Halls of Samhain's collection #10 【Fugitives with Burning Eyes】

Sub Quest Series #86
《When the Gate of the Otherworld Open》
#86-2【Halloween Masquerade ハロウィーンの仮装】⇦Prev Next➡#86-4【Halloween in Danger ハロウィーン、危機一髪】

Halls of Samhain❿ 【Fugitives with Burning Eyes 燃える瞳の逃亡者】
Owl Pumpkin Cat Pumpkin Cobweb Pumpkin Vampire Pumpkin Landscape Pumpkin Pumpkin Lord's Rod
梟パンプキン 猫パンプキン 蜘蛛の巣
風景パンプキン パンプキン・

【Fugitives with Burning Eyes】 【燃える瞳の逃亡者】  
[Illusion of Flight]
Find the Owl Pumpkin. - Explore the Halls of Samhain.
Did you know that magical pumpkins escaped from the Halls of Samhain? I saw them on the streets - creepy yet terribly cute, they're a real Halloween decoration! But magical pumpkins need magical energy from the Halls of Samhain, otherwise they'll become ordinary pumpkins again. It will be a shame if the City loses such a curiosity; the Spirits of the Wild Hunt won't be happy about this either...
We need to find these runaways and return them to the Halls of Samhain. Will you help?

- Sure! Player (YOU) -もっちろんさ!  
Martha said that magical pumpkins can create minor illusions. Look, over there! It seems that it's a pumpkin lantern flying from branch to branch. I think it's the magical Owl Pumpkin that escaped from the Halls of Samhain.
It's obviously hiding somewhere nearby, let's look for it.

from branch to branch: fromとtoの後に全く同じものが来るときは両方とも無冠詞になる。でもちょっとでも違うと冠詞が付く。from a mango branch to an apple branchとか
The Owl Pumpkin is charming, right? We should return it to the Halls of Samhain, otherwise it'll lose its magic and become an ordinary pumpkin. 梟パンプキンって可愛くない?この仔をサーウィンの大広間に返してあげなくっちゃ、じゃないと魔力を失ってフツーのパンプキンになっちゃうのよ。 💬パンプキンに盛り上がるバレリーが一番可愛い(笑)
[Orange Cat]
Find the Cat Pumpkin. - Explore the Halls of Samhain.
Here kitty, kitty! Today I'm not just feeding the City's cats. Look, they came running for the snacks. There are black cats, striped cats, and ginger cats,,, And here is an orange one - the magical Cat Pumpkins.
We should return it to the Halls of Samhain. Catch it!

ginger cat: 茶色っぽい猫のこと。生姜色って事なんだろうか?
The Cat Pumpkin won't scratch you, it's just a magical illusion. So, this pumpkin still has some magic in it. Quickly, let's take it home. 猫パンプキンは引っ搔かないわよ、その仔はただの魔法の幻影なんだから。つまりこのパンプキンはまだ魔力を持ってるって事ね。急いで、その仔をおうちに連れて帰りましょう。  
[Illusion of a Cobweb]
Find the Cobweb Pumpkin. - Explore the Halls of Samhain.
Most of the magical pumpkins haven't fled far. Look - one of them conjured the illusion of a spider web on the window of a house nearby. This is the filigree work of a Cobweb Pumpkin.
Catch it and return it to the Halls of Samhain.

The Cobweb Pumpkin needs magical energy. Let's take it to the Halls of Samhain, so it can continue to decorate them with its skilled weaving. 蜘蛛の巣パンプキンには魔力が必要ね。サーウィンの大広間に連れて行ってあげましょう、そうすればその器用な機織りで、引き続きあそこを飾り付けてくれるでしょ。 💬サーウィンの大広間の蜘蛛の巣ってパンプキンの幻影だったのか。それは引っかからなくていいかもな。実は蜘蛛の巣ってそんな嫌いじゃないけど。
[Pumpkin's Bite]
Find the Vampire Pumpkin. - Explore the Halls of Samhain.
Be careful, a vampire just swooped down on us! Phew, it was just an illusion. That means a Vampire Pumpkin is nearby. A brisk one too!
But even this pumpkin will lose its magic if we don't return it to the Halls of Samhain. Catch it!

