Hidden City Story #51 Martha's secret (Witch's Abode)
ヒドゥンシティストーリー№51 マーサの秘密 (魔女たちの祭壇)

《Case №51:Marta's Secret》2019.2 Event: Bell of Souls

☆Totem of Primordial Magic and Diviner's Cache
☆Fortune Teller's Assembler Shop
★Gift collection

*This story's adaptation is Witches' Abode's collection #8
☆Mysterious Chests and Divination Keys
  • 25 keys: Moira's Chest
  • 75 keys: Maeve's Chest
  • 150 keys: Morgana's Chest
  • 250 keys: Magda's Chest
  • 500 keys: Martha's Chest
  • 1000keys: Mystical Bell Chest

Martha's Murky Story マーサの濃い闇の物語》⇦Prev Next➡

Sub Quest Series #27-1
《Fear of the Advent of Petrus》
 Next➡#27-1【Ancient Portals 古(いにしえ)の次元の扉】

《Bell of Souls》 2019.2 Event 《魂の鐘》  
The bell has been ringing since this morning. The sky has become covered with black clouds, plunging the City into darkness. Piercing cold has enveloped the streets, sowing alarm and fear in the hearts of the people. What caused this apocalypse? Prologue

今朝からずっと鐘の音が鳴り続けている。空が黒い雲で覆われているせいで、シティは暗闇に呑まれてしまった。刺すような冷気が街全体を包み、人々に警戒心と恐怖心をまき散らす。一体何が、この世の終わりの様なこの有り様を齎したのだろうか? apocalypse: この世の終わりの様な大災害。黙示録。
Do you hear this deafening toll? Even City Hall has cracked from its vibrations. In addition to destruction, it's summoned previously unseen monsters that are now attacking citizens and turning them into statues. It seems that the ringing is coming from the Room of Fate, but what happened in the home of the City's medium? Mayor
この耳をつんざくような鐘の音が聞こえるかね?市役所でさえその振動で罅(ひび)が入りそうなほどだぞ。あれは、破壊的な振動だけでなく、明らかに未知のモンスターどもをも呼び寄せている、こうしている間にも市民たちが襲われ、石像に変えられていってしまっているのだ。この鐘の音は運命の部屋から鳴り響いているようなのだが、シティの霊媒師の家で一体何が起きたというのだ? toll: 一回だけなる鐘の音。ゴーオオオン!ってやつ。
- We have to find out! Player (YOU) -突き止めなくっちゃなりませんね!
[Dark Secret]
Unlock the Witches' Abode. - Unlock location.

