Requirement LV30

💔Hall of Broken Weddings  (失意の結婚式場)

*same BGM as the Collector's House and various locations

LV28 Bridge 橋⇦Prev  Next➡LV34 Haunted Park 幽霊公園

*The former location moved to the Dungeons as the Wedding Salon in July 2020

Wedding dresses, tailcoats, huge cakes and wedding rings - everything here radiates happiness and love. But why is there an aura of dark magic emanating from a half-open door?

*The former location moved to the Dungeons as the Wedding Salon in July 2020
*a former image befor July 2020

Related Investigation: Case №34

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Hall of Weddings.

《Case №34: Angel In Love 恋に落ちた天使》
🗝Quests for the new location (№34-0)

❶【Angel In Love 恋に落ちた天使】 (№34-1)

❷【Mistress's Treasure ミストレスの宝物】 (№34-2)


★Sub quest series 《Where Has He Gone? 彼は何処へ消えた?
❸【Mystery of the Portrait ポートレートの謎 (№34-Post quest)


★Sub quest series 《Captain Drake's Wonder ドレイク船長にまつわる不思議
★Sub quest series 《Saving the Cardsharp カードシャープを救え
❹【Witch Sorcery 魔女の魔術

❺【Mysterious Shipwreck ミステリアスな海難事故


★Sub quest series 《Temptation to Hades 冥府への誘い
❻【Charon's Attraction カロンの呼び声

❼【Debt to Charon カロンへの借財


❽【City Cinematography シティの映画撮影


❾【Eternal Stories 不朽(ふきゅう)の名作


❿【Tropical Resort トロピカル・リゾート


LV28 Bridge 橋⇦Prev  Next➡LV34 Haunted Park 幽霊公園


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