Requirement LV5

🩰Ballet Academy👠

*Original BGM

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Sometimes the sound of a grand piano and the laughter of young ballerinas come from depths of the Ballet Academy, but it's just an illusion. Only the wind dances through the spacious halls now. Pointe shoes, dance costumes, and portraits stand as a reminder of what this place once was. Can you read the dark story of the Ballet Academy in the reflection of its cracking mirrors?

Related Investigation: 《Dangerous Ballet 危険なバレエ

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Academy.

《Dangerous Ballet 危険なバレエ
🗝Quests for the new location (№41-0)

❶【Ballet Academy Student バレエ学院の生徒】 (№41-1)

❷【Mysterious Disappearance ミステリアスな失踪】 (№41-2)

❸【Hidden Threat 見えない脅威】 (№41-3)

❹【Dancing with the Devil 悪魔との舞い】 (№41-4)

❺【Unfulfilled Dreams 果たされぬ夢】 (№41-5)

-Artifact 【Family Secrets 一家の秘密】 (№41-Post Quest)


❻【Real Ballerina 真のバレリーナ


★Sub quest series 《Les Diaboliques悪魔の様な女
❼【Thorny Path to Glory 栄光への茨(いばら)の道

❽【Disappearance of Mr. Weiss ミスター・ワイスの失踪
Disappearance of Mr. Weiss

❾【Missing Headmistress 消えた学院長
Missing Headmistress


❿【Wrath of the Overthrown 王位を追われし者の激憤
Wrath of the Overthrown


LV4 Station 駅⇦Prev  Next➡LV6 Crystals クリスタル


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