Hidden City Story #47 Mystery of Pagoda (Pagoda of Legends)
ヒドゥンシティストーリー№47 謎に包まれた高楼 (伝説の楼ろう)

《Case №47:Mystery of the Pagoda》 Jun. 2019 Event: Master of the Storm

☆Sacred Carp and Boat of Happiness
☆Monk's Assembler Shop
★Daily quests and Gift collection

*This story's adaptation is Palace's collection #10
☆Legendary Chests and Fortune Keys
  • 25 keys: Archer's Chest
  • 75 keys: Storm Chest
  • 150 keys: Emperor's Chest
  • 250 keys: Chest of Feats
  • 500 keys: Dragon Chest
  • 1000keys: Chest of Legends

Sub Quest Series #77
《Infinite Winds》
Next➡#77-1【Contacting Ancestral Spirits 祖霊たちとの交信】

《Master of the Storm》 2019.1 Event 《嵐を統べる者》  
On the eve of the Chinese New Year, when the balance of power in the world is especially fragile, fierce winds have burst into the City. Icy gusts whip up the waves and blow away the carefully hung decorations for the Chinese New Year. Deafening thunder, that sounds like an animal's roar, has swept over the mountains behind the Imperial palace... What caused this strange storm? Prologue

春節前の大晦日、それは世界の力の均衡が特に弱くなる時である、その日凄まじい風がシティに吹き荒れた。凍るように冷たい突風が波を煽り、春節に向けて丁寧に吊るされた飾りを吹き飛ばす。まるで獣の咆哮(ほうこう)の様な耳をつんざくような雷鳴が皇宮の奥の山々に轟(とどろ)いているのだ…。このかつてない嵐の原因は一体何なのだろうか? fierce: 凄まじい
gust: 突風
My sister and I were decorating the courtyard of the Imperial Palace to celebrate the Chinese New Year when a frightening wind suddenly struck. We immediately felt something was amiss and managed to take shelter in the palace before the wind began to tear off the roof. Fierce whirlwinds rage throughout the City, and a real hurricane is approaching from the sea! Mei
ユイと私で皇宮の中庭を春節のお祝いに向けて飾り付けていたら、恐ろしい風が突然襲って来たのです。二人ともこれは尋常ではないとすぐに感じ取って、何とか風が屋根を吹き飛ばし始める前に皇宮の中に駆け込んだのですが。凄まじいつむじ風がシティ中で吹き荒れ、本物のハリケーンが海から近付いてきているのです! amiss: マズい状態で
★訳注:メイ皇女にはユイという双子の皇女がいます。どっちが姉か分からないので名前で…。二人とも今回のロケーション手前のEmperor's Palace皇宮に住んでいます。
- What can it be connected to? Player (YOU) -何が原因なんだろう?
The great order of things is at risk!
The Dragon's sleeping spirit has awakened and become embodied in one of its most frightening elemental incarnations! Summoning icy streams of wind, it rushed toward the mountain tops as a thundering roar swept over the world, announcing to mortals the return of the Wind Dragon.

The element of Air is not afraid of the gods' anger. It brings chaos and destruction, and we have already felt it.
I implore everyone who honors the memory of the ancestors to follow the Dragon's trail to the mountains and help me stop the misfortune that is approaching the City.

Monk, keeper of the traditions of the Shangri-La temple
Monk's scroll 森羅万象の理(ことわり)が危機に瀕しておる!


incarnation: 神仏などが顕現する事
implore: 心からお願いする、嘆願する、哀願する

monk: 僧、お坊さん、中でも修行を続ける僧の事を言う
★訳注:呼びかける時に僧ではどうにもカッコが付かないので、他の人が呼びかける時には老師としています。老師は先生に当たる言葉で、本人が老師と言うのは変なので、本人の手紙では僧のままです。老師は皇宮隣のShangri-La Temple 桃源郷の寺に住んでいます。
[Wind and Coastal Cliffs]
Unlock the Pagoda of Legends. - Unlock location.
Now we know where this awful wind came from! It's due to the awakening of the Wind Dragon. What angered it so much that trees are now bent over to the ground and tiles are flying from the roofs? Whatever woke the Dragon, it needs to fall asleep again. Otherwise, the whole City will be blown away by the hurricane! Adeline Svensson
これでこの恐ろしい風がどこから来たのか分かったわね!「風龍」が目を覚ましてしまったせいなんだわ。何にそれほど怒っているのかしら?お蔭で樹はどれも地面につきそうなほど曲がって、屋根からは屋根瓦が飛んで行ってしまってるじゃない。あの龍が起きてしまった原因がなんであれ、もう一度寝て頂かなくっちゃ。そうでもしないと、シティ全体がハリケーンで吹き飛ばされちゃうわ! ★楼(ろう):高い建物、あるいは望楼のこと。塔ほど高くはない。
- We won't let that happen! Player (YOU) -そんな事にはさせないぞ!
Can you imagine, the wind of this Dragon nearly blew away my ferret! But the terrible gusts and whirlwinds that knock you to the ground are just the beginning if we do nothing. The Monk mentioned that the Dragon flew to the mountains. Call everyone and let's go there quickly! We need to save the world before the wind sweeps us away! Valerie
どうなってるのよ、この龍の風のせいで私のフェレットなんてもう少しで吹き飛ばされちゃうところだったんだから!でもこの地面に叩き付けられるほどの恐ろしい突風と嵐でさえ、このまま手をこまねいてたら更なる悲劇の序章に過ぎないって事なのね。老師が龍は山脈に向かって飛んで行ったって言ってたでしょ。みんなを呼んで早急にあそこに行きましょう!みんなが吹き飛ばされちゃう前に世界を救わなくっちゃ! the beginning: 何かの序章。「更なる悲劇の」に当たる部分は言わずもがななので原文にはないが、日本語だと唐突なので付け足してある。
Strange, but the higher we go into the mountains, the quieter the wind becomes. Do you feel the chill? It seems we're getting closer to a mountain lake. Through a thin layer of fog, some kind of huge object is visible, but the details aren't clear from here. Shall we go closer? Keep up! 変ね、なんでか山の上に行けば行くほど、風が治まっていくわ。寒気がしない?山の湖に近付いていってる感じがするの。霧が薄く重なってるけど、すんごいおっきな何かが見える、でもここからじゃハッキリ分からないわ。もっと近づいて見てみない?ついて来て!  
[Pagoda in the Mountains]
Enter the Pagoda of Legends. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
Buddy, I arrived as soon as I could. Look, the outline of a Chinese Pagoda is appearing in the fog. Wow, what's that huge thing towering above it? Is that what I think it is? Look, the fog is dissipating, giving us a path. Let's get closer and look around. Detective
相棒、なるべく急いで来たんだ。ほれ、中国の楼(ろう)の輪郭が霧の中から姿を現したぞ。わお、楼(ろう)の上にいるバカでかいのは、ありゃ何だ?まさかあれが想像してたのやつでいいのか?おい、霧が晴れて道が見えて来たぞ。もっと近づいて見て回ろうぜ。 dissipate: 雲や霧が晴れる、霧散する
The scent of ceremonial incense disperses in the gusts of a fierce wind, causing magnolia flowers to fall on the restless surface of a lake. A powerful Dragon rises above as ancient Pagoda, preparing to rain all of its fury down onto it. How did a peaceful sanctuary in the mountains bring on the wrath of this legendary beast? Pagoda of Legends

厳かな香りが辺りに拡がり、凄まじい突風が吹き荒れる中、木蓮の花がさざ波立つ湖面へと次々と落ちて行く。天を突くような龍が古の高楼(こうろう)の上空に現れ、今にもその上に荒ぶる怒りの全てを降り注がんとしている。山々に囲まれた穏やかな聖域に、この伝説の生き物の怒りが齎されるのは一体何故なのだろうか? disperse: 風が何かをまき散らす
magnolia: 木蓮
wrath: 憤怒
Whoa! The Dragon is rising above the Pagoda! It will turn the fragile building into a mountain of rubble! Or not. Buddy, this Dragon doesn't roar, and doesn't move! Everything here has become motionless. Even the magnolias swept up in the wind have become frozen! Just in time, though!
Look, the Monk is coming towards us! Maybe he'll be able to explain the situation?
whoa!: 何かに驚いたりして声を上げる時に使う。日本語だと、おいおい、とか、なんだなんだ、に近い。
[The Case of Wind and a Dragon]
Start an investigation. - Open the Diary.
On the eve of the Chinese New Year, when the balance of power in the world is especially fragile, fierce winds have burst into the City. The Dragon that spawned them is trying to destroy the mysterious Pagoda that has appeared in the mountains. We must find out what the Pagoda is, why the Dragon wants to destroy it, and how to calm the restless spirit. Hurry, before the City is blown away by a hurricane! Monk
《Mystery of the Pagoda》 Case №47 《謎に包まれた高楼》  
On the eve of the Chinese New Year, when the balance of power in the world is especially fragile, fierce winds have burst into the City. The Dragon that spawned them is trying to destroy the mysterious Pagoda that appeared in the mountains. We must find out what the Pagoda is, why the Dragon wants to destroy it, and how to calm the restless spirit. Hurry, before the City is blown away by a hurricane! Introduction


