Requirement LV276

🍎Valerie's Vegetable Shop

*Original BGM

👁Maze of Fear⇦Prev  Next➡🍰Confectionery

Related Investigation: Case: The Harvest Riddle

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Vegetable Shop.

《Case №90: The Harvest Riddle》
🗝Quest for the new location (№90-0)

❶【Traces of a Magic Crime 魔術的犯罪の痕跡】 (№90-1)

❷【Growth Enhancers 畑の成長促進剤】 (№90-2)

❸【Hidden in the Depths 奥深くに隠されしは】 (№90-3)

❹【Catching Shadows 影を捉えて】 (№90-4)

❺【Supremacy of Life 命の優位】 (№90-5)

-Artifact 【Special Autumn Day 特別な秋の日】 (№90-Post Quest)


❻【Mystery of the Dark Garden ダーク・ガーデンの不思議


❼【Black Waters 闇汚染水


❽【Sun Thieves キラキラ泥棒


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