Secret Room's collection #12 【Vampire Hunter】

*This collection was reassigned from the Diggers' Stash on May 2021.

Sub Quest Series #87
《The Abyss also Gazes Back into You》
#87-1【Oak Grove Ritual オークの木立の儀式】⇦Prev Next➡#87-3【Vampire Power 吸血鬼の力】

Secret Room⓬ 【Vampire Hunter ヴァンパイア・ハンター】
Sacred Book Holy water Wooden stake Garlic Silver bullets Hunter's Kit
聖書 聖水 木の杭(くい) ニンニク 銀の弾丸 ハンター用具一式

【Vampire Hunter】 【ヴァンパイア・ハンター】  
[Let There be Light]
Find the Kerosene Lantern. - Explore the Station.
★Let There be Light 光あれ:旧約聖書の創世記の最初の一節。この言葉と共に世界は始まったとされる
I'm so glad to see you! Why am I sitting here? Luckily the lamps keep it bright, because I'm afraid of the darkness. Bats once attacked me in the dark. They were so huge that I thought they'd eat me up! Little Edward is very hungry but I'm still afraid of leaving the light! I'm so scared... Valerid

- I'll help you. Player (YOU) -助けてあげるよ。  
Of course! If I had a lantern, I could leave here and find something for Edward to eat. Valerid

This is just the kind of lantern I need! Look, the wounds from the bats' bites have gotten larger and become inflamed. They hurt terribly. We need to ask Isabelle about these bats; she's the anomaly expert around here. まさにこういうランタンよ、私が欲しかったのって!見てこれ、例の蝙蝠に噛まれた傷がどんどんおっきくなって行って熱を持ってきちゃったわ。すごい痛いんだけど。イザベルにあの蝙蝠の事を聞かなくっちゃ-だってこの辺のアノマリーのエキスパートだもんね。  
[Terrible News]
Find the relic. - Explore any location in the City with the "Bats" effect active.
※探索アイテムはアセンブラーのWreath of Luck 幸運のリース
Did you say Valerie was bitten by unusual bats? I fear they were vampire bats from the distant catacombs. You'd better ask the Mayor about them. Although, we're going to need one of the City's relics to summon his spirit. Isabelle

バレリーが珍しい蝙蝠に噛まれたんですって?大変、それって遠くのカタコンベからやってきたヴァンパイア蝙蝠だったんじゃないかしら。この件は市長に頼まないとマズいわね。と言っても、彼の霊を呼ぶにはシティに残された遺品から一つ必要になるけど。 ★catacombs カタコンベ:頭蓋骨が積み上がって埋葬されているような地下の共同埋葬場所。シティの地下の何処かにもカタコンベがあるらしい。
catacombs Wikipedia
relics: 本来は歴史的な遺産、或いは聖人の遺骨を指すがここでは市長の遺品程度の物を指していると思われる。幽霊市長を呼び出すには市長の持ち物が一ついる事になっている。
Now you can summon the Mayor's spirit and question him thoroughly. これで市長の霊を呼び出して徹底的に質問する事が出来るわ。  
[Improved Vision]
Find the Records. - Explore the City Hall.
improve: 好転する、改良する
Yes, I recall the story of the vampire bats. Count Dracula once arrived in the City and the bats began to behave strangely. They started attacking and killing people.
However, the town's people managed to drive Dracula out and seal the murderous bats deep in the catacombs.

★Count Dracula ドラキュラ伯爵:ヴラド公爵がモデルとされる伝説のドラキュラ。シティでは《All Hallow's Eve》《Halloween Keeper》で暗躍。
- Now they've gotten out. Player (YOU) -それが今回逃げ出したんですね。  
Only a few people have ever survived bites from the vampire bats. But as to how, I don't remember. Wait - I'm sure the Collector kept records. He's sure to hold the answer you seek. Mayor

Yes, here's the description of the ritual. It has to be performed no later than sunset on the same day the victim was attacked. You'll need a sacred book, holy water, a wooden stake, garlic and silver bullets. やはり、儀式に関する記述がある。被害者が襲われたのと同じ日の日没前に儀式を執り行われなければならないとあるぞ。必要なのは聖書、聖水、木の杭(くい)、ニンニク、それに銀の弾丸だ。  
[Holy Water]
Collect some Holy Water. - Explore Diggers' Stash.
We had some holy water here before, but over time, it has all evaporated. But if you go into the past, you can easily collect a bottle of it. Mayor