47-1【Mysterious Shrine 謎に包まれた廟(びょう)】
Aroma Spiral Tangerine Branch Spirit Nameplate Broken Brazier Battered Chinese Lantern Scroll on the Ceremony
螺旋の香 蜜柑の枝 祖霊の名札 壊れた火鉢 ボロボロになった

The Wind Dragon - the spirit of the Shangri-La temple - has frozen the Pagoda that's appeared in the mountains. Time stopped here a moment before disaster, preventing the Dragon from destroying the fragile structure. We need to find out what this place is and what happened here before the Dragon appeared.

Goal:   Figure out the Pagoda's purpose.


Goal:   楼(ろう)の目的を突き止めよう。
[Scent of the Sacrament]
Find the Aroma Spiral - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-1 ①
Time at the Pagoda has stopped, but this doesn't mean that it will always be this way. We need to quickly figure out what's happening here and how to keep the winds from destroying the City. Let's look around this place. I'm sure we'll find evidence that explains what preceded the Wind Dragon's arrival. Detective
楼(ろう)の時間は止まっちまってるが、だからってこれがいつも通りってことじゃあないんだろ。早急にここで何が起こってるのか突き止めて、この風がシティをなぎ倒しちまうのを防ぐ方法を見つけ出さないとマズいぜ。この場所を見て回ろう。「風龍」が現れる前に何があったか分かるようなもんが、絶対にあるはずだ。 precede~: ~の先に起こる
- Let's get to work! Player (YOU) -取り掛かるとするか!
So, we have a strange Pagoda in the mountains and a Dragon that is clearly not a fan of such architecture... Buddy, now your evidence finding abilities will come in very handy. First, we need to understand what this place is. Do you smell that rich scent? Let's explore the Pagoda and find its source. Detective
でだ、分かってるのは、山に囲まれた奇妙な楼(ろう)とこの手の建築物がお好きではないらしい龍…。相棒、こうなるとお前さんの証拠を見付ける力ってのがすんごいモノをいいそうだぜ。まず、ここが何のための場所なのかってのを理解しないとな。芳(かぐわ)しい香りが漂って来ないか?この楼(ろう)でこの匂いの元を探そうぜ。 so we have~: 現状を整理しながら列挙する時に言う
Good eye! This is a Chinese Aroma Spiral. The Monk said it's a special ceremonial fragrance. That means a ceremony was held here. いい目をしてるな!こりゃ中国の螺旋の香だぜ。老師が言うにはコイツは特別な儀式用の香なんだと。つう事は、ここでは儀式が行われてたって事だ。  
[Holiday Symbol]
Find the Tangerine Branch. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-1 ②
So, we know that some kind of event must've taken place at the Pagoda. But what was it related to? Let me think... oh, Eddie! Where are you going? My ferret just ran to the fruit trees! Quick, follow him! What could've attract him there? New evidence? Valerie
Eddie, what do you have here, a tangerine sprig? Are you hungry? Look, here's a red New Year's envelope! Apparently the ceremony that was held here is related to the Chinese New Year. エディ、ここで何を見付けたの、蜜柑の小枝?エディってばお腹すいてるの?あ、ほらここに新年の封筒が付いてるわ!見たところ、ここで開かれてた催しっていうのは春節に関係してるっぽいわね。 sprig: 小枝
[Memory of Ancestors]
Find the Spirit Nameplate. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-1 ③
We found out that the Pagoda must have held a festive event. But there are many traditions for celebrating the Chinese New Year: birthdays of the deities, a lantern ceremony, fireworks, a lion dance... Let's look for the answer to which tradition they tried to embody here. Mei
この楼(ろう)では新年の催しが開かれていたはずだと分かったのですね。でも、春節のお祝いには多くの伝統行事があるのです、神々の誕生を祝うものや灯籠(とうろう)祭り、花火に獅子舞…。ここで実際に行われていたのがどの伝統行事なのか、それが分かる物を探しましょう。 a lantern ceremony 元祥節(げんしょうせつ):軽い灯籠に火を点けて空に飛ばし、良い年になるように願う中国の伝統行事。中国版灯籠(とうろう)祭り
You found a nameplate of ancestors: the names of the people's ancestral guardians are usually written on them. That means the Pagoda is a real shrine in which, according to tradition, ancestors are worshiped. 祖霊の名札を見つけたのですか、通常、先祖代々の守護者の名前がそれに書かれているのです。つまりこの楼(ろう)はご先祖様を祀る伝統によって建てられた本物の廟だということですね。 shrine: 日本の神社以外では、なんかの遺骨とかを祀ってある廟を指す事が多い。でも本来はパゴダもお釈迦様の遺骨を祀ってある場所。
[Wind Power]
Find the Broken Brazier. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-1 ④
We determined that a festive ceremony somehow related to the ancestral spirits was held in this mysterious Pagoda. But what happened during this ceremony? Look around, maybe the answer to this question lies somewhere near the Pagoda. Yui
The stone brazier you found should've burned throughout the whole ceremony. Judging by the fact that it's broken and the coals are still smoldering, the ceremony wasn't finished... Did the wind break the vessel? そなたの見付けて来た石の火鉢は儀式の間中ずっと焚かれていたようだ。火鉢が壊れていて炭はまだ熾(おこ)っているということから判断するに、その儀式は終わらなかったのだな…。あの風で器が壊れてしまったという事か? brazier: 火鉢
smolder: 炭などが赤く熾る
[Interrupted Holiday]
Find the Battered Chinese Lantern. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-1 ⑤
The wind broke the heavy stone brazier, interrupting the ceremony in the Pagoda. The Dragon's aura is preventing me from clearly sensing what happened next. Please find evidence indicating exactly when time at the Pagoda stopped. Martha
Several large dragon scales are stuck inside this battered lantern. But other than the holiday decorations, nothing at the Pagoda was damaged. That means the City stopped time here the moment the Dragon attacked. 大きな龍の鱗が壊れた灯籠の中にいくつも引っかかってるわね。でも楼(ろう)の新年の飾り以外のモノは何もやられてない。つまり、ここの時間を止めたのはシティで、あの龍が攻撃した瞬間だったんだわ。 💬あ、時間を止めたのはシティ自身なんだ…。
[Mysterious Sanctuary]
Find out what this place is. - Assemble the "Mysterious shrine" collection.
47-1 ⑥

We've determined that a festive ceremony dedicated to ancestral spirits was to be held near the Pagoda. But then a powerful wind swept through, everyone ran away and a Dragon attacked the shrine. But what's so special about this Pagoda? Please bring me some artifacts. This will help me focus on finding the answer.
Having meditated, I discovered a scroll with an invitation to the Ceremony of Ancestors. Judging by the design, only chosen representatives of noble Chinese families had access to this ceremony. But that's not the main thing. It turns out that it's not just some nameless Pagoda standing before us... here, look! 瞑想している最中に、祖霊を祀る儀式の招待状が付いた巻物を見付けたのです。施された装飾から言って、ごく限られた中国の身分の高い家の代表者だけが参列する儀式だったのですね。でも一番重要なのはそのことではないのです。私たちの目の前に聳(そび)える名もなき楼(ろう)がただの楼(ろう)ではなかったとわかったのですから…、ほら、これです!  
Honorable Lady,

Because you belong to one of the most ancient lineages of the Pagoda of Legends, you are invited to the holy sacrament of the Ceremony of Ancestors.

