Requirement LV120

☀Summer Theater Stage  (夏の野外劇場)

*Original BGM

LV117 Easter Picnic イースター・ピクニック⇦Prev  Next➡LV126 Palace of Wishes 願いの宮殿

Every night, the Summer Theater lights up, inviting its audience to an unprecedented performance. Passing by the amphitheater, you can hear the thunder of applause from the empty hall. Who is performing here in front of ghosts? And why do the masks hanging above the stage look like they know your every secret?

Related Investigation: Case №52

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Summer Theater Stage.

《Case №52: My Beautiful Mary 我が麗しのマリー》
🗝Quests for the new location (№52-0)
❶【Dramatic Introduction ドラマティックな序章】 (№52-1)

❷【Loving Mother's Outfit 愛情深い母親の衣裳】 (№52-2)

❸【Songbird's Outfit 歌うたいの衣裳】 (№52-3)

❹【Loyal Friend's Outfit 誠実な友の衣裳】 (№52-4)

❺【Cunning Demon Outfit 狡猾な悪魔の衣裳】 (№52-5)

-Artifact 【Enchanted Manuscript 魔に魅せられた手稿】 (№52-Post Quest)


❻【Cursed Makeup 呪われたメーキャップ


❼【Theatrical Diary 劇場のダイアリー


❽【Superstition on Stage 舞台上の迷信
Superstition on Stage


❾【Mysteries of the Scenery 舞台背景のミステリー
Mysteries of the Scenery




LV117 Easter Picnic イースター・ピクニック⇦Prev  Next➡LV126 Palace of Wishes 願いの宮殿


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