Golden Daisies Alley's Collection #8【Preservation of Crops】

Sub Quest Series #79
《The Catcher in the Corn》
 Next➡#79-2【Feast for Lady Autumn レディ・オータムへの饗宴】

Sub Quest Series #95
《Even He's Sometimes Sober》
#95-3【Tomb of the Knight (2) とある騎士の墓碑】⇦Prev Next➡#95-5 [Conductor's Anecdotes コンダクターの小話]

Golden Daisies Alley❽ 【Preservation of Crops 収穫物の保全】
Checkered Shirt Straw Hat Patchwork Flags Huge Overalls Wadding Straw Scarecrow
チェックのシャツ 麦わら帽子 パッチワーク・
藁の詰め物 案山子(かかし)

【Preservation of Crops】 【収穫物の維持】  
[Kitchen Garden Uniform]
Find the Checkered Shirt. - Explore the Golden Daisies Alley.
kitchen garden: 家庭菜園
Have you heard that our crop is in danger? As soon as the fall gifts ripened, crows began to attack the harvest. The citizens say that their feathers are as dark as the fog. I think they came from the fog-shrouded neighborhoods. I once had a small farm, and to protect my crop from these birds, I used to make excellent scarecrows. I suggest we make one to protect the fall gifts. Conductor

- Let's make a scarecrow in fall colors Player (YOU) -よし、秋っぽい案山子を作ろうよ  
I was often plagued by birds when crops were ripening on my firm. Looking for a way to scare them off, I noticed that they would recognize my work shirt from a mile away and flee, waiting for me to leave. So I put my shirt on a scarecrow! I suggest we do the same! The Detective wears shirts, one of his would be perfect. Ask him, will you? Conductor

俺の畑でも収穫物が実った時にはしょっちゅう鳥に悩まされたもんだ。やつらを追い払う方法を探してるうちに気付いたんだが、あいつら一マイル先からでも俺の作業服を見分けて逃げておいて、俺が立ち去るのを待ってやがったんだぜ。だから俺は自分のシャツを案山子に着せたのさ!同じことをするってのはどうだ!刑事は色んなシャツを着てるだろ、そん中にうってつけのがあるんじゃねえかな。お前、ヤツに聞いてくれねえか? plague: 悩ませる
Did you bring the Checkered Shirt? Great! I knew the Detective wouldn't refuse you an item from his wardrobe. He rarely wears it anyway. チェックのシャツを貰って来たって?よっしゃ!やっぱりな、お前があいつの服から一つなんかくれって頼めば断らないだろうって思ってたんだよ。どうせ奴はめったにそんなの着ないんだし。 💬刑事はチェックのシャツも似合いそうだけど、仕事ばっかりしてるからそういうのをなかなか着る時間がないってことなのかな?
[Lord of Fields' Crown]
Find the Straw Hat. - Explore the Golden Daisies Alley.
So far our scarecrow is a stick in a shirt. To make it look human, we need to finish it. All farmers wear a special headdress - the Lord of Fields' Crown... I mean a Straw Hat! Do you know someone who can lend us one? Conductor

This Straw Hat suit you, all that's missing is spikelet in your mouth - that would make you look like a real farmer.
You have more important things to do, you say? Take it off then, let's put the Straw Hat on the scarecrow!
[Secret of a Good Scarecrow]
Find the Patchwork Flags. - Explore the Golden Daisies Alley.
Are you making a scarecrow for the first time? I'll tell you a secret - a scarecrow should imitate movement to scare these feathered pests.
To do this, you need to fix Patchwork Flags onto it. Bring them and you'll understand what I mean.

