Sunny Terrace's collection #10 【Bird Trail】

Sub Quest Series #69
《Harbingers of Spring》
69-5【Bird Day 鳥日和(とりびより)】⇦Prev Next➡69-7【Along the Animal Paths 獣道を辿った先には】

Sunny Terrace❿ 【Bird Trail 鳥の飛跡(ひせき)】
Light Buoys Multicolored Lamp Garden Lights Amber Beacon Amulet of the Winds Flock of Birds
光るブイ 虹色のランプ ガーデン・ライト 琥珀のビーコン 風のアミュレット 鳥の群れ

【Bird Trail】 【鳥の飛跡(ひせき)】  
Find the Light Buoys. - Explore the "Halls of Samhain" location.
★Meiden of Spring 春の乙女:Spirit of Spring春の精の事。なぜだか色が薄い時と濃い時で名前が違う。
My birds, my faithful messengers of spring. They should have returned from the Forest of Spring long ago. What happened? Meiden of Spring
I think the fog has risen high into the sky, obscuring the birds' path home. Because of this, the birds couldn't find their way to the City. Doorkeeper
Oh, no! We need to help the stray birds return! After all, they must inform everyone about spring, singing about its arrival in their songs. Meiden of Spring
My lovely birds haven't come back for many days! I'm afraid they might get lost in the fog that's covering the skies. I know how to help the birds find their way to the City, but I can manage much faster with you. Help me find special light buoys! Meiden of Spring

Wonderful, you managed to find the light buoys! Thank you for your help. When the birds fly over water, the light of these buoys will be visible even from the heavens. Hopefully, they'll guide my feathered friends in the right direction. 素晴らしい、光るブイを見付け出してくれたのですね!手を貸してくれて感謝しますよ。鳥たちが水の上を飛ぶ際には、このブイの光が天空からでも見える事でしょう。願わくば、これが私の羽の生えた友人たちを正しい方角に導いてくれると良いのですが。 heaven: skyの比喩
Find the Multicolored Lamp. - Explore the "Alley" location.
One of the terrible properties of the fog is that no stars or lights are visible in its thick clouds. We need a source of bright light, one that will break through the darkness... I know! Can you help me get a multicolored lamp? The brighter you find, the better! Helen

The lamp you brought shines as bright as the sun. I'll help the Maiden place it as high as possible so the birds can see this multicolored glow through the fog. I'm sure the light of such a lamp will be an excellent guide for anyone who is looking for a way to the City. あなたが持って来てくれたランプは太陽の様に明るいですわね。私は春の乙女が出来るだけ高い場所にこれを置くのを手伝ってきますわ、鳥たちが霧を通してこの虹色の光を見る事が出来る様に。私、このようなランプの光なら、シティへの道を探す者に対する素晴らしい案内役になってくれると思っておりますの。  
Find the Garden Lights. Explore the "Pagoda of Legends" location.
The fog surrounding the City is unusual: it doesn't dissipate closer to the ground. If my birds don't see the surface in time when landing, they may... I don't even want to think about it. Let's find some garden lights. The birds won't be able to land without them! Meiden of Spring

You brought so many garden lights! They not only shine brilliantly but also look like magic flowers. Quick, let's install them in the garden, where birds come to rest after a long flight. I hope that we'll soon hear their beautiful singing. 随分とたくさんのガーデン・ライトを持って来てくれましたね!しかもこのライトは明るいだけでなく、魔法の花の様に見えますよ。急いでこれを春の森の中庭に設置しましょう、鳥たちは長い飛行の後にはそこに休みに来るのです。あの仔たちの美しいさえずりが間もなく聞けると良いのですが。 ★the garden (春の森の)中庭:いきなりthe gardenと出て来てどこのことやらだが、Easter Picnicの辺りをthe gardenと呼んでいるっぽい。当初の話によれば、あれはglade(森の中の空き地)だそうだから。
Find the Amber Beacon. - Explore the "Bedroom" location.
I love spring, and birdsongs have always brought me happiness. I know how to help the birds. Did you know that amber is considered heavenly dew that holds in the heat of the sun? Let's try to find an amber beacon. Its light can cover a huge distance! Amina