I'm in a desperate situation and must reveal a terrible secret to you: for thousands of years my family hid a dark artifact in their Abode in order to guarantee its "silence." But today, it awakened by itself. Please come with me. I can't manage without your help.
私は今絶望的な状況にあるの、だから、恐ろしい秘密をあなたに明かすしかない様ね、数千年にも渡ってずっと、私の一族は闇のアーティファクトを一族の祭壇に隠して来たわ、その「沈黙」を守り通すためにね。でも今日、それが自ら目覚めてしまったのよ。着いて来て頂戴。あなたの助けなしには何とも出来そうにないわ。 abode: 文語表現で住処(すみか)。祭壇という訳は意訳。多分祭壇で通しても大丈夫だろう…。
The Witches' Abode, where the dark artifact is kept, is located here next to the Room of Fate. For years, I hid this place under an invisibility spell. Today it's time to remove the spell! Behold the magnificent pantheon of witches, my ancestors! 魔女たちの祭壇、闇のアーティファクトはそこに保管されていて、その場所は運命の部屋のすぐ側なの。長い間、私はこの場所を不可視の呪文で隠して来たのよ。今日こそその呪文を解き放つ時が来たのだわ!しかと御覧あれ、その荘厳たる魔女の神殿、我が祖先たちを! behold: 古英語、見る。現在では限られた言い回しでしか使われない。
[For Whom the Bell Tolls]
Enter the Witches' Abode. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
Look! A mystical whirlwind rises from behind the huge gate of the Witches' Abode. I can't see where it's coming from: the gates are covered with some kind of thickly intertwined plants. We must go inside quickly. Do you have a knife or scissors to cut through this overgrowth? Valerie
見て!この世のモノとは思えないつむじ風が魔女たちの祭壇の巨大な門の奥から湧き上がってる。私にはあれがどこから来ているのか分からないけど、入口の門は絡み合った植物にがっちり覆われちゃってるわね。大急ぎで中に入っちゃわないと。この蔓延(はびこ)ってるのを切っちゃいたいわね、あなた、ナイフかハサミ持ってない? ★For Whom the Bell Tolls 誰(た)が為に鐘は鳴る:ノーベル賞作家 Ernest Hemingway アーネスト=ヘミングウェイの代表作の一つ。同じ題名で映画化もされている。ゲーリー=クーパーとイングリッド=バーグマンが主演だった。小説・映画共に古典の名作。
Centuries-old silence shrouds the statues of witches frozen in stone within a secret place that's been hidden from the townspeople for many years by Martha's magic. The stone statues stand here as if alive, and traces of their strength are still felt in the air. But why is their gaze on the huge bell so stern? Witch's Abode
Witches Abode
数世紀もの沈黙が動かぬ魔女たちの石像を包んでいる、マーサの魔法によって長年街の人々に隠されてきた、とある秘密の場所の中で。石像はあたかも生きているかのようにここに佇み、彼らの力の痕跡が未だにそこに漂うのが感じられる。しかし何故大きな釣り鐘に注がれるその眼差しはそうも険しいのだろうか? stern: 顔つき・眼差しなどが険しい。
Wow! The majestic pantheon of Martha's ancestors has been in the City all this time. Four sculptures of witches are facing the bell in the center of the Abode. I have goosebumps from its ringing. What's causing the bell to chime? Valerie
わお!マーサのご先祖様の荘厳な神殿がシティに初めて現れたのね。四人の魔女の石像が祭壇の中央の鐘に面して立ってるわ。あの鐘の音に鳥肌が立って来ちゃった。どうしてあの鐘が鳴り始めたの? 💬石像は四つではなく五つありますね。一体はマーサに似ています。話が進むとその秘密が分かるのでしょうか?

Special Edition

As soon as the townspeople set foot in the Witches' Abode, a half-petrified creature, Petrus, materialized near the bell.