What excellent Patchwork Flags you've found! Let's fix them onto the scarecrow. The wind will play with them, creating the illusion of hand movement, so it will seem like there's someone working in the field. This will drive the birds away. すげえイカしたパッチワーク・フラッグを見付けて来たじゃねえか!早速案山子に括り付けようぜ。風がコイツと戯れれば、手を動かしてるみたいに錯覚させられるのさ、つまり畑で作業してるヤツが居るように見えるってえ寸法だ。そうすりゃあの鳥どもも追い払えるだろ。  
[Kitchen Garden Trends]
Find the Huge Overalls. - Explore the Golden Daisies Alley.
Farmers are amongst the founders of the overalls fashion trend. If you get large overalls, we'll dress the scarecrow in it, and not a single crow will dare to look at our harvest! Conductor

オーバーオールファッションの流行の基礎を作ったのは農夫なんだぜ。デカいオーバーオールを手に入れてくりゃあ、それをこの案山子に着せられる、そうすりゃ鴉どもにはただの一匹だって俺たちの収穫物を図々しくも覗きに来ようなんてことはさせてやらねえさ! be amongst~: ~の中にいる→~の一人である
You found overalls with patches and holes for the scarecrow we're making? Great choice! Now it looks as if our scarecrow is working in the field from dawn till dusk. 作成中の案山子のために、継ぎあてに穴あきのオーバーオールを見付けて来たって?ナイスチョイスだぜ!これで俺たちの案山子は夜明けから日暮れまで畑で作業をしてるように見えるさ。  
[Straw's Might]
Find the Wadding Straw. - Explore the Golden Daisies Alley.
This scarecrow is turning out great, it looks almost alive. It's missing some important details though.
Oh, right!
A real farmer should be pump and strong, and our scarecrow is very skinny. Let's fill it with straw! Do you know where you can find a stack in the City?

pump and strong: がっしりして強い
Have you found more straw for wadding? Great! It's just enough to fill the second sleeve of our crow fighter's shirt. 更に詰め物の藁を見付けて来たって?やるな!我らが対鴉戦闘員のシャツの両袖いっぱいに詰められるくらいあるぜ。 fill the second sleeve~: (片方の袖だけじゃなくて)両袖までいっぱいに
[Guard of the Fields]
Make the Scarecrow. - Assemble the "Preservation of Crops" collection.
The black crows will flee back into the fog as soon as they see this scarecrow guarding our harvest.
It's not steady enough though. Lend me some artifacts to secure it in the ground, will you?

secure~ in the ground: 土台をしっかり固定する
The artifacts came in handy! It's almost as if the scarecrow is going to roll up the sleeves of its shirts, straighten its hat and the straps of its overalls and devote its straw soul to working in the field. Its patchwork flags will flash all over it! アーティファクトが役に立ったぞ!案山子はもうちょっとで動き出しそうじゃねえか、袖をまくり上げ、帽子を直し、オーバーオールの紐を伸ばして、そうして藁の詰まった魂を畑で作業するのに捧げるのさ。その上ではためくはパッチワーク・フラッグってな! 💬コンダクター、なかなか詩人じゃないですか。労働者哀歌みたいだけども。
A group of crows blackens the sky, capable of covering the fields with its dark veil. It's good that the wind picked up and began to play with the scarecrow's patchwork flags. The crows got scared of the new keeper of the crops. For this victory, the scarecrow should be given the title of Kitchen Garden General. The feathered horde has now retreated back into the fog. Conductor

- Hurray, we won! Player (YOU) -バンザーイ、僕らの勝利だね!  

Golden Daisies Alley❽ 【Preservation of Crops 収穫物の保全】
Checkered Shirt Straw Hat Patchwork Flags Huge Overalls Wadding Straw Scarecrow
チェックのシャツ 麦わら帽子 パッチワーク・
藁の詰め物 案山子(かかし)

Sub Quest Series #79
《The Catcher in the Corn》
 Next➡#79-2【Feast for Lady Autumn レディ・オータムへの饗宴】

Sub Quest Series #95
《Even He's Sometimes Sober》
#95-3【Tomb of the Knight (2) とある騎士の墓碑】⇦Prev Next➡#95-5 [Conductor's Anecdotes コンダクターの小話]


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