Requirement LV309

🕊Pigeon Mail Department, Postal Dovecote

*Pigeon Mail Department is the name that mentioned on the bulletin board.

*The BGM is automatically looped. Press the pause button when you want to stop it.

🎊Heirs' Villa⇦Prev  Next➡🐸Pharmacy

Related Investigation: 《Lost in the Fog

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Dovecote.

《Lost in the Fog 霧の中に消えて
🗝Quest for the new location (U36-0)

❶【Distinguished Pigeons 選りすぐりの鳩たち】 (U36-1)

❷【Foggy Clues (2) 霧からの手がかり】 (U36-2)

❸【Precious Thoughts 何物にも代えがたい思考】 (U36-3)

❹【Operation Wings of Freedom 作戦名:自由の翼】 (U36-4)

❺【Shadow of Evil シャドウの邪悪な影】 (U36-5)

-Artifacts 【Foggy Thought Forms 霧の思考形態】 (U36-Post Quest)


❻【Museum of Outstanding Birds 英傑鳥類記念博物館


❼【Pigeon Academy 鳩ぽっぽアカデミー


❽【Bird Talk 鳥さんのピーチクパーチク


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