Post Office's collection #7 【Legend of the Mailman】

Sub Quest Series #U8
《Legends of the City》
1【Great Inventor 偉大な発明家】⇦Prev Next➡#U8-3【Legend of the Table №8 8番テーブルの伝説】

Post Office❼ 【Legend of the Mailman 伝説の郵便配達人】
Number Plate Book Holder Climbing Rope Airship Postage Stamp Box with Originals Box Key
ナンバープレート ブックホルダー 登山ロープ 飛行船の郵便切手 オリジナルの

【Legend of the Mailman】 【伝説の郵便配達人】 ※原題直訳は「郵便配達人の伝説」
[Old Mailman]
Find the Number Plate. - Explore the Post Office.

During the investigation of the crystal theft, information came to light that some valuable goods had been delivered to the Upper City. Their exact location is known to an old mailman. I interviewed all the elderly mailmen in the part of the City under my control. Truth be told, their memory isn't in the best condition because of their age and exposure to the fog... I'm forced to ask for your cooperation: help me find the valuable goods. I won't forget it. Mr. Black

クリスタル窃盗事件の捜査中に、貴重な物資がアッパーシティに配達されていたという情報が浮かび上がって来たのだ。その正確な所在を知っているのは昔郵便配達人だった男とかいう話でな。シティのこちら側で私の管理下にある高齢の郵便配達人ら全員に聞き込んだのだが。正直に言って、彼らの記憶は良い状態とは言えないのだ、年齢と霧にさらされた事が原因でな…。やむを得ん、君に協力を要請する、貴重な物資とやらを探すのを手伝い給え。捨て置けん。 come to light: 今まで分かっていなかった事が明かされる

be forced to do: やむを得ず~する、~するのも仕方ない
- Sounds interesting Player (YOU) -面白そうですね  
Are you looking for an old mailman who knows about the valuable goods? What about the monument in the Post Office's building?
Grandmother told me that there's a bronze figure of a mailman who once did a lot for the City. The monument is surely old, and of a mailman.
Look at him, maybe you'll find a clue.
Rayden Storke

The plate wasn't far from the monument of the mailman... Judging by the holes, it used to be attached to the envelope in his hand. But it doesn't resemble an address. そのプレートは配達人のモニュメントからさほど離れていないところにあったか…。開いている穴から察するに、以前は像の手にある封筒に取り付けられていたんだ。だが住居表示ではなさそうだな。 address: 名詞は英米でアクセントの位置が違う。
[Letter with no Address]
Find the Book Holder. - Explore the Post Office.

I admit, you found a new clue in the search for the valuable cargo. But the monument of the mailman has not yet led us to our goal. What a pity it cannot be interrogated. Where did he carry this letter that once contained the plate? Find the answer. Mr. Black

認めてやろう、貴重な積み荷の探索において新しい手掛かりを見つけたというのはな。だが配達人のモニュメントだけではまだ我々の目的には至らない。あの像に尋問できないのが残念でならん。あの男はかつてプレートが取り付けられていたこの手紙を何処に持って行ったのだ?答えを探して来給え。 💬銅像に尋問するって考えが浮かぶあたりが長官らしいね(笑)
This Book Holder is made in memory of the earthquake. The City was divided into lower and upper parts, with the Rift - a deep gorge - between them. What does the mailman have to do with this? このブックホルダーはあの地震の記憶を留めるため作られたのだ。シティは下界たるロウワーと崖の上のアッパー部分に分断されてしまった、-深く切り立った崖-が間に横たわったのだ、例の「亀裂」によってな。配達人がそれとどう関係していると? gorge: 渓谷、谷間。山のふもとの切り立った崖になった谷間の事。
what does ~ have to do with~?: ~は~とどう関係しているのか?
the Rift  例の「亀裂」:《Uppercity Fog》に出てきた亀裂。地震による地割れの事を言っていたらしい。
[Conquering the Rift]
Find the Climbing Rope. - Explore the Post Office.

