Requirement LV126

🐪Palace of Wishes  (願いの宮殿)

*Original BGM

LV120 Summer Theater Stage 夏の野外劇場⇦Prev  Next➡LV129 Halls of Samhain サーウィンの大広間

The Palace of Wishes looks like something from an old fairy tale. Its halls are full of wonders; bowls with treats that never go empty and magic birds who sing their charming songs all day long. But what is this lamp high on that pedestal, where no sun rays can reach it? And whose footsteps echo in the empty palace halls?

Related Investigation: Case №59

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Palace of Wishes.

《Case №59: Price of a Wish 願いの対価》
🗝Quests for the new location (№59-0)
❶【Mistress of Wishes 願いの司(つかさ)】 (№59-1)

❷【Palace Traps 宮殿の罠】 (№59-2)

❸【Power of Fears 恐れの持つ力】 (№59-3)

❹【Hidden Truth 隠された真実】 (№59-4)

❺【Bridge Between the Worlds 二つの世界の架け橋】 (№59-5)

-Artifact 【Homecoming 帰郷】 (№59-Post Quest)


❻【Fairy Tale Treasures お伽噺(おとぎばなし)の宝物


❼【Amina's Past アミーナの過去


❽【Finding Ravi ラヴィを探せ


❾【Duty Above Love 愛に勝る使命


❿【Heart of the Palace 宮殿の深奥(しんおう)
Heart of the Palace


LV120 Summer Theater Stage 夏の野外劇場⇦Prev  Next➡LV129 Halls of Samhain サーウィンの大広間


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