He said that Martha skillfully hid his creation, the Bell of Souls, in the City of Shadows, and by doing so she did him a great service. The City's magic strengthened the artifact's power and now, when it is activated, the destruction of the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead cannot be stopped! Petrus is sure that Marsha won't be able to thwart him! Who is he?

Adeline Svensson
City of Shadows Times シャドウ=シティ=タイムズ



petrified: 石化した
💬ペトラスという名前はpetrify (ペトリファイ) 石化させるから来ているのでしょうね。

thwart: 野望などを阻む
The creature that Adeline writes about, Petrus, is the most ancient enemy of my bloodline and the creator of the Bell of Souls. When its ringing is heard, the souls of the living turn to stone and Petrus consumes their energy. He feeds on their life force to gain immortality and enhance his magical powers. This violates the balance between the worlds of the living and the dead, and the line separating them is becoming thinner. See this crackling in the air? These are manifestations of a destructive breach. Martha
アデラインの記事にある怪人ペトラスは我が血脈の最も古い敵で、「魂の鐘」を作り出した者なのよ。あれが鳴るのを聞くと、生きる者の魂は石に変えられてしまい、ペトラスにその生命力を吸い取られてしまうの。あれは人の生命力を、不死の力を得て己の魔力を増強する糧(かて)にしているのよ。この行為は生ける者と死せる者の世界に跨る均衡を崩す行為で、この二つを分けている境界線を薄くしてしまう。空中にできたこの裂け目が見える?これは崩壊を齎す裂け目の兆候なのよ。 breach: 裂け目
- We must stop him! Player (YOU) -僕らでヤツを止めないと!
[Chiming for Stone Souls]
Start an investigation. - Open the Diary.
The deafening ringing of the Bell of Souls awoke the townspeople from their sleep. Petrus - the enemy of Martha's family and an eater of souls - has activated this dark artifact. He wants to destroy the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead in order to fuel his life force and magical power forever. How do we stop him? I'll write down my thoughts in the Investigation Book. Inspector
耳をつんざくような魂の鐘の音で街の人々は眠りから目覚めた。ペトラス-マーサの一族の敵にして魂を喰らう者たるソウルイーター-がこの闇のアーティファクトを目覚めさせたのだ。ヤツの狙いは生ける者と死せる者に跨る境界を破壊する事、自らの生命力と魔力を永遠に供給させるために、だ。どうしたらヤツを止められるのだろうか?私の考えを捜査手帳に書き記しておこう。 💬Soul Eater ソウルイーター(魂を喰らう者)とはロケーションにいるガーゴイルっぽいヤツなんでしょうか?かなり石像っぽいけど、二匹いるからちがうかなぁ…。
《Martha's Secret》 Case №51 《マーサの秘密》  
There was a deafening chime in the City in the morning. It's summoning destruction and death. Martha revealed a secret to us: for thousands of years her family has been concealing a dark artifact called the Bell of Souls in the Witches' Abode, guaranteeing its "silence." But today it rang. It was activated by Petrus, the eternal enemy of Martha's family. But what did our medium's ancestors do to anger him? Introduction