Grandma said that the legendary mailman delivered an important letter from the Lower City to the Upper City by passing across the Rift.
Maybe he delivered the valuable goods?
He obviously needed climbing equipment. Did you find any?
Rayden Storke

This rope with carabiner clips is very old but still strong. I thought the legend about the mailman was just a fairy tale, but now it seems that it could lead us to the valuable goods after all. このロープのカラビナクリップはずいぶんと古いが未だにしっかりしてる。私は配達人の伝説は単なるお伽噺だと思っていたが、こうなると結局この伝説が貴重な物資に我々を導いてくれそうに思えて来るな。 carabiner カラビナ:登山道具の一種でロープで命綱とロープを固定したりするための道具。絶壁を登る際にも使われるため強度が必要。
[Air Fleet]
Find the Airship Postage Stamp. - Explore the Post Office.

fleet: 船団、乗り物の群れ。集合名詞。
The mailman passed across the Rift, and they erected a monument to him? Nonsense! Why climb across the gorge with valuable items when airships were cruising around the City at that time?
They even depicted them on postage stamps. Find one.
Mr. Black

postage stamp: 郵便切手
You see, mail and goods used to be delivered on airships. Your investigation has reached a dead end, and you haven't found anything of value, admit it. 見たまえ、手紙と物資はかつては飛行船で運ばれていたのだ。君の捜査は手詰まりで、見るべきモノを何一つ見付けておらんではないか、認めたまえ。 💬長官、手伝いを要請しておいて厳しい…。頑張ってるんだし、もうちょっと優しくしてくれても。
[Box with a Secret]
Find the Box with Originals. - Explore the Post Office.

original: 原物、ここではモニュメントにあるモノではなくその番号の原物と言う意味
Let's research the legend of the mailman to the end. There was an archive in the Post Office, where my grandmother worked. Now the post office is in chaos, but try to find the archive box with the same number as on the plate from the monument. Rayden Storke

If you managed to retrieve a box from this pile of junk, the City definitely helped you! The number matches, but the box is rather light! It's alright, valuables doesn't have to be heavy. このガラクタの山から箱を回収できたと言う事は、やはりシティが君には手を貸してくれたという事だ!番号は一致するが、この箱はずいぶんと軽いぞ!まあそういう事もあるか、価値のあるモノが重いとは限らないからな。  
[Project of the Future]
Find the Box Key. - Assemble the "Legend of the Mailman" collection.

Hand over your find to the authorities. I don't believe your legend about the mailman, but the contents of the archive box is the property of the City, so step away.
However, first we need to pick up the key. I know you have the special skills to do so.
Mr. Black

authorities: 関係当局。この意味の時は複数形
The key fits, but there are only old papers inside the archive box. Wow, these are drawings of our Airship Dock! Yes, the goods were valuable, but they're from many years ago.
There's an interesting sign on the yellowed sheets, something like a stylized letter "C". The Collector's mark?
stylize: 様式化する
The legend of the mailman was true! Grandma said that when our part of the City was separated by the Rift after the earthquake, panic and despondency reigned here. The mailman overcame the Rift in order to deliver the Airship Dock's drawings from the Lower City. All resources were used in the construction of the Airship Dock, and the connection between the two parts of the City was restored.
I've always considered the author of the drawings a genius. Was it the Collector?
Rayden Storke

despondency: 元気のない様子、やり切れなさ、落胆
- We'll know one day Player (YOU) -いずれ分かる日が来るさ  

Post Office❼ 【Legend of the Mailman 伝説の郵便配達人】
Number Plate Book Holder Climbing Rope Airship Postage Stamp Box with Originals Box Key
ナンバープレート ブックホルダー 登山ロープ 飛行船の郵便切手 オリジナルの

Sub Quest Series #U8
《Legends of the City》
1【Great Inventor 偉大な発明家】⇦Prev Next➡#U8-3【Legend of the Table №8 8番テーブルの伝説】

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