Requirement LV117

🐰Easter Picnic  (イースター・ピクニック)

*same BGM as the Collector's House (Oct 2023-)

*Previous one; same as the Sunny Terrace

*Original BGM

LV114 Tea House 茶室⇦Prev  Next➡LV120 Summer Theater Stage 夏の野外劇場

The spring forest brings peace and tranquility. Warm light is pouring through the treetops and sunbeams are scattered across a meadow dotted with spring's first flowers. The Easter Picnic awaits its guests. But who arranged it to be in the Spirits of Nature Forest? A place where no one has ever gone before.

Related Investigation: Case №50

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Easter Picnic.

《Case №50: Spring Wedding 春の結婚式》
🗝Quests for the new location (№50)
❶【Spring Wizard 春の魔術師】 (№50)

❷【Hostage of the Era 政略の時代】 (№50)

❸【Epic of Love 愛の抒情詩】 (№50)

❹【Solemn Outfit 厳かなる装い】 (№50)

❺【Spring Vows 春の誓い】 (№50)

-Artifact 【Spring Helper 春の助っ人


❻【Merry Wedding メリー・ウェディング


❼【Ostara's Ritual オスターラへの儀式


❽【Lost Spirits 迷子の精霊たち

*This story is an adaptation of the gift collection for the event held in Apr. 2019 at Easter Picnic


❾【Detective's Breakfast 刑事のためのブレックファースト


❿【Wedding Favors 結婚式のお返し
Wedding Favors

LV114 Tea House 茶室⇦Prev  Next➡LV120 Summer Theater Stage 夏の野外劇場


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