51-1【Moira's Yarn モイラの織り糸】
Frame with Woven Threads Scales of Life Soul Eater's Sickle Interwoven Threds Guiding Threds Moira's Spindle
命の天秤 ソウルイーター
絡み合った糸 導きの糸 モイラの

The story of the confrontation between Petrus and Martha's ancestors dates back centuries. The first to face the Devourer of Souls was Moira, a mage and a spinner of the threads of emotions and desires. If we learn the details of their meeting, we'll find out what events formed the foundation of this deadly feud.

Goal:   Learn Moira's story.


Goal:   モイラに纏わる物語を調べよう。
devourer: 貪る者
emotions: 喜怒哀楽(単数なら漠然とした感情)
deadly feud: 血で血を洗う対立、確執
[Threads of Prophecy]
Find the Frame with Woven Threads. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-1 ①
I feel like the key to victory over Petrus is hidden in the history of my ancestors; those who previously encountered this monster. I know their stories only as legends.

The first to battle Petrus was Moira, a spinner of the threads of emotions and destinies. Maybe the story about what led to their encounter will shed light on how to defeat Petrus.
Hurry up, there are more sparks in the air. The breach between worlds is growing.

history: いわくつきの話。逸話。
★Moira: ギリシャ神話の運命の三女神。三人纏めてだと複数形でMoirai モイライになる。意味はFate 運命。それぞれの名前は、Clotho クロートー(紡ぐ者)、Lachesis ラケシス(測る者)、Atropos アトロポス(断ち切る者)
destiny: 運命、天の理、予め起こると決まっていること
- Let's figure this out. Player (YOU) -その話の深層を調べようか。
I've read a lot about Moira, the witch who possessed primordial magic. She was a powerful witch who knew how to intertwine destinies and emotions. Her predictions were always reflected in tapestries. I assume there's a frame with her interwoven threads hidden in the Abode which will tell us about the events of her encounter with Petrus. Isabelle
私もモイラについては色々と読んで知ってるわ、始まりの魔法を識る者よ。天の定めと喜怒哀楽を糸に織り込む術を知る強力な魔女だっだの。彼女の予言は常にタペストリーにして表されたのよ。糸が織り込まれた木枠が祭壇にきっと隠されてるわ、それを見れば彼女がペトラスと出会った時にあった事が分かるはずよ。 prediction: 予言。先に起こる事を予め言う事。
Hmm... I can't interpret the interweaving of the threads in Moira's prophecy, but I'm certain that it holds a clue about how to defeat Petrus. We have to show it to Martha! うーん…。私にはモイラの糸に編み込まれた天の声を言葉にできないけど、これにはきっとペトラスを倒す方法の手がかりが含まれていると思うの。これをマーサに見せなくては! prophecy: 予言。天の声
The boundaries between the worlds of the living and the dead were disturbed when the artifact was created.
Unheard by anyone before now, it creates a deafening sound of terror that brings destruction
not to the earth,
but to the souls of those who dwell here.
I'm destined to stand against the chaos created by the interweaving of the worlds of the dead and the living.
But the one who created the artifact and devours souls will not die by my hand.
Moira's message 生ける者と死せる者の世界に跨る境界は、かのアーティファクトが作られし時にかき乱された。
The message that Moira left in the tangle of threads is illegible and hazy. But this isn't a prophecy. She created a canvas of fate after Petrus used the Bell of Souls for the first time. Moira learned that she would be able to prevent the destruction of the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead, but wouldn't be able to defeat its creator herself. Martha
モイラが糸のもつれの中に残したこのメッセージは読み取りにくく曖昧だわ。でもこれは天から齎された声ではない。彼女はペトラスが魂の鐘を最初に鳴らした後の避けられない宿命をタペストリーの絵に残したのよ。モイラは自分には生ける者と死せる者に跨る境界の崩壊を防ぐことができるけれど、それを作り出した者を自らの力では倒す事が出来ないと分かっていたのね。 fate: 運命。避けられない宿命。
- Let's continue the investigation Player (YOU) -よし、調査を続けよう。
[Weight of the Soul]
Find the Scales of Life. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-1 ②
We need to find Moira's magical belongings that tell her story. I noticed scales with small weights in the Abode. They are typically used to weigh yarn, but Moira clearly used them to perform magical rituals instead. Please find the Scales of Life. Juliette
How awful! Mon ami, look! The weight on the scales you found has turned into a skull! Perhaps Moira received this omen when the bell sounded for the first time and turned a human soul to stone. なんて恐ろしいの!モナミ、見て!あなたの見付けた天秤に載った重りが髑髏に変わってしまったわ!きっとモイラはこの不吉な前兆を、あの鐘が最初に響き渡って人の魂が石に変わってしまった時に受け取ったのよ。  
[Death's Sickle]
Find the Soul Eater's Sickle. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-1 ③
For hundreds of years, Petrus snatched people's souls with impunity using the bell's chimes. When this monster appeared to us, I noticed a curved knife in his hands. The same type, only rusty, lies at the foot of Moira's statue in the Witches' Abode. Let's examine it. Could it be a murder weapon? Detective
数百年間もの間、ペトラスは人々の魂をあの鐘の音を使ってのうのうと奪い取っていたんだな。あの怪物が俺たちの前に現れた時、ヤツの手に曲線を描いたナイフが握られてるのに気付いたんだ。同じ型の、単に錆びてるだけのヤツが魔女たちの祭壇のモイラの像の足元に転がってるぜ。あれを調べてみよう。もしかすると単なる人殺しの武器って事もあり得るだろ? impunity: 無処罰で、のうのうと。
