Cloud Theater's collection #7 【Wind Mechanics】

Sub Quest Series #103
《All the World's a Stage》
#103-1【Capricious Goddess 気まぐれな比売神(ひめがみ)様】⇦Prev Next➡#103-3【All the Heads of Evil 荒魂(あらみたま)の頭】

Cloud Theater❼ 【Wind Mechanics 風力カラクリ】
Cloud Dyer Fog Lamps Paper Snow Floating Lights Momijigari Sack Kirikane Prism
紙吹雪 宙に浮く
紅葉狩り袋 截金(きりかね)

【Wind Mechanics】 【風力カラクリ】  
Assemble the Cloud Dyer. - Explore the "Cloud Theater" location.

★サブクエシリーズのタイトル「All the World’s a Stage」の出典はシェークスピアの喜劇『As You Like It お気に召すまま』の名台詞です。

All the world’s a stage
And all the men and women merely Players;
If only you knew what play is being staged at the theater! We'll take the art of kabuki to a new level. Daiske Ando
安藤 代助
いやあ驚くで、今から演舞場で上演される芝居のことを知ったらなぁ!うっとこでは歌舞伎の技を一段引き上げようとしとるんよ。 ※うっとこ=うちの処、自分の会社や自分の家など
Our theater mechanic, Nao-san, is preparing a revolutionary machine that can simulate changing weather conditions right on stage. うちの一座の技術担当である尚(なお)さんが画期的な仕掛けを準備中でな、舞台上で天候の変化を模倣できるっちゅうシロモンなんや。
But I'm getting ahead of myself. There's a lot to be done in order for the machine to work. Can you help me carry out Nao-san's instructions? そんなワケで、僕は先回りしてあれこれしたろと思てな。その仕掛けがちゃんと働くためには、やらなあかんことがようけことあるんや。尚さんの指示を実行したいけん、手伝うてくれんか? get ahead of oneself: 先走る、先回りする ※否定形で「先走らないように」の使い方が多いが、ここではいい意味
To convey wrath of heaven in the play, Nao-san came up with a mechanism made of twisted fur and powder paint - a cloud dyer - that will turn the clouds red. Can you help me assemble it? Daiske Ando

安藤 代助
芝居の中で天の怒りを演出するために、尚さんは撚(よ)った毛皮と顔料を使(つこ)たカラクリを考案してな-その名も「雲紺屋(くもこんや)」いうて-雲を赤く染め上げるんやで。組み立てるんを手伝うてんか? dyer: 染色器、染色用の機械
Thanks for helping me collect the cloud dyer. When, according to the script, the sky should change color, Nao-san will pull the lever of the mechanism, and the clouds will instantly turn crimson! 「雲紺屋(くもこんや)」の組み立てを手伝うてくれておおきにな。台本に従(したご)うて空の色を変えなあかん時、尚さんがこの仕掛けのレバーを引くと、雲が即座に緋色に変わるっちゅう寸法なんや!  
Place the Fog Lamps. - Explore the "Cloud Theater" location.

The hero of the play sets off on his journey at dawn, his thoughts as foggy as the haze over the pond. Nao-san has already created some fog lamps - now they need to be placed near the pond. Can you help? Daiske Ando

安藤 代助
こん芝居の主人公は夜明けに旅へと出立するんや、池にかかる朝靄(あさもや)の如くぼんやりとした靄(もや)のかかった頭のままな。尚さんの作ってくれた「霧灯篭(きりどうろう)」があるけん-それをお池の脇に設置せなあかん。手伝うてんか? Dry ice: The material that has almost the same effect as Daisuke says. Dry ice is a solid carbon dioxide that has the property of turning from solid to gas directly (it is called "sublimation,") and is heavier than air.  Carbon dioxide itself is colorless and transparent, but since the vaporizing temperature is -80℃, the water in the air solidifies and turns into mist, making it appear white.
Thank you for harmoniously arranging the fog lamps. The mechanic filled them not with steam but some heavy fog; it won't rise up the stage, filling the space around instead. 霧灯篭を綺麗に配置してくれておおきに。この仕掛けは蒸気でのうて、重い霧で満たされとるんよ-ほなけん、舞台から上に立ち昇らんと、スーッと周囲に充満して行くんやで。
Create Paper Snow. - Explore the "Cloud Theater" location.