Together we will give praise to our glorious forefathers and bring harmony to the world of the living, as such is willed according to the great order of things. And remember, at the risk of angering the gods, none of the public can know about the Pagoda's location!
Invitation 尊(たっと)き貴女様へ


sacrament: 神聖な儀式
the great order of things: 物事の大いなる秩序。何の事やら…
the great order of things がなんかカギっぽい言葉なんだが、ここまでの印章だと森羅万象の理を英訳したか?って感じに聞こえる
Pagoda of Legends? Don't legends lie? This is a unique place, infinitely impotent for all of creation. But even I, the keeper of secret knowledge, was not sure if the Pagoda of Legends was a myth.
According to an old legend, at the dawn of the ages, the founders of the Pagoda of Legends vowed to keep its existence a secret. Its role in the great order of things is too great to open up the Pagoda to the world.

But this didn't stop the Wind Dragon. Why did the Pagoda reap its anger?

don't legends lie?: 伝説が嘘だなんてことある?そんな訳ないよね?というニュアンスがある。

all of creation: 天地創造などこの世の全て、森羅万象
reap: 報いなどを受ける
- I'd like to know that too Player (YOU) -僕もそれが知りたいですね
Hey, look! While we were studying the Pagoda's secrets and staring at the Dragon, a semi-transparent silhouette appeared by the lake.
The boy is clearly not a ghost. He's dressed in traditional Chinese clothing and as the phantom grows denser, it's clear that he's scared. Let's help him! It doesn't look like the Wind Dragon has any gold, so can this boy generously reward us for saving him?
stare: じろじろ見る
transparent: 透明な
- We don't leave behind anyone in trouble Player (YOU) -困ってる人は誰であれ放っておけないだろ

47-1【Mysterious Shrine 謎に包まれた廟(びょう)】
Aroma Spiral Tangerine Branch Spirit Nameplate Broken Brazier Battered Chinese Lantern Scroll on the Ceremony
螺旋の香 蜜柑の枝 祖霊の名札 壊れた火鉢 ボロボロになった

47-2【Legends of the Pagoda 楼(ろう)にまつわる伝説】
Pagoda Incense Burner Brazier Bowl Zodiac Altar Burner Dragon Brazier Divine Hand Burner Heavenly Archer's Crown
楼(ろう)の香炉 火鉢の椀 干支の祭壇の香炉 龍の火鉢 聖なる手の香炉 天弓(てんきゅう)の

It turns out that this is the Pagoda of Legends - a place crucial for maintaining the great order of things. The ghost of a young man, stuck between worlds, appeared near the Pagoda. To save him, we need to understand his role in these events.

Goal:   Help the ghost of the young man.


Goal:   若い男の幽霊を助けろ。
it turns out ~: 驚いたことには~。なんと~だ。驚きの文言が続くときの出だし。
crucial for~: ~に決定的な
[Harmony Through the Ages]
Find the Pagoda Incense Burner. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-2 ①
Do you remember that the City of Shadows doesn't pull in random people? The boy has a special purpose here, but he got stuck in an interworld trap. By learning his purpose here, we will overcome the resistance from the Dragon's aura and save the boy.
Wait! I feel a presence... The spirit residing in the Pagoda is going to help us find out the phantom boy's purpose.
Let's see what it will tell us.
purpose: 人や物の存在理由。ここでは一貫して青年の役目、役割 (role) の意で使われている。
reside: 長い間住まう
- Lead the way, Martha Player (YOU) -案内を頼むよ、マーサ
We're following the invisible Spirit of the Pagoda. Martha thinks it will help us learn the purpose of the phantom boy stuck between worlds and thereby, save him. Look, the incense burner over there is smoking! Did the Spirit of the Pagoda do this? Bring it. We'll see what clue is smoldering in it. Mei
目に見えない楼(ろう)の精霊の導きに従ってるのですよね。マーサの考えでは、それが世界の狭間に囚われたあの朧気な青年の役割を解明する助けとなり、そうすれば彼を救えると。見て、向こうで香炉が煙を上げてるわ!あれは楼(ろう)の精霊の仕業かしら?あれを取って来て下さいな。あの中でどんな手がかりが燻(くすぶ)っているのか確かめてみましょう。 smolder: 燻る
You found a fancy pagoda-shaped incense burner. Look, here's an engraving: "For centuries, the caretakers of the Pagoda of Legends were descendants of its founder." Sounds like the beginning of a legend. 幻想的な楼(ろう)型の香炉を見付けて来てくれたのですね。ほら見て、ここに何か彫ってあります、「数世紀もの間、伝説の楼(ろう)を見付けた者の子孫がこの楼(ろう)の番人を務めて来た。」なんとういうか伝説の物語の序章の様ですね。 caretaker: 番人、管理人。
descendant: 子孫
[Sacred Flame]
Find the Brazier Bowl. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-2 ②
The Spirit of the Pagoda lit another Brazier Bowl. Do you see the plumes of smoke rising into the sky? Let's learn the next clue to the phantom boy's purpose in order to save him. Bring the lit Brazier Bowl, please. Yui
楼(ろう)の精霊がまた一つ火鉢の椀に明かりを灯したぞ。煙の柱が空に立ち昇るのが見えるか?あの朧気(おぼろげ)な青年を救うためにもその役割に繋がる次なる手がかりを探るとしよう。あの火の付いた火鉢を持って来てくれ、頼む。 plume: 煙の立ち昇る柱
Using the secret sciences, a magical blue fire can come to life in such a Brazier Bowl. Look at its engraving: "For the Chinese New Year, a flame calling for the spirits of the ancestors was lit on the top of the Pagoda." 秘術を使っているのだな、不思議な青い炎がこの様な火鉢の椀に現れるとは。見ろ、ここに何か彫ってあるぞ-「春節には、祖霊を呼ぶ炎がこの楼(ろう)の頂上に灯された。」  
[Connection to Everything]
Find the Zodiac Altar Burner. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-2 ③
The hints from the Spirit of the Pagoda about the phantom boy's purpose are hazy. Just like when the Monk talks! Oh, look, there's another plume of smoke! Let's search the Pagoda for the next pretty incense burner lit by the spirit. Valerie
楼(ろう)の精霊が示す、影みたいな青年の役割に関するヒントってなんだかもやっとしてるわね。老師のお話みたいじゃない!あら、見て、また煙の柱が上がったわ!あの精霊さんが火を灯す次の綺麗な香炉をこの楼(ろう)で探しましょ。 hazy: もやのかかった、漠然とした。
Wow! This incense burner is made in the shape of a zodiac circle. Here's the engraving: "The blessing of the ancestral spirits is an essential part of the great order of things." わお!この香炉ってば干支の輪の形をしてるんだわ。ここに文が彫られてる、「祖霊の祝福が森羅万象の理の根幹なのだ。」だって。  
[First Assault]
Find the Dragon Brazier. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-2 ④
Look at the phantom boy! It looks like his silhouette is a little denser. The Spirit of the Pagoda, who is helping us find the young man's purpose and bring him to the City, has already lit the next brazier clue. Find it among the Pagoda's collection of relics. Yui
あの朧気だった青年を見ろ!輪郭がちょっと濃くなった様だぞ。楼(ろう)の精霊は、我らにあの若い男の果たすべき役割を見付けさせ、あの者をシティに連れて来させようとしているのだな、精霊は早速次の手がかりの火鉢に火を点けてくれている。あれをこの楼(ろう)に残されてる蒐集(しゅうしゅう)品の山から探して来てくれ。 💬煙が立ち昇ってるのになぜ探すのが大変なのかと思いきや、沢山香炉があってどれから煙があがってるのやら分からないっぽいですね。
You found a brazier decorated like a dragon. There's an engraving here too: "At one time, the order of things was under threat. By summoning the wind, the Dragon extinguished the blue flame." Is history repeating itself? そなたが見付けて来た火鉢には龍の様な装飾があるな。これにも何か彫ってあるぞ-「かつて一度、万象の理は危機に瀕(ひん)した。龍が風を呼び、その青き炎をかき消してしまったのだ。」つまり、歴史が繰り返されようとしてるという事か?  
The blue flame that burns at the top of the Pagoda on the Chinese New Year leads the ancestral spirits to the world of the living. Ancestors join the celebrations and assign the zodiac protector for the upcoming year to ensure that mankind is protected.

It's always been this way and only once, at the dawn of time, was the fierce Wind Dragon a threat to the sacred blue flame.

