Moon werewolf's collection #1 【Dual Identity】

Sub Quest Series #65
《Moonlight Sonata》
#65-1[Psy-Werewolf's Introduction 特殊能力を持つ狼男導入編]⇦Prev Next➡#65-3
Animal Power 獣の力】

Moon werewolf's Introduction
[Deceptive Beauty]
Find A Dagger - Explore any location in the City.
Werewolf - Defeat the Werewolves.
A very rare nocturnal monster... the Moon Werewolf, has appeared in the City. His fur, silver in the moonlight, is really pretty but his huge pointy canine teeth contradict the whole look. Unless you happen to have an obsidian dagger, you might not see another dawn. Huntress

The obsidian dagger, black as night itself, is the only thing that can wound a moon werewolf. Obsidian Dagger
One can never encounter a moon werewolf during the day and should not be overly wary of them at night, with one exception: during the full moon they become a lethal danger. These creatures become a hundred times more powerful in the light of the full moon and their game rarely escapes. Moon werewolf
Moon werewolf
A Moon Werewolf is an eternal prisoner of the full moon. Under its pale light he becomes faster than wind, stronger than a hurricane and more dangerous than lightning. But those who dare to fight him will be generously rewarded. Huntress


Moon werewolf❶ 【Dual Identity もう一つの顔】
Moonstone brooch Bloody amphora Sharpfang dagger Leader's bracelet Werewolf tears Lycanthropy flower
血塗られた壺 鋭い牙のダガー リーダーの腕輪 狼男の涙 ライカンスロープの花

【Dual Identity】 【もう一つの顔】  
[Destiny's Reward]
Werewolf - Defeat the Werewolves.
Rewards: Bloody amphora (②)

Would you like me to tell your fortune? Keep your filthy lucre. The cards know all. Here are your three cards: Fate, Obstacle, and Wild Beast. Do you understand? No? It's easy: defeat a wild beast, and destiny will reward you. Werewolves come to our City from time to time. Defeat one and be rewarded. Martha

未来を知りたいとお望み?お金なんて無粋(ぶすい)なモノは要らないわ。カードは全てを物語るの。あなたのカードは三つ。運命、障害、そして野生の獣。分かったかしら?分からない?簡単な事よ、野生の獣を倒しなさい、そうすれば運命はそれに見合うものを払うでしょう。狼男たちがシティに時折現れるわ。倒せば報酬を得られるわよ。 Keep your filthy lucre: 直訳は、お金はそのまま持っておきなさい。浮世の銭なんて卑しいものは要らないというようなニュアンスがある。つまり支払いは要らないと言っている。
★filthy lucre フィルシィ・ルーカ:浮世の銭。悪銭。聖書に出てくる表現で特殊な言い回し。
★Bloody amphora (②): この壺によく似たローマ帝国時代の壺に狼男が描かれたものが存在する。
Nicely done! Here, take my alchemical flask, it'll help develop your talents much more quickly. I feel like we're running out of time. I still can't tell what's going to happen and when: all I have are guesses and intuitions... よくやったわ!あなたにはこの錬金術の壺を授けましょう。あなたの才能をより速く伸ばしてくれるわ。時間が尽きていくような気がするのよ。何が起きつつあるのか、そしてそれが何時(いつ)なのか、まだ語るべき時は来ていない、今はまだ憶測と虫の知らせにすぎないのだから…。
[A Spell of Invisibility]
Tiara - Defeat the Werewolves.
Rewards: Werewolf tears (⑤)

報酬:狼男の涙 (⑤)
I was experimenting with an intricate spell a little while ago when there were certain... complications. All in all, everything turned out okay; I'm still in one piece, but my protective charm - a diadem with a black onyx - wasn't quite so lucky. Now an invisibility spell lies on the charm, but the power of the spell only weakens at midnight. Yet midnight is the most favorable time for communicating with spirits, so I can't miss it. I'd really appreciate your help searching for the diadem. Martha

少し前に込み入った呪文を試していたの、とある…複雑な問題があった時にね。おおむね大丈夫だったと言えるわ。私はとりあえず無事なんだから。けれど防御の魔法-黒いオニキスのついた王冠がー非常に困ったことになっているのよ。それには不可視の呪文が掛かっているのだけれど、真夜中にはそれが弱くなるわ。でも、真夜中はスピリットとやり取りするのに最もいい時間でもあるの、だからその時を逃したくもないのよね。その王冠の探索をお手伝い頂けたら光栄だわ。 I'd really appreciate ~: とても丁寧なお願いの言い回し
item necessary for infusing a collection of artifacts Tiara

アーティファクトの収集に力を与えるアイテム アーティファクトでもアセンブラーでもない謎アイテム
Thanks for your help. The City really lucked out when it took you. I'm sorry you were captured by the fog like the rest of us, but who knows what'll happen next? A frightening beginning can often be a sign of a happy ending. Martha

[Dual Nature]
Dual Nature - Assemble the 'Dual Identity' collection.

What bad luck! Every time I visit City Hall there's a werewolf hanging around the entrance. Clanking his chains, gnashing his teeth, whipping his tail around... I wonder why they want to invade the City? Valerie

So that is why they're searching the City! This Lycanthropy flower, the symbol of their transformation, must be carried at all times to help identify their kin. これがあいつらがシティを探し回ってる理由なのね!このライカンスロープの花はあいつらの変身の象徴で、いつでも自分たちの仲間を見分けられるように持ち歩いているんだわ。 ★lycanthropeライカンスロープ:ギリシア語で狼人間。、werewolfと同義。
💬これが《Martha's Murky Story》の狼男の話と繋がるのでしょうか?

Moon werewolf❶ 【Dual Identity もう一つの顔】
Moonstone brooch Bloody amphora Sharpfang dagger Leader's bracelet Werewolf tears Lycanthropy flower
血塗られた壺 鋭い牙のダガー リーダーの腕輪 狼男の涙 ライカンスロープの花

Sub Quest Series #65
《Moonlight Sonata》
#65-1[Psy-Werewolf's Introduction 特殊能力を持つ狼男導入編]⇦Prev Next➡#65-3
Animal Power 獣の力】

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