Requirement LV156

🚣River of Oblivion  (忘却ぼうきゃくの河)


*Original BGM

LV147 Compartment №8 8番コンパートメント⇦Prev  Next➡LV159 Bonmarito Villa ボンマリート家のヴィラ

The moon glade illuminates the cold waters of the River of Oblivion. A lone boat sways quietly on its waves. Rumors has it that Charon himself moored it to the pier. Has he arrived to ferry someone's soul to the other world?

Related Investigation: Case №64

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's River of Oblivion.

《Case №64: Bloody Moon's Glow 血の色に染まる月の輝き》
🗝Quest for the new location (№64-0)
❶【Ball of Immortals 命限りなき者たちの舞踏会】 (№64-1)
Ball of Immortals
❷【Lord of Primordial Darkness 始まりの闇を司る者】 (№64-2)
Lord of Primordial Darkness
❸【Stray Boat 迷える小舟】 (№64-3)
Stray Boat
❹【To the World of the Living 生きる者の世界へ向かって】 (№64-4)
To the World of the Living
❺【Halloween Transformation ハロウィーンの変身】 (№64-5)
Halloween Transformation
-Artifact 【Queen of the Night's Owl 夜を統べる女王の梟】 (№64-Post Quest)
Queen of the Night's Owl


❻【Spooky Boogeyman Story 不気味なブーギマンのお話
Spooky Boogeyman Story


❼【Halloween in Danger ハロウィーン、危機一髪
Halloween in Danger


❽【Elixir of Bravery 勇気の秘薬
Elixir of Bravery


❾【Charon's Vacation カロンの休暇


LV147 Compartment №8 8番コンパートメント⇦Prev  Next➡LV159 Bonmarito Villa ボンマリート家のヴィラ


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