Requirement LV50

🏰Castle Gate  (城門)

*same BGM as the Collector's House (Oct 2023-)

*Previous BGM; same as the original River of Oblivion

*Original BGM

LV47 The Hotel ホテル⇦Prev  Next➡LV53 Temple 寺

Pointed spires on the turrets of Jack's Castle prop up the heavy sky. Stone guardians stand at the entrance to the inner sanctum of the Halloween Spirit. What awaits those who venture here?

Castle Gate

Related Investigation: Case №21

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Castle Gate.

《Halloween Keeper ハロウィーンの番人
🗝Quests for the new location (№21-0)

❶【Traces of Vampires ヴァンパイアたちの足跡(そくせき)】 (№21-1)

❷【Young Monsters 若いモンスターたち】 (№21-2)

❸【Outfit Charm 魔避けの装身具一式】 (№21-3)

❹【Duel with the Vampire ヴァンパイアとの決闘】 (№21-4)

❺【Samhain Clock サーウィン・クロック】 (№21-5)

-Artifact 【Vampire's Secrets ヴァンパイアの秘密】 (№21-post)


❻【Halloween Masquerade ハロウィーンの仮装


❼【Pet Snakes 蛇のペット


❽【Barber's History 理髪師に纏わるいわくつきのお話


❾【Witch's Trinkets 魔女の装飾品
*This story is an adaptation of the gift collection for the event held in May 2018 at Secret Room


❿【Vampire Power 吸血鬼の力


★Sub quest series 《Captive in the Fog 霧の虜囚
*These collections was reassigned from the Chapel Basement on July 2020.
⓫【Lord of the Fog 霧を統べる者

⓬【Mounted Crusader 騎乗の十字軍

⓭【Knightly Duel 騎士の決闘


★Sub quest series 《Cache behind Cobwebs 蜘蛛の巣の奥の秘密
*These collections were assigned from the Pirate Treasure on July 2020.
⓮【Scarlet Secret 緋色に隠された秘密

⓯【Spider's Curse 蜘蛛の呪い


LV47 The Hotel ホテル⇦Prev  Next➡LV53 Temple 寺


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