To create a winter scene for the play, we need a lot of snow that won't melt in the heat. While Nao-san is making a mechanism for a winter storm, we'll create some paper snow. Daiske Ando

安藤 代助
Thanks to you, the paper snow looks just like real snow, but it won't ruin the performers' makeup. The mechanism above will pour the snow onto the stage, and side fans will act as the wind. おまはんのお蔭で、紙吹雪は本物さながらやけんど、本物の雪と違(ちご)てこれなら演者の化粧をわやにしてまうこともないな。尚さんの仕掛けが舞台に雪を降らせたら、送風機が横から風を起こすんや。 ※わやにする=駄目にする
Test the Floating Lights. - Explore the "Cloud Theater" location.

Nao-san, the stage mechanic, was inspired by an ancient legend and decided to add real magic to the stage in the form of floating lights. We need your help, though. Can you help us test the lights? Daiske Ando

安藤 代助
舞台技術担当の尚さんは、古(いにしえ)の伝説に着想を得て、宙に浮く灯(あかり)っちゅう形で舞台にホンマもんの妖力的要素を加える事にしたんやて。ほんでも、おまはんの協力がいるんや。灯(あかり)の飛行試験を手伝うてくれるか? ※ホンマもんの=本物の
Thanks for the help. The floating lights do their job perfectly and add a mystical atmosphere, as if the spirits themselves are manifesting their presence. The audience will love this. ご協力おおきに。宙に浮く灯(あかり)が役割を完璧にこなしてくれたお蔭で、妖しい雰囲気が追加されよったわ、まるで妖気がホンマに実体化したみたいやろ。お客さんはきっと気に入るで。  
Fill the Momijigari Sack. - Explore the "Cloud Theater" location.

Usually the action on stage takes place at a certain time of the year, but we need a sharp change from summer to autumn. Can you help fill a momijigari sack with red maple leaves? Daiske Ando

安藤 代助
Thank you for helping fill the momijigari sack. Nao-san uses the same mechanism as for the snow, and while the audience is distracted by the leaves, the scenery on stage will change color. おおきに、紅葉狩り袋をいっぱいにしてくれたんやな。尚さんは雪景色と同じカラクリを使(つこ)て、お客さんが葉っぱに気を取られよる間に、舞台背景が色付いて行くっちゅう算段なんやで。  
Change the Kirikane Prism. - Assemble the "Wind Mechanics" collection.

The last scene of the play will take place underwater. To create the effect of underwater reflections, Nao-san made a kirikane prism. But charging the prism requires artifacts. Do you have some with you? Daiske Ando

安藤 代助
芝居の最後の場面は水中なんや。水中での反射効果を演出するんに、尚さんが截金(きりかね)製の分光鏡を作ってくれてな。けんど分光鏡に力を充填するには仙術触媒が要るんよ。おまはん、いくつか持っとらんか? kirikane 截金(きりかね):細く切った金箔、銀箔を幾何学模様に切り貼りしながら文様を描く装飾法。元は仏像などを飾るのに使われた中国渡来の技術だったが、その後日本で独自に発展。

sinuous: うねうねと、ゆらゆらと
Thank you for charging the kirikane prism. When a ray of light hits its center, the prism will scatter a muted blue light around, along with a sinuous pattern, just like on the seabed! おおきに、お蔭で截金(きりかね)分光鏡に力を充填できたで。中央に一筋の光が当たると、こん分光鏡はゆらゆらと揺らめく深い水色の光を周囲に振りまくんや、ちょうど海の水底(みなそこ)みたいにな!
Without your help, we wouldn't have been able to bring all the ideas to life. Now the play will be a success! Daiske Ando
安藤 代助
Our first rehearsal with the changing seasons was successful. We invite you to be our first guest for this experimental performance! 季節が移り替わる中での最初の通し稽古は無事終了や。よっしゃ、おまはんをこの挑戦的な芝居の最初のお客さんとして招待したるわ! 💬最後のプリズムは風力は使ってないような…?

Cloud Theater❼ 【Wind Mechanics 風力カラクリ】
Cloud Dyer Fog Lamps Paper Snow Floating Lights Momijigari Sack Kirikane Prism
紙吹雪 宙に浮く
紅葉狩り袋 截金(きりかね)

Sub Quest Series #103
《All the World's a Stage》
#103-1【Capricious Goddess 気まぐれな比売神(ひめがみ)様】⇦Prev Next➡#103-3【All the Heads of Evil 荒魂(あらみたま)の頭】


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