Requirement LV147

🛤Compartment №8 (8番コンパートメント)


*Original BGM

LV144 Sunny Terrace 陽だまりのテラス⇦Prev  Next➡LV156 River of Oblivion 忘却の河

The spacious Compartment No. 8 is slightly messy. Apparently, the traveler spent more than one day on the road. The flowers shed some petals, and on the white tablecloth, there is an old newspaper. A little animal fell asleep in a golden cage without noticing that the train car had stopped long ago. But why didn't anyone exit the compartment?

Related Story: 《Time for Luck

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Compartment No. 8

《Time for Luck ツキを呼ぶ刻(とき)
🗝Quest for the new location (№63-0)
❶【Life Is a Game 人生はゲームだ】 (№63-1)
Life Is a Game
❷【Fortune's Favorite 幸運の女神に愛されし者】 (№63-2)
Fortune's Favorite
❸【Gear Magic 歯車の魔術】 (№63-3)
Gear Magic
❹【Cursed and Elusive 呪われててしかも捕まえにくくて】 (№63-4)
Cursed and Elusive
❺【Saving Clockie クロッキーを救え】 (№63-5)
Saving Clockie
-Artifact 【Master's Watch】 ( №63-Post Quest)
Master's Watch


❻【Foggy Express フォギー=エクスプレス
Foggy Express


❼【City Legend シティの言い伝え
City Legend


❽【Fake Crime 見せかけの犯罪
Fake Crime


❾【You Are Responsible For... 君には責任があるんだから…
You Are Responsible For..


❿【Forbidden Artifacts 禁じられたアーティファクト


⓫【Poisonous Dust 毒性の塵(ちり)


⓬【Toys of Fate 運命の玩具


LV144 Sunny Terrace 陽だまりのテラス⇦Prev  Next➡LV156 River of Oblivion 忘却の河


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