Remember! There are no consequences worse than the destruction and catastrophes that await humankind if the tradition of summoning the ancestors is broken.
scroll of the sprit of the pagoda


there are no consequences worse than~: ~より悪い結末は存在しない➡結局~になる

[Power in the Palm of the Hand]
Find the Divine Hand Burner. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-2 ⑤
It turns out that this isn't the first time the Dragon has attacked the Pagoda of Legends! It's already a threat to the movement of the zodiac circle!
If the blue flame is not lit at the top of the Pagoda, the ancestral spirits won't be able to give us the animal protector for the next year and horrible consequences await all of humanity!
it turns out that~: なんと~だった。驚きの内容が続くときの出だし。
humanity: 人類全体
- We can't allow this Player (YOU) -そんなことを許(ゆる)すわけにはいかないよね
The Spirit of the Pagoda is trying to give us clues about the phantom boy's purpose so that the City will help materialize him. During the search, we learned that the Dragon had previously attacked the Pagoda of Legends. But what stopped it back then? Look, the Spirit lit another incense burner! Bring it, please. Mei
Thank you. This is the Divine Hand Burner. The engraving on it says: "The Heavenly Archer challenged the Dragon to a fight, he won and the power of the wind was contained in his glove." ありがとう。これは聖なる手の香炉ですね。これに彫られている文言にはこうあります、「天弓(てんきゅう)の射手が龍に闘いを挑んだ、彼(か)の者は其(そ)を打ち破り、風の力は彼(か)の者の籠手(こて)に宿った。」 challenge~: ~に闘いを挑む
Heavenly Archer... This is the valiant hero of many Chinese legends. In the world of demons, where I was raised, they are afraid of him; but here, in the world of man, they honor him. It turns out that one of his heroic deeds many centuries ago was to save the Pagoda - and all of humanity - from the Wind Dragon. But if the Pagoda of Legends was always hidden and the Heavenly Archer was here when the Dragon attacked for the first time, then that means... In his time, the Heavenly Archer was the Pagoda's caretaker! Yui
天弓の射手…。中国の神話に幾度となく登場する勇猛な英雄だな。私の育った魔物の世界では彼は恐れられているが、ここ人間の世界では讃(たた)えられているはずであろう。数世紀も前の彼の英雄譚(たん)の一つが、この楼(ろう)と-人類すべてを-「風龍」から救った事だったとは驚きだ。しかし伝説の楼(ろう)はずっと世間から隠されて来ていて、龍が最初に襲ってきた時、天弓の射手がここにいたという事はつまり…。その時代、天弓の射手はこの楼(ろう)の番人だったという事ではないか! Heavenly Archer 天弓の射手:中国の神話の后羿(ホウイー)のこと。古代、天には十の太陽があり、九つを射落としたと言われる。

valiant: 勇猛な
- What a twist Player (YOU) -なんてびっくりな展開 twist: お話や舞台の急展開
[Guest From Another World]
Learn the phantom boy's identity. - Assemble the "Legends of the Pagoda" collection.
47-2 ⑥
We followed the Spirit of the Pagoda's clue to help a boy stuck between worlds and learned that the Dragon had already attacked the Pagoda in the past and that the Heavenly Archer had defeated him, capturing the power of the wind with his glove.
We will need the City's magic to overcome the Dragon's powerful aura and find out what attracted the boy here.
The incense burner lit by the Spirit of the Pagoda began to smoke more strongly and when the thick smoke cleated, the Heavenly Archer's crown appeared in front of us. This must be a sign indicating the phantom boy's purpose. Look, a letter fell from his sleeve and materialized. 楼(ろう)精霊に火を灯された香炉が以前にも増して強く煙を上げ始めたわ、濃い煙が創り出されたと思ったら、天弓の射手の冠が目の前に現れたわよ。これがきっとあの朧気な青年の役割を示すサインなのね。見て、手紙が彼の袖からするりと落ちて実体化したわ。  
My dear son Bao,

You are now the new caretaker of the Pagoda of Legends. This Chinese New Year, it's your turn to light the sacred flame so the spirits of our ancestors come to the world of the living and bless us on the next zodiac circle.

I know that you don't believe the legends; but if trouble threatens the Pagoda, you will have to protect it like your ancestor, the Heavenly Archer once did. It's a great honor and a big responsibility, but I believe in you Bao.

Shang, previous caretaker of the Pagoda of Legends, your father
Letter to Bao



believe in: in があると無条件に信じるという意味になる。「頼んだぞ、息子よ」てな感じでしょうか。

That means there's a new caretaker whose purpose is to protect the Pagoda of Legends. It seems the boy was about to light the blue flame at the top of the Pagoda to summon the ancestral spirits. Unfortunately, he was stopped by the Dragon, who returned to finish what had started with the Heavenly Archer. Well, let's bring the boy to the City of Shadows...
Bao, the new keeper of the Pagoda of Legends! Come and fulfill your purpose - save the Pagoda from the Wind Dragon!
- He's materializing! Player (YOU) -彼が実体化してくぞ!
Strangers, thank you for saving me.
My name is Bao and it seems I somehow angered the gods. This morning, instead of one of the Pagoda's relics - the Wind Glove - I found a pile of ashes. Then, when I was preparing to light the sacred frame to invoke the ancestral spirits, the Wind Dragon appeared!
I was always certain that the legends about the Heavenly Archer who defeated the Dragon were just fiction, but now...
Why are you looking at me like that?
- Bao, you are the chosen one Player (YOU) -バオ、君がその選ばれし者なんだよ

47-2【Legends of the Pagoda 楼(ろう)にまつわる伝説】
Pagoda Incense Burner Brazier Bowl Zodiac Altar Burner Dragon Brazier Divine Hand Burner Heavenly Archer's Crown
楼(ろう)の香炉 火鉢の椀 干支の祭壇の香炉 龍の火鉢 聖なる手の香炉 天弓(てんきゅう)の

47-3【Wind's Favorite 風に愛されし者】
Vase for Tuho Arrows Frying Dragon Paixiao Bamboo Flute Junk Glider Wing Heavenly Archer's Banner
投壺(とうこ)の壺 天翔ける龍 竹笛の
中国帆船ジャンク 天翔ける翼 天弓(てんきゅう)の

We rescued Bao from being trapped between worlds. He was the heir of the legendary Heavenly Archer, who already saved the Pagoda of Legends from the Wind Dragon once before. Bao is destined to repeat this feat, but the young man clearly doesn't believe in himself.

Goal:   Prove that Bao is the chosen one.


Goal:   バオが選ばれし者だという事を証明せよ。
feat: 技や力などの難しさを伴うなにか
[Warrior Games]
Find the Vase for Tuho Arrows. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-3 ①
As the Heavenly Archer's descendant, I am prepared to defend the Pagoda of Legends at any cost. But can a mere mortal really defeat the Dragon? The legends say that the wind submitted to the Heavenly Archer's family. But I'm nothing like my heroic ancestor. I'm not strong or brave and the gods have not graced me with a cunning mind. It's unlikely that I can defeat the Wind Dragon. Bao
私とて、天弓(てんきゅう)の射手の子孫として、何を賭してもこの伝説の楼(ろう)を守るための心構えはある。だが、命限りある者に過ぎない一介の人間が龍を倒す事などでき得るのであろうか?伝説によれば、風は天弓の射手の一族に付き従ったとある。だが私は英雄たる先祖と似ても似つかぬ。私には強さも勇気もなく、はたまた神々に奸心(かんしん)を授けられたわけでもなし。私に風龍を倒すことなど到底できそうにもないではないか。 mortal: 命限りある者。人間の隠喩。龍が人知の及ばぬ存在である事との対比をしている。

