Requirement LV168

🐮Sun Pavilion  (日輪にちりんの東屋あずまや)


*Original BGM

Miracle Fair 奇跡のクリスマスの市⇦Prev  Next➡Blooming Quarter お花見横丁

Related Investigation: Case №67

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Sun Pavilion.

《Case №67: Legend of the Sun 日輪(にちりん)の伝説》
🗝Quest for the new location (№67-0)
❶【Stars' Voices 星々の声】 (№67-1)

❷【Dreadful Eclipse 悍(おぞ)ましき蝕(しょく)】 (№67-2)

❸【Before Dawn 夜明け前】 (№67-3)

❹【Life-Giving Sun 命の母なる太陽】 (№67-4)

❺【Healing Light 癒しの光】 (№67-5)

-Artifact 【Magical Song of the Heavens 天界の星々の歌声】 (№67-Post Quest)


❻【Great Hunt 邪霊狩り


❼【Lantern Festival (2) 元宵節(げんしょうせつ)

*The Temple has a collection with the same English name, but these are different collections. So I numberd this as (2).


❽【Sun and Time 天の陽と時の流れと


Miracle Fair 奇跡のクリスマスの市⇦Prev  Next➡Blooming Quarter お花見横丁


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