Station's collection #13 【One-Way Ticket】

Sub Quest Series #99
《After Where It All Began》
99-2【Secret League シークレット・リーグ】⇦Prev Next➡99-4【Detective's Last Case 刑事最後の事件簿】

Sub Quest Series #88
《So Far Away from My Home》
 Next➡88-2【Escape Plan 脱出計画】

 Station⓭【One-Way Ticket 片道切符】
Gargoyle Drain Baggage on a Hand Truck Blank Telegrams Four-Sided Clock Closed Ticket Office Railway Knot
空白の電報 四面時計 閉まっている

【One-Way Ticket】 【片道切符】  
[First Step]
Find the Gargoyle Drain. - Explore the "Citadel" location.

Buddy, you're helping me a lot! We've finally discovered that the Conductor isn't a member of the Shadow Cult, but one of its victims. Detective
But I still have a question. It's not directly related to the investigation, so I won't interrogate the Conductor. だがまだ疑問があるんだ。捜査に直接関係する話じゃあないもんだから、コンダクターを職務質問する訳にも行かなくてな。
But if you could have a private talk with the Conductor, this might provide an additional clue in unraveling the City's secrets. でもお前さんがコンダクターと個人的に話をしてくれるってんなら、それがシティの秘密を暴く新たな手がかりを提供してくれることになるかもしれないぜ。
Can you ask the Conductor how he got to the City of Shadows? コンダクターに聞いてくれないか?どうやってシャドウ=シティに辿り着いたのかってな。 💬そのくらい自分で聞けよと言いたいが…。容疑者扱いした手前、聞きにくいのかな?
So the Detective is wondering how I got to the City? It's okay, no need to deny it. I've nothing more to hide. I'll tell you how I ended up in this damned place, starting with my first step, which I made on the Station's platform. Then I saw a gargoyle drain. It was here somewhere, look for it. Conductor

There're a lot of such decorations in the City. But on my first day, I was surprised - I was riding to some abandoned old depot, and it appeared to be decorated with sculptures like a resort. シティにはこういう装飾が山ほどあるだろ。だがその最初の日、俺は驚いた-とある廃墟となった古い駅に向かって列車に乗ってたら、そこがどこぞのリゾートよろしく彫刻で装飾されてるのが目に入ったんだからな。 ride to some depot: とある駅に向かって列車に乗る ※rideは自動詞なので単体で乗り物に乗ると言う意味
depot: 駅 ※アメリカ英語。イギリス英語だと使っていない鉄道レールとかを置いておく倉庫
[Forgotten Belongings]
Find the Baggage on a Hand Truck. - Explore the "Hall Of Weddings" location.

hand truck: 荷物を載せるカート
Why was I appointed conductor on that train? By the final station, my railcar was empty - all passengers had got off earlier. There was nobody at the station, it was like they'd just left without even taking their baggage off the hand truck. Look, the suitcases are still lying there, no one took them. Conductor

どうして俺はあの列車の車掌に任命されたんだろう?終着駅に着くころには、その鉄道車両には誰も乗っていなかった-乗客は皆、もっと前に降りちまってたからな。駅には誰もいなかった、カートから荷物も降ろさずにどこかに行っちまったかの様に。ほらあれだ、スーツケースとかがまだそこに転がってるだろ、誰も持って行かなかったのさ。 appoint conductor: 車掌に任命する ※この時の役職は無冠詞になる
See, I'm not lying - the abandoned baggage is still there. I remember I looked back expecting to see the forgetful passengers, but found that my train disappeared instead, dissolved like a mirage. な、嘘じゃなかったろ-放置された荷物がまだそこにある。まだ覚えてるよ、うっかり忘れ物をした乗客たちが目に入るだろうと予想して振り返ったってえのに、その代わりに俺の目に入ったのは、乗って来た列車が消えて行くさまだったんだぜ、蜃気楼みてえに背景に溶けるようにしてな。
[Addressee Has Arrived]
Find the Blank Telegrams. - Explore the "Summer Theater Stage" location.