- You have a problem with self-esteem Player (YOU) -君は自尊心に問題があるんじゃないかな self-esteem: 自尊心
Bao lacks self-confidence. He certainly won't fulfill his purpose with such an attitude. We have to show Bao that he really is the chosen one and is capable of fighting the Wind Dragon.
I'm directing my inner gaze to Bao's past. The first vision shows an oblong vase for a marksmanship game... I think you can find it at the Pagoda.
oblong: 縦長の。(横長でもいう)
marksmanship: 的を射る競技の技術
You found the Vase for Tuho Arrows. In this game, you need to throw arrows into small metal rings on a vase. Judging by the vision, Bao was a very accurate player. 投げ矢競技、投壺(とうこ)の壺を見付けたのね。この競技では壺の横についた小さな金属の輪のなかに弓矢を投げ入れないとならないの。ヴィジョンから判断する限り、バオはとても正確に的に投げ入れられてたわよ。 Tuho 投壺(とうこ):離れた所から壺型の的の中に弓矢を投げ入れるゲーム。かなり古い時代からあるらしく五経の一つ礼記にもその記載がある。
[Heavenly Mastery]
Find the Flying Dragon. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends with the "Illusions" anomaly active.
47-3 ②
Mein Freund! Martha decided to dive into visions of Bao's past to find evidence of him being the chosen one, or else we'll never be able to fight the Dragon. A dragon made of close and bamboo dancing in the wind appeared to Martha. Shall we look for it at the Pagoda of Legends? Huntress
マイン・フロイント!マーサはバオの過去のヴィジョンを見に潜ることにしたんだそうだな、彼が選ばれし者である証拠を見付けるんだろう、それ以外にあの龍と渡り合う術もないのだからな。布と竹で作られた龍が風に踊る様子がマーサの目に映ったとか。そいつを伝説の楼(ろう)で探さないか? mein Freund = my friend: ドイツ語
Sehr gut! You found the Flying Dragon constructed from bamboo sticks and fabric. It's difficult to handle, but judging by Martha's vision, Bao is a clever young man. ゼーア・グート!いいぞ!竹の枝と布地で作られた天翔ける龍を見付けたのだな。これを扱うのは至難の業だが、マーサのヴィジョンによれば、バオは器用な若者らしいぞ。 sehr gut = very good: ドイツ語
clever: 器用な。手先のスキルの場合には賢いではなく器用なの意になる
[Musical Whirlwind]
Find the Paixiao Bamboo Flute. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-3 ③
Martha looks into Bao's past to prove that he's actually the chosen one and is capable of defeating the Wild Dragon. In her vision, Martha heard the sound of a flute so spellbinding, it was as if the wind itself was creating the melody. Look for the flute at the Pagoda. Lady Peacock
マーサがバオの過去を覗き見て、彼が本当に選ばれし者で風龍を倒す能力があると証明しようとなさっているのですわね。マーサがヴィジョンの中でたいそう蠱惑(こわく)的な笛の音が聞こえたと、まるで風そのものが旋律を奏でているかのようだったのだそうですわ。その笛を楼(ろう)で探して下さいませ。 Paixiao パイシャオ 排簫 (はいしょう):パンフルートの様に筒を連ねた形の笛。日本でも平安時代までは雅楽で使われていた。吹くのが非常に難しいらしい。奈良の正倉院には中国伝来の物がある。
Excellent! You brought the Paixiao Bamboo Flute. It turns out that our Bao is a skilled flutist. He has strong lungs just like the Wind Dragon. 素晴らしいですわ!竹笛の排簫(パイシャオ)を持って来てくださいましたのね。驚いたことにバオは熟練の奏者なのですわ。風龍の様に強い肺をお持ちですのね。  
[Wind Catcher]
Find the Junk. - Explore the Pagoda of Legend.
47-3 ④
Your medium is peering into my past. She is searching for evidence that I'm the chosen one and that I can defeat the Wind Dragon. I don't understand how my fishing Junk can prove anything, but Martha said that you need to find it at the Pagoda. Bao
そなたらの霊媒師が私の過去を覗き見ていると。私が選ばれし者で、風龍を倒せる証拠とやらを探しているそうだが。私の釣り船であるジャンクが何かを証明できるとは、私には到底理解できぬ、が、マーサ殿の言によれば、そなたはそれを楼(ろう)で探さねばならぬのだそうだ。 Junk ジャンク: 伝統的な中国の帆船。独特な形状で喫水が浅いが、速度は当時の他の帆船に比べて優れていた。中国の歴史モノに登場する帆船はまずコレ。小さいモノから大きいモノまで様々だった。
Ah, you found my fishing Junk. A favorable wind always lived in its sails... but the wind deserves credit, not me. This proves nothing, unfortunately. おお、私の釣り船のジャンクを見付けたか。好ましい風は常にその帆に宿るのだ…とは言え、称賛に能(あた)うはその風であり、私ではない。これではなんの証拠にもならぬよ、残念ながらな。 💬常に好ましい風が来るのが自分の力だとは思わないわけですね。謙虚なのか鈍感なのか。
[Plunge into the Abyss]
Find the Glider Wing. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-3 ⑤
plunge into~: ~に飛び込む
the abyss: 底の見えない奈落の底。深淵。地獄の比喩。
Buddy, Bao is denying that he's the chosen one able to drive away the Wind Dragon. There's no courage in him. But I saw a Glider Wing here by the Pagoda. Why would Bao have one? Did he scare away a crow? Bring me the Glider Wing, we can think about it together. Detective
相棒、バオのヤツ、自分が風龍を追い払う事が出来る選ばれし者だってのをずっと否定し続けてるぜ。アイツには勇気ってもんがないのかよ。なんだが、楼(ろう)の傍(そば)でグライダーの翼っぽいもんを見かけたんだよな。なんだってバオのヤツあんなもんを持ってるんだ?カラスを怖がらせて追っ払うのにでも使ってたってのか?その天翔ける翼ってのをここに持って来てくれよ、一緒にどういう事なんだか考えようぜ。 why would~?: なんだって~なんだ?理由が皆目見当付かない場合の言い回し。wouldに過去の意味はない。
You brought a homemade Glider Wing! Apparently, when just a boy, our shy guy jumped from a cliff with a homemade glider! Whoa. It seems that in the depths of his soul, Bao is an absolute daredevil after all! お手製の天翔ける翼を持って来てくれたのか!これを見た感じじゃあ、ほんのガキの頃、あんの内気野郎は手製のグライダーで崖から跳び下りたんだぜ!オイオイ。バオのヤツ、なんのかんの言って、心の奥底じゃあ根っからの向こう見ず野郎みたいじゃないかよ! our shy boy: 所有格が入ると感情がこもる
absolute: 生粋の
daredevil: 危険を顧みない無謀な人。刑事みたいなヤツ。
[True Purpose]
Show Bao that he is the chosen one. - Assemble the "Wind Favorite" collection.
47-3 ⑥
Hou Yi 后羿(ホウイー):中国の伝説の射手。昔、天に九つあった太陽の八つを射落としたとされる。
We've looked into Bao's past and saw that the power of the wind always went hand in hand with the young man. But because of the Dragon's overpowering aura, I can't say whether my visions are proof or just a string of coincidences. Is Bao the chosen one we're waiting for? Bring me City artifacts to help figure it out. Martha
バオの過去を覗いてみて分かったのは、風の力は常にあの若者と手を携えて来たという事よ。だけどあの龍の強烈なオーラのせいで、私のヴィジョンが単なる偶然の一致が重なったものなのかどうか、何とも言えないのよね。バオは私たちの探している選ばれし者なのかしら?シティのアーティファクトを持っていらっしゃい、突き止めて見せるわ。 a string of coincidences: 偶然の一致が糸の様につながったモノ。一連の偶然の一致。
Visions of the past are joining into a single material entity. Look, it's the battle flag that belonged to the Heavenly Archer. It flutters proudly and freely even without any wind. Yes! This is a sign that Bao is the Heavenly Archer's true heir. 過去のヴィジョンが結合して、たった一つの物質に変化していく。ご覧なさい、天弓(てんきゅう)の射手の軍旗だわ。洋々と気ままに翻ってる、風などあろうがなかろうがお構いなしにね。そう!これぞバオが天弓の射手の真の継承者たる証(あかし)なのよ。 💬旗印にがっつり后羿(ホウイー)って書いてありますね。会話中に后羿(ホウイー)の名前は出てこないのに…
Heavenly Archer's Banner! Is this all for real? The legends, the Wind Dragon, the glove that forced the power of the wind to bow down to my family...
You've convinced me. Thank you for helping me find the courage to stand against the Dragon... oh, no! Did you see that? The beast is moving! Whatever was restraining it won't last forever. We need to hurry!
restrain: 抑え込む、抑制する
- That's the spirit! Player (YOU) -そうこなくっちゃ! That's the spirit!: それこそが心意気だ!そうこなくっちゃ!いいぞいいぞ!と相手を褒める時に使うフレーズ。

47-3【Wind's Favorite 風に愛されし者】
Vase for Tuho Arrows Frying Dragon Paixiao Bamboo Flute Junk Glider Wing Heavenly Archer's Banner
投壺(とうこ)の壺 天翔ける龍 竹笛の
中国帆船ジャンク 天翔ける翼 天弓(てんきゅう)の

47-4【Heavenly Bow 天弓(てんきゅう)】
Bamboo Gunpowder Silkworm Threads Vermilion Bird's Feathers Buffalo Horns Ceremonial Bow
火薬 蚕(かいこ)の糸 朱雀(すざく)の羽根 水牛の角 儀式用の弓

Believing in his own strength, Bao is ready to face the Wind Dragon. However, this time around the Pagoda is gradually beginning to accelerate, and Bao's Ceremonial Bow was smashed. We have to make a new bow for him.

