Requirement LV102

🍁Autumn Valley  (秋の谷)

*same BGM as the Collector's House (Oct 2023-)

*Previous one; same as Bonmarito Villa

*Original BGM

LV99 Jack's Tower ジャックの塔⇦Prev  Next➡LV105 Polar Quarter 北極圏の街並み

Twilight shadows are creeping up on a mysterious wagon. It seems as though autumn has only arrived in this small part of the Valley. Why does the harvest season not wish to leave this place and color the rest of the City in yellows and reds?

Related Investigation: Case №45

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Autumn Valley.

《Case №45 Autumn's Herald 秋を告げる使者
🗝Quests for the new location (№45-0)
❶【Uninvited Guest 招かれざる客】 (№45-1)

❷【Autumn Mastery 秋を司る者】 (№45-2)

❸【World Tour 世界を巡る旅】 (№45-3)

❹【Harvest Energy 豊穣のエネルギー】 (№45-4)

❺【Strongest Bonds 最強の結び付き】 (№45-5)

-Artifact 【Tricks of Autumn Spirits 秋の精のイタズラ】 (№45-Post quest)


★Sub quest series #18 《Never Ending Tea Time ネバーエンディング・ティータイム
❻【Openwork Seasons レース編みの季節


❼【Weather Forecast 天気予報


❽【Secret Recipe 秘密のレシピ


❾【Rainy Season 雨の季節

*This story is an adaptation of the gift collection for the event held in Nov. 2018 at Autumn Valley

LV99 Jack's Tower ジャックの塔⇦Prev  Next➡LV105 Polar Quarter 北極圏の街並み


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