妾(わらわ)は春を大変慕わしく思っております、鳥のさえずりはいつも妾(わらわ)に幸せを齎してくれますがゆえ。琥珀は太陽の熱を秘めたる天の朝露だと考えられている事はご存じでしたか?どうにか琥珀のビーコンを見付けましょう。あれの光なら遠くまで届きますよ! 💬なんだかすごい突然アミーナが出て来たぞ…。アミーナはレディ=ピーコックとの入れ替わりで出て来た割に出番が少ないからなぁ。でもキャラがイマイチはっきりしないかも。今後に期待?
Incredible, you've found a real amber beacon! I can feel a warm light coming from it. It seems like the amber in the beacon's center is indeed filled with solar energy. Do you think the birds will also sense it in the cold fog? 素晴らしい、本物の琥珀のビーコンを見付けたのですね!温かい光が出ているのが感じられます。このビーコンの中心にある琥珀は、本当に太陽のエネルギーで満たされているような気がしますわ。これなら冷たい霧の中でも鳥たちが感じ取れるとお思いになりませんこと?  
Find the Amulet of the Winds. - Explore the "Santa's Workshop" location.
I'll use some spring magic and send the wind spirits to help my birds, lost in the fog. The spirits will drive away the fog for a while, clearing the bird trails. Where is my amulet of the winds? Ah, help me find it. Meiden of Spring

私はいくつか春の魔法を使って、霧の中で迷子になった鳥たちの応援に風の精たちを送り込むつもりでいるのです。精霊たちはしばらくの間、霧を薙ぎ払い、鳥の飛行ルートの視界を確保してくれるでしょう。あら、私の風のアミュレットはどこに?ああ、探すのを手伝って下さいな。 💬いつも穏やかで失敗しないイメージの春の精が、失くしモノをするとは珍しいな。これが秋の精なら不思議でもなんでもないんだが。
Thank you for finding my amulet of the winds. I've already activated it with my spring magic and summoned the wind spirits. This little thing was presented to me by Lady Autumn. She's the one in charge of the element of wind, but with such an amulet, I can also ask for help from her autumn spirits. 私の風のアミュレットを見付けてくれてありがとう。もう既に春の魔法でこれに働きかけ、風の精を呼び寄せました。この小さな品はレディ・オータムから私に贈られたものなのです。風の力を担当しているのは彼女なのですが、このようなアミュレットがあれば、私でも秋の精霊からの助けを乞う事が出来るのですよ。 in charge of~: ~を担当する、~の責任を担う
💬自然の4大元素ってfire, air, water, earthだっけ?air - spring - east, fire - summer - south, water - autumn - west, earth - winter - northだったはずだが…。このthe element of windはairとは関係ないんだな。
Contact the heavens. - Assemble the "Bird Trail" collection.
We've place illuminated signposts all over the City and sent wind spirits to disperse the fog, but the wait is unbearable! Maybe we should ask the heavens themselves if our signals helped the birds? Please lend me some artifacts so the heavens can hear my question. Meiden of Spring

The heavens said that the birds, warmed by the amber beacon's heat, have swept over the light buoys and are already approaching the lights in the garden. Look, a flock of birds! They managed to find their way to the City. Do you hear their joyful singing?
They thank you!

Sunny Terrace❿ 【Bird Trail 鳥の飛跡(ひせき)】
Light Buoys Multicolored Lamp Garden Lights Amber Beacon Amulet of the Winds Flock of Birds
光るブイ 虹色のランプ ガーデン・ライト 琥珀のビーコン 風のアミュレット 鳥の群れ

Sub Quest Series #69
《Harbingers of Spring》
69-5【Bird Day 鳥日和(とりびより)】⇦Prev Next➡69-7【Along the Animal Paths 獣道を辿った先には】


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