Goal:   Assemble a bow for Bao.


Goal:   バオのために弓を組み立てよう。
[Solid Foundation]
Find the Bamboo. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-4 ①
Because the Heavenly Archer has blessed me, I'm ready to fight the Wind Dragon. First I need a bow. I had a bow, a gift from my grandfather, but the wind ruthlessly smashed it against the stones. Oh well... We'll have to make another one. Look for young bamboo at the Pagoda. It will serve as the basis of a new Ceremonial Bow. Bao
天弓の射手が私を祝福してくれたからには、風龍と闘う心構えはある。まずは弓が要るぞ。持ってはいたのだ、祖父から贈られた弓を、だがあの容赦ない風で石礫(いしつぶて)に叩き付けられてしまってな。ふう、仕方あるまい…。新たに一つ作らねばならぬ。若竹を楼(ろう)で探してくれぬか。新たな儀式用の弓の基礎に使うのだ。 Oh well... :なにかを諦める時の決まり文句。
You brought me young Bamboo. Thank you! Now I need to remember how my grandfather turned Bamboo into a sturdy foundation for the bow... 若竹を持って来てくれたか。かたじけない!さあて、我が祖父が如何様に、竹をしっかりとした弓の基礎部分に作り変えていたのか思い出さねばならぬな…。 💬お、思い出せなかったら一巻の終わりだなあ。バオがどんどん古臭い言葉遣いになっていってしまう…
[Fiery Secret]
Find the Gunpowder. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-4 ②
Buddy, while Bao is trying to make the foundation for the Ceremonial Bow, I suggest we think about the arrows. To shoot a flaming arrow into the bowl at the top of the Pagoda, you need to thoroughly saturate the arrow's tip with Gunpowder. We need a considerable amount of Gunpowder for that. Will you look for it? Detective
相棒、提案なんだが、バオがどうにかこうにか儀式用の弓の基礎を作ってる間、俺たちは弓矢の事を考えておかないか。楼(ろう)の天辺にある容れ物に向けて火矢を射るってんなら、弓矢の先端をどっぷり火薬に浸けとく必要があるぜ。それにはかなりの量の火薬が要る。探してくれるか? thoroughly: 徹底的に。発音はサルリー。 through とは同語源だが意味が全然違う。o が一個多い。
saturate: 漬け込む
considerable: 相当量の
Great, there's enough Gunpowder here for all the arrows! By the way, we owe the people of ancient China for the invention of gunpowder, which turned out to be a useful thing, didn't it? いいぞ、全部の弓矢に足るだけの火薬があるぜ!火薬っていやあ、コイツを発明してくれたのには古代の中国人サマサマだよな、蓋を開いてみりゃあこんなに役に立つって判明したんだからさ、だろ? turn out to be~: 後から~だと分かる
[Thorny Silk]
Find the Silkworm Threads. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-4 ③
Mein Freund, I want to help Bao create a new bow for the ancestor summoning ceremony. As you know, I know my way around weapons very well. Look in the silkworm thorns at the Pagoda. The silkworm creates durable silk threads. They'll strengthen the bow and become the source of strong bowstrings. Huntress
マイン・フロイント、バオが先祖を呼び出す儀式用の新しい弓を作るのを手伝ってやりたくてな。君もご承知の通り、武器回りとくれば勝手知ったるというヤツでね。楼(ろう)で蚕に食わせる針桑(はりぐわ)を覗いてみてくれ。蚕は丈夫な絹糸を作るんだ。絹糸が弓を強化し、更には丈夫な弓の弦(つる)の元になるんだぞ。 know my way around~: ~について精通している(周辺の地理に詳しいという意味から、他の事柄にも使う)
silkworm シルクワーム:蚕。英名はまんまだね。
★silkworm thorn: 和名「針桑(はりぐわ)」葉っぱが蚕の餌になる。
You brought the Silkworm Threads! They look thin, but they're strong like the bonds of a military oath. Thank you! Now I can help Bao strengthen his new bow. 蚕の糸を持ってきたのか!この糸は細く見えるが、さながら軍隊の誓いの絆(きずな)の様に強いのさ。ありがとう!これでバオが新らしい弓を強化するのを手伝ってやれるよ。 oath: 誓い
[Divine Rival]
Find the Vermilion Bird's Feathers. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends with the "Illusions" anomaly active.
47-4 ④
The Vermilion Bird, which I served for 18 years, is the eternal adversary of the Wind Dragon. Its fiery feathers should be among the relics of the Heavenly Archer's family. Bring a few of these feathers. They will not only decorate Bao's new bow, but will also give the arrows the Vermilion Bird's fiery strength. Yui
朱雀(すざく)というのはだな、私は18年その下に仕えていたのだが、風龍の不俱戴天(ふぐたいてん)の敵だったのだ。天弓の射手の一族に代々伝わる品の中に、朱雀の炎の羽根があるはずだ。その羽根を何枚か持って来てくれ。あれはバオの新しい弓の飾りになるだけではなく、その弓矢に朱雀の炎の力を付け加えることもできるぞ。 adversary: 強く敵対する相手。enemy の様に憎しみを含意するニュアンスはない。敵対が全面にある
relic: 古くから伝わるもので特に歴史的に価値のある物。必ずしも遺跡から出る遺物とは限らず。どこぞに代々伝わる品もrelicという
Thank you for the Vermilion Bird's Feathers! You weren't burned by the sparks showering from them, were you? Excellent! They will be the feathers for Bao's arrows, which will slay the Dragon and return harmony to our world. ありがとう、朱雀の羽根だな!よもや迸(ほとばし)る炎で火傷したりしなかったであろうな?やるではないか!これはバオの弓矢の羽根部分になるのさ、これがあの龍を力尽くで殺(あや)め取り、この世に調和を取り戻すのだ。 slay: 暴力でもって殺す。文語的で古い。
Look! The frozen time at the Pagoda is beginning to accelerate. I feel the wind moving! Soon, nothing will be able to hold back the Wind Dragon's wrath. Let's hurry and collect the bow - there's still some time!
We can't let the Dragon destroy the Pagoda!
- We won't let this happen Player (YOU) -そんな事にはさせないさ
[Buffalo's Power]
Find the Buffalo Horns. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-4 ⑤
I once investigated a case about a missing collection of Chinese weapons. I became fascinated with the military affairs of ancient China. Did you know that for durability the ends of bows were strengthened using Buffalo Horns? I saw trophy horns in the Pagoda. Bring them for Bao's new Ceremonial Bow. Inspector
私は以前、消えた中国の武器のコレクションに関する事件を捜査したことがあってね。すっかり古代中国軍事の虜になってしまったのだ。知っているかね?弓の頑丈さのためには両端を水牛の角を使って強化するのだよ。楼(ろう)で狩りの記念品の水牛の角を見かけたのだ。バオの新たな儀式用の弓のため、それを持って来てくれたまえ。 did you know that~: ~というのは知っているかね?過去形で聞くと、質問というより~の部分を教えてあげるというニュアンスになる
Excellent, my friend! You brought the Buffalo Horns. They'll make Bao's new bow stronger and more durable. I doubt the wind could break it like the previous one! 素晴らしいぞ、我が友よ!水牛の角を持ってきたのだな。それがあれば、バオの新たな弓はもっと強く、頑丈になるぞ。あの風だとしても前の弓の様に壊れることはあるまい!  
[Caretaker's Attribute]
Prepare Bao's Ceremonial Bow. - Assemble the "Heavenly Bow" collection.
47-4 ⑥
You collected everything needed to create a Ceremonial Bow. But in order for Bao to use it against the Wind Dragon, we must ask the gods to bless the new sacred weapon. Please bring a few artifacts as an offering to the gods. Mei
儀式用の弓を作るのに必要な物を全部集めたのですね。ですがバオがそれを風龍に使うためには、この新たな聖なる武器を祝福してくれるよう神々に頼まねばなりません。神々への供物(くもつ)としていくつかアーティファクトを持って来て下さいな。 offering: 供物
Thank you! The gods accepted the artifacts you offered and blessed Bao's newly created Ceremonial Bow. My heart rejoices when I see how confidently the Pagoda's new caretaker holds it. I'm certain that he will save us all from the Wind Dragon's wrath! ありがとうございます!あなたが捧げたアーティファクトを神々が受け入れ、バオが新たに創り出した儀式用の弓を祝福して下さいました。この楼(ろう)の新たな番人が、自信をもってそれを手にしているところを見ると思うと胸が高鳴ります。彼はきっと風龍の怒りから我々皆を救い出してくれますよね!  
Thanks to you, I have a new Ceremonial Bow to stand against the Dragon. But one bow isn't enough.
Many centuries ago the Heavenly Archer struck the Dragon with an arrow. The wind's power that was released was absorbed by his glove, which later became the Wind Glove. But it was destroyed! We can't defeat the Dragon without it.
If only the fire in the Pagoda's sacred bowl was burning, the ancestral spirits would help us...
- We'll think of something. Player (YOU) -いい手がないかよくよく考えようよ think of~ : ~の事だけを考える。of が付くと範囲がグッと狭くなる。know of 人だと人の名前くらいは知っている。

