Requirement LV129

🐎Halls of Samhain  (サーウィンの大広間)

Samhain はケルト語のため読みが変則でサーウィンと発音する。意味はSummer endでHalloweenの元になったケルトの祭日。

*same BGM as the Collector's House (Oct 2023-)

*Previous one; same as the River of Oblivion

*Original BGM

LV126 Palace of Wishes 願いの宮殿⇦Prev  Next➡LV132 Golden Daisies Alley 黄金色のデイジーの小道

The piercing sound of bats echoes under the Halls of Samhain's arches. Cold and desolation have reigned here for a long time, but a sudden gust of wind opened a new page of the Book of Terror - and the candles flashed with bloody lights. What does the statue of the black rider escaping a portal want, and why are the Halloween pumpkins grinning so wickedly?

Related Investigation: Case №55

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Halls of Samhain.

《Case №55: The Scariest Fairy Tale 最恐のお伽噺》
🗝Quest for the new location (№55-0)
❶【Halls of Life and Death 生と死の広間】 (№55-1)
Halls of Life and Death
❷【Mirror Mystery 鏡のミステリー】 (№55-2)
Mirror Mystery
❸【Mystery of Countless Treasures 数え切れないほどのお宝に纏わるミステリー】 (№55-3)
Mystery of Countless Treasures
❹【Mystery of a Disappearances とある失踪事件のミステリー】 (№55-4)
Mystery of a Disappearances
❺【Mystical Werewolf Case 得体の知れない狼男の事件】 (№55-5)
Mystical Werewolf Case
-Artifact 【Keeper of the Halls of Samhain サーウィンの大広間の番人】 (№55-Post Quest)
Keeper of Halls of Samhain


❻【Fear's Power 恐れの力
Fear's Power


❼【Eternal Beauty 永遠の美
Eternal Beauty


❽【Ritual Dinner 儀式的晩餐会
Ritual Dinner


❾【Gifts for the Queen 女王陛下への献上品
Gift for the Queen


❿【Fugitives with Burning Eyes 燃える瞳の逃亡者
Fugitives with Burning Eyes


⓫【Gifts for the Wild Hunt ワイルドハントへの供物(くもつ)
Gifts for the Wild Hunt


LV126 Palace of Wishes 願いの宮殿⇦Prev  Next➡LV132 Golden Daisies Alley 黄金色のデイジーの小道


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