room.
It seems that someone has stolen the amulet and now the Organ is playing the soundless melody of Chaos, which is driving the werewolves insane and inflicting misfortune and disaster on the town. You can tune the Organ using a special shadow, tuning fork. But the tuning fork will only sound right when the music of Order is playing. That means that our only choice is to play that music ourselves using the music sheets the Master left. Martha

- That's bad. Player (YOU) -最悪。
When tuning the Organ, the Master used a creation of the great maestro Stradivari. That means that in order to play the music of Order, we need a special Stradivarius violin strung with soul strings. Martha

オルガンを調律する時には、マスターは偉大なマエストロ、ストラディバリの作品を使っていたの。つまり「秩序の旋律」を奏でるためには魂の弦を張った特殊なストラディバリウスのバイオリンが必要ってわけ。 maestro マエストロ:masterのイタリア語。名匠の意
★Stradivari ストラディバリ:世界最高と謳われたバイオリンなどの名器を作った天才弦楽器職人。
★Stradivarius ストラディバリウス: 最後にウスが付くとストラディバリの弦楽器を指す。ストラディバリの作った楽器にはStradivarius Cremonensis ストラディバリウス・クレモネンシス(クレモナのストラディバリ)というラベルが張られていた事からそう呼ばれるようになった。-usはラテン語の語尾の一種(属格)、-ensisも地名をラテン語風に変える場合に使う語尾
This is a wonderful violin. Stradivari was a true master. Look... the violin hasn't aged or decayed at all. これは素晴らしいバイオリンね。ストラディバリは真の名匠だったんだわ。ご覧なさい…、このバイオリンは全く古くなっても悪くなってもいないでしょ。  
[Soul Strings]
Find the soul strings. - Explore the Organ Room.
How terrible! The Stradivarius has no strings. Only an instrument strung with soul strings can play the melody of Order. Find them. Martha

Great! The soul strings are now right where they should be - on the maestro's violin. やったわね!これで魂の弦はあるべきところに収まったのよ-マエストロのバイオリンにね。  
[Burning Music]
Find the fiery notes. - Explore the Organ Room.
We have the violin we need, now we just have to figure out how to play it. The spirits told me about the fiery notes the Master used to write down the melody of Order. I'm sure you can find at least one of them. Martha

You say the fiery note doesn't burn your hand? How strange! But the fiery notes can't be written onto ordinary paper; it just catches fire immediately. その炎の音符は持っても火傷しないって言うの?そりゃ奇妙だわね!でもその炎の音符は普通の紙には書けないわよ、すぐに炎に包まれてしまうもの。  
[Fireproof Notebook]
Return the Music Book of Secrets. - Explore the Organ Room.
The Master wrote down the unique order of the notes in a special, secret music book. The spirits don't answer me when I ask them where it is, but I'm sure you can find it. Martha

The book really does have a secret - its entire cover has symbols and drawings woven into it. I think there must be magic in this book that protects its pages from fire. この楽譜には本当に秘密があるのね-表紙全体に記号と図形が編み込まれてるわ。思うにこの楽譜には炎からそのページを守る魔法がかけられているはずよ。  
[Sounds of Order]
Tune the Organ. - Assemble the "Shadow Music" collection.
Now we have a Stradivarius violin. There are just a few moments left before the fiery notes will start to go out. Hurry and make the shadow tuning fork ring in union with the melody of Order... then tune the Organ. Martha

You did it! The Organ of Life has begun to play the beautiful music of Order. And... oh, thank the astral spheres, the werewolves have finally quietened down. やったわね!命のオルガンは美しい「秩序の旋律」を奏で始めたわ。そして…、ああ、この世ならぬ存在よ感謝します、狼男たちがついに落ち着きを取り戻したわね。 ★Life of Organ:あのオルガンの正式名称は「命のオルガン」だったんですね…。

 Organ Room❹❿【Shadow Music 幻の旋律】
Musical Instrument Soul Strings Amulet of Alchemist Fiery Note Music book of secrets Shadow tuning fork
楽器 魂の弦 錬金術師の
炎の音符 神秘の力を持つ

【Shadow Music (2)】 【幻の旋律(2)】  
[Everything for Friendship]
Infuse Cardsharp's Cards - Complete the "Shadow Music" collection by exploring the Organ Room.
Hi, buddy. Remember me? I think I have some business for you. I've heard that Martha was infusing her cards with musical energy to make them work better! Can you do the same for me? I need a win so badly! Cardsharp

Now my cards play as if the music is within them! I can beat anyone with a stack like that. I just need to put it on a table quick! What a room! What an Organ! Thank you! これで俺のカードも例の旋律が内から湧き上がって来るかのようだぞ!コイツをカードに仕込んでおけば、向かう所敵なしだ。とっととテーブルについてコイツを広げなくっちゃな!何と素晴らしい部屋!何と素晴らしいオルガン!ありがとうよ! with a stack: カードに(インチキな何かを)仕込んでおく。
It's strange, but I feel like something has been drawing me to this room all morning! It's so beautiful here! This Organ is huge! It's the biggest in the world, am I right?! The second I was inside the Organ Room, my locket lit up and started playing music! Valerie

変ねぇ、でも何だか朝からこの部屋に呼ばれてる気がするのよね!ここってホントに綺麗!このオルガンってばでっかいのね!世界で一番大きいんでしょ、なのよね?!このオルガン室に足を踏み入れた途端、私のロケットが光って音楽を奏で始めたんだけど! 💬で、狼男を狂わせてたネックレスがバレリーのネックレスになって、最初に戻るって事でしょうか…?
- Oh, ladies! Player (YOU) -ああもう、これだから女性ってのは! oh, ladies!: 複数形なのは世の女性全般を言っているから。ああもう、世のご婦人てのは!

 Organ Room❹❿【Shadow Music 幻の旋律】
Musical Instrument Soul Strings Amulet of Alchemist Fiery Note Music book of secrets Shadow tuning fork
楽器 魂の弦 錬金術師の
炎の音符 神秘の力を持つ

Sub Quest Series #68
《Master of the Black Castle》
#68-2【Chapel Basement 礼拝堂の地下室】⇦Prev Next➡#68-4【Voodoo Doll ブードゥー人形】

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