Requirement LV105

⛄Polar Quarter 

*Passages were laid between buildings twice, in Dec 2019 and Dec 2020.

*same as the Department original BGM (around Sep 2024-)

*same one as a map BGM for Christmas 2018, 2019 (just around Dec 2023)

*same BGM as the Collector's House (Oct-Nov 2023, 2024-aroun Sep 2024)

*same as the Miracle Fair (around 2022)

*Original BGM

*a former image before Nov 2019

LV102 Autumn Valley 秋の谷⇦Prev  Next➡LV108 Pagoda 高楼(こうろう)

The snow-covered Polar Quarter looks like something from a winter fairy tale. Shop windows are adorned with sparkling garlands and spruce wreaths, and the frosty air is saturated with the smell of gingerbread. The warm light coming from the windows beckons everyone to a festive dinner. But why is there no one on the streets?

Related Investigation: Case №46

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Polar Quarter.

《Case №46: Northern Saga 遥かなる北の叙事詩
🗝Quests for the new location (№46)

❶【Winter Foundling 冬の拾い児(ひろいご)】 (№46)

❷【Winter's Bride 冬の花嫁】 (№46)

❸【Ice Attack 氷の攻撃】 (№46)

❹【Wonder Child 世界を変える力を持つ子供】 (№46)

❺【Warming the Soul 魂を温めて】 (№46)

-Artifact 【Breath of the North 北極の息吹


❻【Snow Queen's Armor 雪の女王の鎧


❼【Cozy Holiday 心地良い祭日


❽【Drops of the Sun 太陽の雫(しずく)


❾【Polar Animals 北極の動物たち


❿【Christmas Tree Angels クリスマスツリーの天使たち
*This story is an adaptation of the gift collection for the event held in Dec. 2018 at Polar Quarter


LV102 Autumn Valley 秋の谷⇦Prev  Next➡LV108 Pagoda 高楼(こうろう)


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