Requirement LV34

👻Haunted Park  (幽霊公園)

*same BGM as the Collector's House and various locations

*Former location image on the map

LV30 Hall Of Weddings 結婚式場⇦Prev  Next➡LV36 Christmas Hall クリスマスホール

Haunted Park

The deserted pathways of an abandoned old park have been transformed, absorbing the magic of Halloween. Pumpkins with eyes of flame, a statue of a pumpkin-headed horseman - who knows what else might lurk behind the iron gates of the old park?

*This location returned from the Dungeons to the City's ground in Jun 2020.

Former massage of the Dungeons' Entrance

Halloween magic transformed the empty alleys of an old park. Pumpkins with flaming eyes, a pumpkin-headed horseman statue - what's behind its gate?


Related Investigation: Case №13

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Haunted Park.

《Case №13: All Hallows' Eve 万聖節前夜》
🗝Quests for the new location (№13-0)

❶【Halloween Steward ハロウィーンの世話役】 (№13-1)
Halloween Steward

❷【Dracula's Costume ドラキュラの衣装】 (№13-2)
Dracula's Costume

❸【Jack's Things ジャックの持ち物】 (№13-3)
Jack's Things

❹【Pumpkins of the World 世界のパンプキン】 (№13-4)
Pumpkins of the World

❺【Threads of Positivity 前向きな気持ちから紡がれた糸】 (№13-5)
Threads of Positivity

❻【Homemade Talismans 手作りのタリスマン】 (№13-6)
Homemade Talismans

-Artifact 【First Samhain 最初のサーウィン】 (№13-Post Quest)
First Samhain


❼【Halloween Treats ハロウィーンのご馳走


❽【Do-It-Yourself Costume 手作りのコスチューム


❾【Oak Grove Ritual オークの木立の儀式


❿【Famous Ancestors 高名なご先祖様たち


LV30 Hall Of Weddings 結婚式場⇦Prev  Next➡LV36 Christmas Hall クリスマスホール


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