swoop: 鳥などが空から獲物に飛びかかる
brisk: キビキビしてて元気がいい
Don't worry, the bite of the Vampire Pumpkin won't turn you into a vampire not a pumpkin - it's just an illusion. Lock it in the Halls of Samhain so that it doesn't lose its magic. 心配しないで、ヴァンパイア・パンプキンに噛まれてもヴァンパイアじゃなくてパンプキンになったりしないから-ただの幻影よ。その仔が魔力を失わないように、サーウィンの大広間に閉じ込めておいて。 💬ほぼ無害なんだから自由に遊ばせてやりたいような気もするな。どこにいるかさえ分かればいいんじゃないか?
[Magical Landscape]
Find the Landscape Pumpkin. - Explore the Halls of Samhain.
This orange-colored tree that stretches its branches to passersby is clearly of magical origin. This is the mischievous illusion of the Landscape Pumpkin. Let's bring it back to the Halls of Samhain before it runs out of magic. Valerie

It took some special magic mastery to create this terribly enchanted Landscape Pumpkin. It would be a shame if it lost its magical properties. このすんごい魔法のかかった風景パンプキンを創り出すには、特殊な魔法習得が必要なんだって。この仔がその魔法の力を失っちゃったりしたら、きっと残念に思うと思うのよ。  
[Absolute Power]
Get the Pumpkin Lord's Rod. - Assemble the "Fugitives with Burning Eyes." collection.
We haven't found all the runaways yet, and the clock is ticking. If we don't return the magical pumpkins to the Halls of Samhain soon, they'll lose their magic. Oh, we won't make it in time... Let's ask the City for help! All we need it some artifacts - and our request will be heard. Valerie

Look, the City responded to our request: an unusual item has appeared in the circle of artifacts. This is the Pumpkin Lord's Rod! Now we can gather all the magical pumpkins in the Halls of Samhain with one sweep! In there, they will keep their magic until the next Halloween. 見て、シティが私たちの要望に応えてくれたのよ-だって、ちょっと変わった何かがアーティファクトの魔方陣の中に現れたもの。これってパンプキン・ロードの杖じゃない!これで私たち、杖を一振りするだけで魔法のパンプキンたちみんなをサーウィンの大広間に集める事ができるわ!あそこでなら、あの仔たちは次のハロウィーンまで魔力を保っておけるのよ。  
We saved the magical pumpkins, but what about the ordinary ones? Maybe with the Pumpkin Lord's Rod I'll be able to turn pumpkin lanterns into pumpkin pies? Waste not, want not! Hmm, the magic rod doesn't seem to affect ordinary pumpkins...
But what is this aroma? It's coming from Lady Rosemary's house. I think she made a wonderful pumpkin pie. It's not magical but does have cinnamon. Let's drop by for the recipe.

waste not, want not: 浪費なければ、不足なし ※賢く物を使えば、物が足りなくなることもない、という格言。節約が大事という意味なのだが、バレリーの使い方はなんかちょっと違う。
- And a piece of pie! Player (YOU) -それにパイを一切れね! 💬あ、いいなー、自分も一切れ欲しい!

Halls of Samhain❿ 【Fugitives with Burning Eyes 燃える瞳の逃亡者】
Owl Pumpkin Cat Pumpkin Cobweb Pumpkin Vampire Pumpkin Landscape Pumpkin Pumpkin Lord's Rod
梟パンプキン 猫パンプキン 蜘蛛の巣
風景パンプキン パンプキン・

Sub Quest Series #86
《When the Gate of the Otherworld Open》
#86-2【Halloween Masquerade ハロウィーンの仮装】⇦Prev Next➡#86-4【Halloween in Danger ハロウィーン、危機一髪】


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