The story of how I got to the City is full of oddities. At the deserted station, I found telegrams to me, but without text. I've even saved them, but I don't remember where I put them. Help me find the telegrams. Conductor

You can see for yourself: there's no text in the telegrams, though my name as the addressee is clearly indicated. The City seemed to be calling me, trying to attract me. And it succeeded. その目で確かめてみろよ-この電報には文章が全くないだろ、つっても受取人の俺の名前ははっきりと表示されてんだけどよ。シティはどうやら俺を呼んいて、どうにか俺の注意を惹こうとしてたらしかった。そしてそれは成功したってこった。  
[Local Time]
Find the Four-Sided Clock. - Explore the "Christmas School" location.

When the train that brought me to the City disappeared, I noticed a clock with four dials. These are installed at international stations. Find the clock, I'll show you what time it is where I came from. Conductor

*I'm sure the clock of the Station of Forgotten Dreams is based on a four-faced clock of Waterloo station in London. These are very much alike, don't you think so?
On this dial here, the time was the same as my watch. It was morning for me, but it was getting dark in the City, so I realized that I was far from home. ほらこの文字盤だ、この時間は俺の腕時計と同じだろ。あの時俺にとっては午前中だったんだが、シティでは暗くなり始めていた、それで察したって訳さ、俺は自分の家から遠く離れた場所にいるんだってな。
[Closed Forever]
Find the Closed Ticket Office. - Explore the "Bonmarito Villa" location.

My last hope for returning was a ticket office. I told myself that I'd go and buy a ticket home... or anywhere else. The main thing is to leave this place so that the nightmare would end. Have you seen a ticket office here? Conductor

Yes, the ticket office is closed. It was like that when I first got to the City, and has never opened since. This means that there's no way out of here. そう、切符売り場は閉まってる。俺が最初にシティに来た時もそうだった、そしてその時から一度も開いた事がないのさ。つまりここから出る方法はないってこった。  
[Foggy Perspective]
Find the Railway Knot. - Assemble the "One-Way Ticket" collection.

I haven't given up trying to break out of the City. But I'm no longer doing stupid things like I did on my first day here. I just ran among the rails away from the Station. See? They lead into the fog. I'll show you how this route ends. Just bring me some artifacts. Conductor

During my time spent in the City, I learned a thing or two about how to use its magic. Look, in the circle of artifacts a ghostly object has appeared. This is the "railway knot," I came across it when I was wandering along the rails in the fog. It's a vicious circle, you see? You can't get out of it. シティで過ごすうち、俺は一つ二つその魔力を使う方法を身に付けてな。見ろ、アーティファクトの魔方陣の中に朧(おぼろ)げな物体が現れただろ。こいつは「線路の結び目」っつってな、霧の中でレールに沿って彷徨(さまよ)ってたら、こいつにぶち当たったんだ。堂々巡りの象徴だよ、分かンだろ?その輪から抜け出す事はできないって言いてえのさ。 vicious circle: 堂々巡り、悪循環
Now I know that there's no coming back from the fog. But I was back. How? I have no idea. I came to my senses at the Station. Conductor
今では俺も、普通なら霧から戻ってくることはねえってのを知ってるがな。だが俺は戻った。どうやってかって?俺にも皆目(かいもく)分からん。ふと我に返ったら駅にいたんだ。 come to one' senses: 意識が戻る、正気に返る
The City has many mysteries. One of them is, why does it need me? シティは多くのミステリーを抱えてる。その中の一つがこれさ、何故シティは俺を必要とするのか?ってな。
Anyway, I'll definitely break out of the City's clutches. I just need to find a loophole. Tell the Detective I'm on it, rest assured. いずれにせよ、俺は絶対にシティの魔の手から逃(のが)れてやる。抜け穴を見付ければいいだけさ。刑事に言っとけ、そいつは俺の仕事だとな、任せとけって。 I'm on it: 今やっている、取り組んでいる
rest assured: 安心しろ、心配すんなの丁寧版

 Station⓭【One-Way Ticket 片道切符】
Gargoyle Drain Baggage on a Hand Truck Blank Telegrams Four-Sided Clock Closed Ticket Office Railway Knot
空白の電報 四面時計 閉まっている

Sub Quest Series #99
《After Where It All Began》
99-2【Secret League シークレット・リーグ】⇦Prev Next➡99-4【Detective's Last Case 刑事最後の事件簿】

Sub Quest Series #88
《So Far Away from My Home》
 Next➡88-2【Escape Plan 脱出計画】


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