47-4【Heavenly Bow 天弓(てんきゅう)】
Bamboo Gunpowder Silkworm Threads Vermilion Bird's Feathers Buffalo Horns Ceremonial Bow
火薬 蚕(かいこ)の糸 朱雀(すざく)の羽根 水牛の角 儀式用の弓

47-5 【Heavenly Archer's Help 天弓の射手の助け】
Three-legged Sun Crow Archer's Ring Defen's Arrow Immortality Elixir Peach Amulet Wind Glove
射手の指環 大風(デフェン)の矢 不死の霊薬 桃の護符 風の籠手(こて)

The Heavenly Archer absorbed the Dragon's power with the help of the Wind Glove, but it was lost. Only one thing remains - to seek the help of the Archer's spirit and restore the Wind Glove for Bao.

Goal:   Restore the Wind Glove.


Goal:   風の籠手を取り戻せ。
[Many Suns]
Find the Three-legged Sun Crow. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-5 ①
I share Bao's sorrow. We can't ask for the ancestral spirits' advice until they come to our world. It's a good thing I'm a medium with roots going back centuries. I can still connect with the Heavenly Archer's spirit and ask him to help us recreate the Wind Glove. This is our only chance to defeat the Dragon. Martha
- We'll take advantage of it! Player (YOU) -その方法で行こう! take advantage of~: ~を活用する
We need to collect symbols of the Heavenly Archer's heroic deeds to help Martha contact him in the spirit world. According to one legend, many suns once burned in the sky. They threatened the world with destruction, but the Heavenly Archer with great precision struck down all the adversarial suns, except one. Find the symbol of the last sun at the Pagoda. Yui
マーサが霊界で天弓の射手と交信するのを助けるには、いくつもあるその英雄譚(たん)を象徴するモノを集めていかなてはな。伝説によると、かつて空にはたくさんの太陽が燃えていたのだそうだ。いくつもの太陽のせいで世界は破滅に追いやられるところであったのが、正確無比な天弓の射手が対する全ての太陽を打ち落としたのさ、一つを除いてな。楼(ろう)で最後の太陽を象徴するモノを見付けて来い。 adversarial: 敵対的な

Three-legged crow 三足烏(さんそくう):日本の八咫烏(やたがらす)に非常によく似た鴉(からす)。太陽の象徴。 
You found the three-legged crow, the symbol of the last sun that the Heavenly Archer left in the sky. It will help Martha make contact with his spirit. 三足烏(さんそくう)を見付けてくれたか、天弓の射手が空に残した最後の太陽の象徴だな。それがあればマーサが霊と交信する時の助けになるはずだぞ。
[Gift of a Mountain]
Find the Archer's Ring. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-5 ②

Your medium is trying to contact the Heavenly Archer in the spirit world. Search for the ancient ring that belonged to the archer at the Pagoda. Finding the ring won't be easy - it's shrouded in a spell. But it will help Martha focus on its owner's spirit. All this fuss with the Dragon will be resolved soon and in our favor.
お前たちの霊媒師は霊界にいる天弓の射手とどうにか交信しようとしてると。あの楼(ろう)で、その射手の物だった古代の指環を探して来なさい。指環を探すのは容易くはないわ-呪(しゅ)に覆われているのだから。とは言えその指環はマーサが指環の持ち主の霊に意識を集中させるのには役に立つはず。あの龍にまつわるこの騒ぎもみな、じきに収まってこちらの思惑通りになるのよ。 in somebody's favor: 思惑通りになる、有利になる

★シルシャン=絲路山 らしいです。調べて頂きました。


You brought the world's first Archer's Ring. The Heavenly Archer found it in the rubble of the collapsed Silu Shan Mountain. What are you looking at? I read the legends of ancient China as a child.
Find Defen's Arrow. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-5 ③

The Dragon is waking up! We need to hurry! To help Martha contact the Heavenly Archer's spirit, you need to find the symbols of his heroic deeds. One of these symbols is the legendary arrow with a sky-blue ribbon. Please look for it at the Pagoda.
Wonderful! You brought the arrow with a magical ribbon that the Heavenly Archer used to subdue Defen, a dangerous bird of storms. It will help Martha speak to his spirit. すごいぞ!霊力を持つ帯紐が付いた矢を見付けたのだな、天弓の射手は危険な嵐の鳥デフェンを従えるためにそれを使ったのさ。それがあればマーサは彼の霊と話ができるはずだ。 ★大風(デフェン):后羿(ホウイー)に倒された怪物の中の一匹。其の他いっぱい倒されたのがいるらしい。
[Lure of Eternity]
Find the Immortality Elixir. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends with the "Illusions" anomaly active.
47-5 ④
The wind scattered all my cards before I reached you! I also want to help you speak to the Heavenly Archer's spirit and restore the Wind Glove... Did you know that for many years the Archer was searching for an elixir of immortality? It's not easy to find such a bottle, but I believe in you! Cardsharp
あの風のせいで俺様のカードがお前の所に来る間にぜーんぶ吹き飛ばされちゃったじゃないか!俺も天弓の射手の霊と話して「風の籠手」を取り戻すのを手伝いたいと思ってな…。こんな話は知ってるか、伝説の射手は何年も不死の霊薬を探し求めてたんだぜ?そんなモノの入ったボトルを見付けるのは容易くはないだろうが、お前ならと思って信じてるからな! Did you know that~: 過去形で聞くと、質問というよりこんな話があるから教えてやる的なニュアンスになる
You brought the legendary Immortality Elixir! Let's see... The bottle is genuine, but it's empty! Someone stole the elixir without leaving a drop for ol' Cardsharp! Well, or he drank in the legend. Hopefully it will help Martha contact the Heavenly Archer. 伝説の不死の霊薬を持って来てくれたのか!どれどれ…。ボトルはホンモノだが、中身が空っぽじゃないか!誰かが霊薬を盗みやがったな、このカードシャープ様に一滴も残さずに!まあいい、盗まれたんでなく伝説の彼が飲んじまったってことか。こうなりゃこのボトルが、マーサが天弓の射手のと交信するのに役に立つのを願うばっかりだぜ。 ol' Cardsharp = old Cardsharp: このoldに老人の意味はない。皆さんおなじみのとか位の意味。人を呼ぶときに使うのが一般的だが、カードシャープが自分に使ってるのはご愛敬。
[Eternal Guard]
Find the Peach Amulet. - Explore the Pagoda of Legends.
47-5 ⑤
We're collecting symbols of the Heavenly Archer's heroic deeds. It will help Martha speak to his spirit in order to save the world from the Wind Dragon. Did you know that after the end of his earthly journey, the archer became a threat to demons? Search for a peach tree amulet at the Pagoda - this is his sign. Mei
You found the Heavenly Archer's Peach Amulet. The amulet's aura wards off demons. Your find brings us closer to restoring the Wind Glove and defeating the Dragon! 天弓の射手の桃の護符を見付けたんですね。この護符のオーラは魔を追い払うのです。これを見付けてくれたおかげで「風の籠手」を取り戻し、龍を倒すのにまた一歩近づけますね。  
[Blessing of the Ancestor]
Restore the Wind Glove. - Assemble the "Heavenly Archer's Help" collection.
47-5 ⑥
My famous ancestor accomplished so many heroic feats! It's comforting that the Heavenly Archer continues to live in people's memory. Now I'm ashamed that I thought the stories about his victories were only fiction. But this is a valuable lesson; If the Wind Dragon hadn't gotten free and the Pagoda of Legends wasn't transported to your City, I would have continued to believe this.
Listen, is it just me or...?
- The wind strengthens Player (YOU) -風が強くなってる
The Wind Dragon is waking up! We can't waste a second. You've collected symbols of the heroic deeds performed by the Heavenly Archer so that I can find his spirit on the higher planes and ask for help. But because of the raging whirlwinds, it's impossible to maintain my concentration! Bring some protective artifacts to help me! Martha
Oh, great Heavenly Archer! We honor your heroic deeds and ask for your help to repeat one of them. Your descendant Bao is ready to pacify the Wind Dragon, but the artifact needed to absorb the wind's power was destroyed! A mystical radiance envelops Bao's hand... We did it! ああ、偉大なる天弓の射手よ!我ら、夫(そ)の偉業を讃え、内の一つを踏襲したく助力を希(こいねが)わん。後継者バオが風龍を鎮める準備をしておりますが、風の力を吸い上げるのに必要なアーティファクトが破壊されてしまったのです!神秘的な光がバオの手を包んでるわ…。上手く行ったわ!  
The magical, replica Wind Glove wrapped around Bao's hand, and the young man grabbed his bow, ready to confront the Wind Dragon! Soaring into the air, the beast was unable to destroy the Pagoda as Bao's arrow easily found its target. The wind's power was released and flooded into the magical glove, and then it just disappeared, leaving the character for "wind" on the palm of Bao's hand. The Dragon's spirit returned to sleep in its stone form, standing motionless over the Pagoda of Legends. Yui
霊力の込められた模造品の風の籠手でバオの手が包まれたぞ、弓を取って風龍に相対するつもりなのだな!バオの矢がやすやすと当たったお蔭で、空高く舞う怪物は楼(ろう)を攻撃できなかったのだ。風の力は龍から離れ霊力の籠手に流れ込んだら消えてしまったか、「風」の字だけをバオの掌(てのひら)に残して。龍の魂は再び眠りについた、その身は石となり伝説の楼(ろう)の上空で動かぬまま立ち続けるのだな。 💬最後の部分っていつも思うけど、セリフにするには無理があるんだよね…。説明的過ぎて。
- We saved the world again! Player (YOU) -僕たち、またしても世界を救ったんだね!

