Compartment No. 8's collection #7 【City Legend】

Sub Quest Series #62
《Darkness That Lies beneath the Dungeons》
62-9【Mushroom Army 闘うマッシュルーム】⇦Prev Next➡62-11【Guest from the Dungeons 地下迷宮からの客人】

Compartment No. 8 ❼ 【City Legend シティの言い伝え】
Unique Brick Commemorative Ribbon Phoenix Figurine Meteorite Fragment Order's First Sign Stone Scroll
唯一無二の煉瓦 記念式典のリボン フェニックスの
隕石の欠片 守護団の最初の

【City Legend】 【シティの言い伝え】  
[Relic of the City]
Find the Unique Brick. - Explore the "Alley" location.
Do you like urban legends? Eddie and I love checking out the most mysterious ones. I was just going to check out one of the local legends. Valerie
They say that if you lay out items symbolizing the most important events of the City around the statue on Hidden Row, it'll reveal a secret. ヒドゥン=ロウ通りの像の周りにシティで起きた最も重要な出来事を象徴するアイテムを並べたら、とある秘密が明らかになるって言われてるのよ。  
Why, you've intrigued me! I suppose, if you get the right items, the statue will indeed reveal its secret. I'll tell you what to look for. Mayor
おやおや、君たちの話の顛末にはこの私も興味をそそられるね!適切なアイテムを手に入れれば、この像は確かに秘密を明かしてくれるであろうと私も思うよ。 why: おやおや ※驚きを表す間投詞だがやや古風。市長は200年前の人だから…。
intrigue 人: 話の顛末が人の興味をそそる。※intrestはその話そのものが興味をそそられるのに対し、intrigueはその話の先が気になるという事を指す。
Valerie isn't the first to check the legend of the statue of Hidden Row. But the statue hasn't yet revealed its secret to anyone. The legend says that one should bring items to it that are iconic for the City. Let us find the first brick used in the City's construction.. Mayor

ヒドゥン=ロウ通りの像の言い伝えを確かめようとした者はなにもバレリーが最初ではない。しかしこの像の秘密は未だに誰にも明かされないままだ。言い伝えによれば、シティの象徴となるようなアイテムをこの像に持ってくるという事になっている。シティが作られた時に使われた最初の煉瓦を見付けようではないか。 ※最後のピリオド二つは原文ママ
Let me take a closer look... Undoubtedly, this was the first brick placed when construction of the City began. I recognized its special design - the brick was made to order for the solemn ceremony by famous sculptor of the time. どれ、良く見せてみたまえ…。間違いなく、これはシティ創設時に使われた最初の煉瓦だったものだ。その意匠を見れば分かるさ-その煉瓦は当時有名な彫刻家によって厳粛な式典のために注文された品だったのだからな。 solemn: 厳粛な
[A Great Day]
Find the Commemorative Ribbon. - Explore the "Fair" location.
Okay, let's go through this again. You're looking for items that symbolize iconic events of the City. And all in order to verify some kind of legend? I think that a commemorative ribbon from the Station's opening ceremony should work. Do you know where to find it? Conductor

I see you've found the red ribbon that was cut on the Station's opening day. Congratulations! I read in an old newspaper that it was a grand event. Tourists and talented people, who stayed here to be creative, began to visit from everywhere. ほほう、お前が見付けたのは駅の開通日にカットされた赤いリボンだぜ。やったな!こいつは大々的なイベントだったと古い新聞に書かれてたのさ。旅行者やら、ここで一旗揚げようとする才能ある人間たちやらがあちこちから訪れ始めたんだとよ。 Tourists and talented people, who stayed here to be creative:ちょっと分かりにくいがwho以下はtalented peopleのみにかかっているっぽい。当時は出来たばかりの街なので、ここで一旗あげようと色んな分野の才能ある人間が集まってきたのではないだろうか。
[Better Times]
Find the Phenix Figurine. - Explore the "Crystals" mini-game.
I think everyone who's tried to verify the legend of the statue in the past brought the wrong items, and that's why it hasn't revealed its secret to anyone. I know what we need - a figurine of a phoenix, which has become the symbol of the City's rebirth. Will you help me find it? Valerie