かつてはここに聖水があったのだが、時ともに、すっかり蒸発してしまっているな。だが君が過去に行ってくれば、簡単にそれをボトルに集めて来られるぞ。 💬簡単に言いますが、過去に戻れる前提ですよね?過去モードの話をしてる?
We found the holy water... that's a good start. But there's a lot of work ahead, so hurry. 聖水を見付けたぞ…、幸先は良いな。だがやることはまだ沢山あるのだ、急ぎたまえ。  
[Turning Back the Clock]
Return the Amulet. - Explore the City in "Past" mode.
※探索アイテムはアセンブラーのAmulet of Time-loop タイム・ループのアミュレット
Valerie is getting more pale with each passing minute. She could die before you collect the remaining items for the ritual. A time-loop amulet could help her. It will turn the clock back an hour. Find it for Valerie's sake. Mayor

There... the clock has turned back an hour. Valerie looks a lot better! おお…時間が一時間巻き戻ったぞ。バレリーの顔色も良くなったようだ。  
[Sacred Word]
Find the Sacred Book. - Explore Diggers' Stash.
Where can you find the sacred book, you ask? You can find anything in the City if you search well enough - even that book! I can't say anything more than that. Mayor

聖書は何処で見付かるのかと聞いているのかね?君がよくよく探索すれば、このシティで君に見付けられない物はないだろう-たとえ斯様な書物であろうとも!それ以上は何も言うまい。 💬要するに市長にも分からないんですね?
You brought the book? Great! Valerie is getting worse. I can't even see her reflection in the mirror anymore. 聖書を持って来たのかね?バレリーはどんどん具合が悪くなっている。もはや鏡の中に映る姿を確認できないほどだぞ。  
Find the Garlic. - Explore Diggers' Stash.
The next item on the list is garlic. I doubt it will be easy to find - unless, one of the monsters in the City has some. They sometimes keep the most surprising things. Mayor

With the garlic, we only have three of the ingredients. You're too slow, my friend! ニンニクが手に入ったとしても、まだ材料の内三つだけだ。時間がかかり過ぎだぞ、わが友よ! 💬そういうがよ、探すのは主人公一人なんだから…。まあ、幽霊市長は見てるだけってのは仕方ないにしても。
[Huntress's Secret]
Find the Silver Bullets. - Explore Diggers' Stash.
The Huntress is sure to have some silver bullets in her armoury. You should start your search with her. Mayor

These bullets are so shiny. The Huntress said that these are the last ones she has, but she's happy to give them away if it means saving Valerie. この弾丸はとても輝いているな。ハントレスはこれが手持ちの最後だと言っていたが、バレリーを救う事になるならばこれを喜んで明け渡してくれるそうだ。  
[Find the Wooden Stake]
Barter for the Stake. - Explore Diggers' Stash.
I heard you need a wooden stake. I had one, but I don't anymore. I traded it with the Wanderer yesterday for a lucky horseshoe. Hopefully he hasn't had time to give it to anyone else yet! Conductor

There's the wooden stake! The same one I was talking about! Take the horseshoe as well. It should bring you luck. 木の杭(くい)があったか!それだよ、俺が言ってたのと同じヤツだ!一緒にこの蹄鉄も持ってけ。きっとお前に幸運を齎してくれるさ。  
[Healing Ritual]
Heal Valerie. - Assemble the "Vampire Hunting" collection.
The sun is already setting! Fortunately, we have everything we need to perform the healing ritual. Let's begin. Mayor

The colour in Valerie's cheeks is coming back. And the vampire bat bites have faded entirely. It's as if they'd never been. The ritual was a success. バレリーの頬の色が戻って来たぞ。そしてヴァンパイア蝙蝠の噛み跡も完全に消え去ったな。まるで初めから何もなかったの様に。儀式は成功だ。  
My neck still aches, but I feel healthy! I must remember to avoid the City's dark alleyways in the future. Thank you! Valerid

首がまだズキズキするけど、元気になったわ!今後シティの暗い路地は避けることを忘れないようにしなくちゃ。ありがとう! 💬バレリーに果たしてそれが出来るかな?好奇心の塊だかrなー。
- Take care. Player (YOU) -お大事にね。  

Secret Room⓬ 【Vampire Hunter ヴァンパイア・ハンター】
Sacred Book Holy water Wooden stake Garlic Silver bullets Hunter's Kit
聖書 聖水 木の杭(くい) ニンニク 銀の弾丸 ハンター用具一式

Sub Quest Series #87
《The Abyss also Gazes Back into You》
#87-1【Oak Grove Ritual オークの木立の儀式】⇦Prev Next➡#87-3【Vampire Power 吸血鬼の力】


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