Residents of the City of Shadows can breathe a sigh of relief: whirlwinds and hurricanes no longer threaten us. Bao, the young caretaker of the Pagoda of Legends, has defeated the Dragon. Now the Dragon's spirit again sleeps peacefully in the Shangri-La temple and, as they say, the great order of things is saved!

The stone body of the legendary beast remains by the Pagoda as a reminder to residents about how fragile the balance and how strong the connection is between the human and spirit worlds.

Preparations for the Chinese New Year are in full swing, so our editorial staff and I, Adeline Svensson, acting on its behalf, are closing up till the end of the celebrations.

Read an exclusive interview with Bao in the next issue,
"My ancestor's descendant."
City of Shadows Times シャドウ=シティ・タイムズ




as they say: よく言われるように。よくある言い回しを述べる時に前置きで使う表現。
on its behalf: 代表して(話す)

my ancestor's descendant: 私の先祖の子孫。日本語にすると変な言い回しだが英語ではなぜかアリ。

I'm staying in the City of Shadows. It doesn't seem like I have a choice, but that's a good thing. I have to keep the secret of the Pagoda of Legends, and your City resembles an impenetrable fortress, where nobody can gain access against its will.
Every Chinese New Year, I will hold the ceremony as I'm supposed to. And the rest of the time... I think I'll find something to do.
Plus, I like the townspeople. I've already become friends with some of them. But why does Cardsharp say that I owe him?

- It's his way of saying "welcome" Player (YOU) -それが彼流の「ようこそ」なんだ 💬主人公、その説明はダメじゃないか?(笑)
[Taste of Victory]
Receive your reward. - Complete the investigation to receive your reward.
Well, buddy, another successful case for our books? The sacred fire at the top of the Pagoda of Legends is burning, ancestors are joining the celebration of the Chinese New Year, and a new zodiac cycle is ahead. But who destroyed the Wind Glove? Will the "wind" character that appeared on the palm of Bao's hand make itself known? I think we'll find out. Shall we celebrate? Detective
よう、相棒、また一つ俺たちの捜査手帳に成功事例が加わったな?伝説の楼(ろう)の天辺では聖なる炎が燃え、ご先祖様たちが春節のお祝いに駆け付け、そうして新しい干支がやって来るんだ。だが「風の籠手」をぶっ壊したのは誰なんだろうな?バオの手のひらに現れた「風」の字は、風そのものがその存在を知らせようとしてるのか?そのうち知る事になるかもな。さあて相棒、一緒にお祝いに行かないか? 💬それ、私も気になりました。誰かが意図的に籠手を壊したのでしょうかね?

make oneself know: 自分のことを知らしめる、自己紹介する、自己主張する
The great ancestor answered our call, bestowing Bao with a phantom Wind Glove. The glove absorbed the Dragon's wind power and dissolved, leaving a mark on Bao's palm. The spirit of the Dragon surrendered, and the destructive winds quieted down. The sacred fire at the top of the Pagoda of Legends is lit, and a new zodiac cycle awaits us. But what happened to the original Wind Globe? And will the wind character, which appeared on Bao's palm, make itself felt?

Rewards: Pagoda Charm


make oneself felt: 自分自身を印象付ける、存在を知らせる

47-5 【Heavenly Archer's Help 天弓の射手の助け】
Three-legged Sun Crow Archer's Ring Defen's Arrow Immortality Elixir Peach Amulet Wind Glove
射手の指環 大風(デフェン)の矢 不死の霊薬 桃の護符 風の籠手(こて)

47-おまけ【Heavenly Ancestor's Blessing 祖霊の祝福】
47-1 ⑥ 47-2 ⑥ 47-3 ⑥ 47-4 ⑥ 47-5 ⑥ 47-おまけ ⑦
Scroll on the Ceremony Heavenly Archer's Crown Heavenly Archer's Banner Ceremonial Bow Wind Glove Heavenly Lanterns
天弓の射手の冠 天弓の射手の旗 儀式用の弓 風の籠手 天の灯籠

[Guiding Lanterns]
Collect the Heavenly Lanterns. - Assemble the "Heavenly Ancestor's Blessing" collection.
47-おまけ ⑦
The spirits of the ancestors blessed mankind and rotated the zodiac wheel. The balance of the forces of nature have been restored. We received the new animal protector and entered the Year of the Pig. It's time let the ancestors return to the spirit world, but for this we need to make sure they don't lose their way. Bao
- How do I do this? Player (YOU) -それってどうすればいいの?
Bao said that lanterns launched into the sky create a safe route for the ancestors on their return to the spirit world. Bring a couple of artifacts. Jul and I are ready to put together an entire swarm of lanterns, inspired by the story of the Archer and the Dragon. Valerie
Hooray, what beautiful lanterns! I want to keep them for myself, but the ancestral spirits are probably very eager to go home. Let's start the Lantern Ceremony! バンザーイ、なんて綺麗な灯籠なのかしら!私、自分用に取っておきたくなっちゃうわ、でもご先祖様の霊はきっとものすごいおうちに帰りたがってるわよね。

47-おまけ【Heavenly Ancestor's Blessing 祖霊の祝福】
47-1 ⑥ 47-2 ⑥ 47-3 ⑥ 47-4 ⑥ 47-5 ⑥ 47-おまけ ⑦
Scroll on the Ceremony Heavenly Archer's Crown Heavenly Archer's Banner Ceremonial Bow Wind Glove Heavenly Lanterns
天弓の射手の冠 天弓の射手の旗 儀式用の弓 風の籠手 天の灯籠

Sub Quest Series #77
《Infinite Winds》
Next➡#77-1【Contacting Ancestral Spirits 祖霊たちとの交信】


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