Manor House Gate's collection #13 【Time Games】

*This collection was reassigned from the Capel Basement on July 2020.

Sub Quest Series #49
《Mysterious Incidents》
49-7【Vitamin Bomb ビタミン爆弾】⇦Prev Next➡49-9【Cursed Gifts 呪われた贈り物】

 Manor House Gate⓭ 【Time Games タイム・ゲームズ】
Extra-Accrate Watch Minute Hand Hour Hand Ghost Numbers Cogwheel Tower Clock
超精密時計 時計の長針 時計の短針 神出鬼没な文字盤 歯車 タワー・クロック

【Time Games】 【タイム・ゲームズ】  
[New Puzzles]
Find the Minute Hand. - Explore the Chapel Basement.

I was walking past the station today and saw that the tower clock was broken. Two out of three of its hands have disappeared and there's empty hollows where the numbers should be. There are only two clock in the City that show the current time - the station clock and the Huntress's super-accurate pocket watch. We must repair the station clock at once. Detective

今日、駅を通り過ぎた時に、タワー・クロックを見たら壊れてたんだよ。三本あるうちの二つの針が失くなってて、数字があるはずの場所にぽっかり穴が開いてたんだ。シティで正確な時間を示す時計は二つしかない-駅の時計とハントレスの超精密懐中時計だ。すぐにでも駅の時計を直さなくちゃならんぞ。 💬よく見ると針にSって書いてあるんだが、Second Hand 時計の秒針て意味なのか?
- Let's give it a try. Player (YOU) -よし、やるだけやってみるか。  
Two hands and numbers from the clock have disappeared. Without them, we can't restore the correct passage of time. Let's start with the minute hand. Detective

The minute hand wasn't so hard to find; it's the big hand from a huge clock. Now we have to figure out a way to get it up the tower... 長針はそんなに見付けにくくもなかったな-なにしろバカでかい時計のデカい針なんだから。まあ次はこいつを塔の上まで引っ張り上げる方法を考え出さなくちゃならんのだが…。  
[One More]
Find the Hour Hand. - Explore the Chapel Basement.

Clocks can't show the precise time without an hour hand. Find it. Detective

時計っつうのは短針なしでは正確な時間を示さんだろ。探してくれ。 💬こっちは良く見るとMって書いてあるな。Minute hand 分針な気がする…。まあいいんだけどさ。
Did you find both hands? You're quite the detective. 両方の針を見付けて来たのか?お前は全くたいした探偵だよ。  
Find the numbers. - Defeat a Gargoyle.

Where did the numbers from the City clock disappear to? I have an idea. They're made of gold and they shine. Could it be that a cute little local creature carried them off? Detective

シティの時計の数字は何処に消えたのかな?そこで思いついたんだが。あれはゴールドで出来てて、キラキラ光ってるだろ。もしかするとここいらのキュートなちっこい生き物があれを持ち去ったんじゃあないか? 💬ガーゴイルはキュートでもちっこくもないと思うが、いつもの刑事の軽口なんだろう。
Did you find the numbers? Don't worry about it, work as long as I have and you'll know straight away where to look for clues. Experience is more important than a police badge, friend. 文字盤の数字を見付けたのか?まあ気に病むなって、俺位長く仕事をすりゃあ、お前だって手がかりを探すべき場所が直ぐに分かるようになるさ。経験ってのはポリスバッジより大事なんだぜ、なあ友よ。  
[A Bribe for the Conductor]
Find the page. - Explore the City Hall.
bribe: 賄賂
I put the numbers and the hands back on the City clock, but it still isn't working. I think there's something broken inside the clock. To figure out the clock's mechanism, we'll need a diagram of it. Detective

The clock diagram is very detailed. Let's take a closer look... 時計の図面はずいぶんと細かいな。もっとよく見てみるか…。  
Find the Cogwheel. - Explore the Chapel Basement.

That's it - the clock has stopped because of a defective cogwheel in its main mechanism. I'm sure I remember seeing one but where...? Detective

There it is - the cogwheel for the City clock's main mechanism. It looks as good as new. ここにあったか-シティの時計のメイン動力用の歯車だ。
[The Right Time]
Set the right time. - Explore the Chapel Basement.

We now have everything we need to fix the station clock. But before we wind the clock, we have to find out the right time. There's only one correct clock left in the City - the Huntress's pocket watch. Detective

Great. This watch may be small, but we can trust that it shows the right time. よっしゃ。この懐中時計は小さくとも、正しい時間を示すことにかけては信頼できるからな。  
[Time Games]
Repair the clock. - Assemble the "Time Games" collection.

Let's hurry and fix the station clock before temporal chaos takes over the City. Put all the parts in place! Detective

It's a good thing we managed to repair the station clock. Now I know that I have half an hour before I'm due to meet Juliette. Thanks. どうにか駅の時計を修理出来て良かったぜ。これで俺はようやく分かったぞ、ジュリエットに会う事になってる時間まで後三十分だ。ありがとうな。 💬なんか《Music of the Master》の縮小版みたいな話だったな。この話が元になってるってことなんだろうか?

 Manor House Gate⓭ 【Time Games タイム・ゲームズ】
Extra-Accrate Watch Minute Hand Hour Hand Ghost Numbers Cogwheel Tower Clock
超精密時計 時計の長針 時計の短針 神出鬼没な文字盤 歯車 タワー・クロック

Sub Quest Series #49
《Mysterious Incidents》
49-7【Vitamin Bomb ビタミン爆弾】⇦Prev Next➡49-9【Cursed Gifts 呪われた贈り物】

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