Do you have good news for me? Cool, you found the phoenix figurine! It's a real relic for the citizens. The old-times told me that after many failures and problems, the City suddenly began to transform and flourish, as if it was being reborn. いい知らせを持って来てくれたの?やるじゃん、フェニックスの小像を見付けてくれたのね!これぞまさに街の人に伝わる歴史的遺物だわ。昔話では多くの失敗と困難を乗り越え、シティは突如変身を遂げ繁栄が始まったとか、まるで生まれ変わったかのようにね。 relic: 歴史的な価値のある(或いは大きな意味を持つ)古くから伝わる物。※発掘品などを指すことが多いが、ここではシティに古くから伝わる物くらいの意味で使われている。
[Fragment of the Past]
Find the Meteorite Fragment. - Explore the "Christmas School" location.
If you're looking for items that symbolize the main events of the City, you need a meteorite fragment. It significantly affected the citizens' lives when it fell from the sky. To check the legend Valerie is interested in, you'll only need to find a small fragment. Helen

Let me take a look... You weren't mistaken, this really is a piece of the meteorite that hit the City many years ago. Father noticed the meteorite approaching first, and he even calculated the time and place where it was supposed to fall, which saved many lives. 良く見せて下さいな…。間違いありませんわ、これは確かにその昔シティに落ちた隕石の欠片です。お父様は最初隕石が近付いて来るのに気付き、それが落ちるであろう時間と場所を計算して、多くの命を救ったんですのよ。 Heren's father ヘレンの父:《Stars in the Fog》の日誌に登場。天文学者で五賢守護団の一人だがシティ中心部に向かい現在行方不明。
[Historical Event]
Find the Order's First Sign. - Explore the "Bridge" location.
Ah, it's you! How is your search for items that symbolize significant events of the City going? The creation of the Order of the Five - this is a key moment in history. I still remember how long they were pondering what their sign should be. If you're lucky, you will find its first version! Mayor

おお、君か!シティの大きな出来事を象徴するアイテム探しの進捗状況は如何かね?五賢守護団の創設-これは歴史において重要な瞬間だ。私は未だに覚えておるよ、随分長い事彼らが守護団のマークをどうしようかと思案していたのをな。運が君に味方するのであれば、その最初のバージョンが見付かるのではないかね! ★Order of the Five 五賢守護団:シティ創設に大きく関わる科学者集団。コレクターを始めとする五人+一人で構成されているが謎が多く全員所在不明。
ponder: 熟考する、思案する、あれこれ考えを巡らす
I never doubted you! You've found the first sign of the famous Order of the Five. For such a rarity, the statue on Hidden Row will surely reveal its secret to Valerie, just as the urban legend promises. 君は私の見込んだとおりだな!かの有名な五賢守護団の最初のマークを見付けたか。このような珍しいアイテムとあらば、ヒドゥン=ロウ通りの像もきっと、その秘密をバレリーに飽かしてくれるであろう、この地の言い伝えで約束しているようにな。  
[Scroll with a Mystery]
Check the legend. - Assemble the "City Legend" collection.
I can't wait to lay out our findings around the statue and find out if the legend is true. Oh, I completely forgot - in one of the written references to the legend, there's a note that the circle of items has to be closed with artifacts. You have some with you, don't you? Valerie

Let's begin! I'll put the ribbon from the Station's opening near the statue, then lay the phoenix figurine and meteorite fragment nearby before closing the circle with the artifacts.
Incredibly, on the scroll in the statue's hands, a map of the City's underground passages has appeared. The legend has confirmed!
It's good that I managed to copy the map of the City's dungeons - the scroll is now empty. I wonder what secrets are hidden under the City? Valerie
They say that a white dragon's egg is hidden in the dungeons. Even when they inhabited the planet, white dragons were considered a rarity... Mayor
地下迷宮にはホワイト・ドラゴンの卵が隠されていると言われているな。この惑星にドラゴンが住んでいた時代ですら、ホワイト・ドラゴンと言うのは珍しい生き物だとされていたとか…。 💬同時期に追加されたアッパーのサブクエ【Soul-Bound Maze】にも地下迷宮が出て来たなぁ。次のイベントの予告編なのだろうか?

Compartment No. 8 ❼ 【City Legend シティの言い伝え】
Unique Brick Commemorative Ribbon Phoenix Figurine Meteorite Fragment Order's First Sign Stone Scroll
唯一無二の煉瓦 記念式典のリボン フェニックスの
隕石の欠片 守護団の最初の

Sub Quest Series #62
《Darkness That Lies beneath the Dungeons》
62-9【Mushroom Army 闘うマッシュルーム】⇦Prev Next➡62-11【Guest from the Dungeons 地下迷宮からの客人】

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