Requirement LV150

🎬Capuchin Movie Theater (キャピュシン・シネマシアター)

*Original BGM

Architect's Gardens アーキテクツ・ガーデン⇦Prev  Next➡Citadel シタデル要塞

The smell of popcorn and velvet soars in the Movie Theater's corridors, and the movie projector is already accelerating and crackling a film reel. Everything is ready for the grand premiere here, but why isn't there a single spectator in front of the screen, depicting a never-ending countdown?

Related Investigation: Upper Case №12

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Movie Theater.

《Movie Captivity 映画の囚われ人
🗝Quest for the new location (U12-0)

❶【Incident in the Movie Hall 上映ホールでの小事件】 (U12-1)
Incident in the Movie Hall

❷【Source of Adversity 災厄の源】 (U12-2)
Source of Adversity

❸【Antagonist Appears 敵対者現(あらわ)る】 (U12-3)
Antagonist Appears

❹【Technicalities of Dreams 夢に関する専門事項】 (U12-4)
Technicalities of Dreams

❺【Destruction of Illusions 幻影をぶち壊せ】 (U12-5)
Destruction of Illusions

-Artifacts 【Star of Happiness ハピネスの星】 (U12-Post Quest)
Star of Happiness


❻【Movie Props 映画の小道具
Movie Props


❼【Role Reversal 役割の逆転
Role Reversal


❽【Memory Games 記憶争奪戦
Memory Games


❾【Frankenstein's Pet Monster フランケンシュタイン的ペット・モンスター


❿【House of Cinema シネマの館


⓫【Evening of Illusions 幻想鑑賞会

Architect's Gardens アーキテクツ・ガーデン⇦Prev  Next➡Citadel シタデル要塞


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