What a frightening sickle. Even though it's rusty, it's still razor-sharp. It appears that Petrus cut through more than one thread of fate with it. May the fog take him. なんちゅう空恐ろしい鎌なんだ。錆びてるってのに、いまだに剃刀みたいな切れ味だぜ。ペトラスはコイツで一本どころでなく運命の糸を断ち切ってきたと見える。霧がヤツを連れ去っちまえばいいのに。  
[Web of the Future]
Find the Interwoven Threads. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-1 ④
Moira knew she was destined to restore the boundary between the worlds of the living and the dead, but not to kill Petrus. Maybe the Interwoven Threads will help us understand what role Moira played in Petrus's fate. Help me find the threads that Moira created in the Witches' Abode. Isabelle
The Interwoven Threads you found mean that Moira's fate is not the only one intertwined with Petrus's fate. The threads of destiny of all her future descendants are now tightly interwoven with that of the soul eater's. あなたの見付けた編まれた糸は、モイラの宿命がペトラスのモノとだけ絡み合っているのではないという事を物語っているわ。彼女の未来の子孫全ての定められた未来の糸があのソウルイーターのそれとしっかりと絡み合っているのよ。 fate: 運命。避けられない宿命。
destiny: 運命。天の理、予め起こると決まっていること
[Forest Threads]
Find the Guiding Threads. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-1 ⑤
When I was a child, my mom told my sister and me that our ancestor Moira found a dark artifact and protected the world from its influence. The guiding threads are hidden in the Abode. By examination them, I'll learn at what moment the destinies of Petrus and Moira intertwined into one thread. Help me find them. Martha
Yes, these are Moira's Guiding Threads. They were created using the knowledge of primordial magic. Moira used them to tangle up the threads of forest trails, and for hundreds of years Petrus couldn't find the path leading to the bell. そう、これがモイラの導きの糸よ。始まりの魔法の知識を使って作られたのね。モイラはこれを使って森を辿る道をもつれさせたんだわ、だから数百年もの間、ペトラスはあの鐘に至る道を見付ける事が出来なかったのよ。  
We learned that Martha's great-grandmother - a sorceress of the threads of fate and emotions, who lived at the dawn of time - discovered that the Bell of Souls had rung somewhere. Its ringing brings chaos into the world of the living and destroys the boundary with the world of the dead.
Moira stole the bell from its creator, Petrus, and hid it in the forest! What happened to Moira and Petrus after that? Do you think a magical duel took place?
Let's find out what happened before the breach created by the bell grows larger.
the dawn of time: この世の始まり。世界の始まり。神話の世界などの全ての始まりとして使う。
- We're a step away from the answer Player (YOU) -その答えまであと一歩だよね
[Clear Prophecy]
Learn about the pair's meeting. - Assemble the "Moira's Yarn" collection.
51-1 ⑥
Moira's artifacts that you found are very powerful. They were created at the dawn of the time using the magic of fate and emotions. I will need artifacts in order to add to the prophecy on the canvas and weave the threads of fate that were cut with Petrus's sickle. Please bring them. It's time to find out what Moira's guiding threads led her to. Martha
あなたの見付けて来たモイラのアーティファクトはとても強力なモノよ。これらはこの世の始まりに、宿命と喜怒哀楽の魔法を使って作られているわ。このタペストリーの上に天からの声を付け足して、更にペトラスの鎌で断ち切られた宿命の糸を織り上げるには、アーティファクトが必要になるわ。いくつか持って来て頂戴。モイラが導きの糸に従って辿り着いた結末は何なのかを突き止める時が来たわよ。 the canvas: ここではモイラの織り上げたFate 避けられない定めの描かれたタペストリーの事。カンヴァスは何かの出来事が描かれるものの比喩表現。
Even now, after hundreds of years, Moira's item possess powerful energy. The artifacts are filled with it and created Moira's Spindle - her main magical tool and a symbol of her power. The spindle must be placed on Moira's statue, and she will give us a clue. 数百年の時を経てなお、モイラの持ち物は強力なエネルギーを持っているわね。このアーティファクト全てがそのエネルギーで満たされて、モイラの紡糸(つむいと)を作り出す-彼女の一番の魔道具であり、力の象徴となるモノよ。この紡糸(つむいと)はモイラの像が持つべきもの、彼女が私たちに手がかりを齎してくれるでしょう。  
Moira, hear my call! Let the spindle of destinies you created remove the border of the centuries between us. Look, the spindle is starting to shine! Its thread is wrapping around Moira's statue and light is emerging from under the stone exterior!
Oh, blessed energy, this isn't a statue of Moira, but Moira herself! She turned to stone when closing the breach between worlds created by the bell's ringing. How fortunate that she managed to hide the bell before departing the world of the living.

exterior: interior の逆。何かの構造物の外側。ここでは石像の石に見える表面を指している。
- How is this possible? Player (YOU) -そんなことどうやったら可能なの?
I am Moira, Maeve's mother and Martha's ancestor...
I felt the awakening of darkness.
It called out to the dead and rushed to devour the souls of the living...
Sacrificing my life was the only way to restore balance to our fragile world. And I paid this price without regret.
Martha, my child, I know that you're the one reading these lines. Be strong and hold onto the golden threads of the spindle of emotions.
Moira's message 我が名はモイラ、メーヴの母にしてマーサの祖(そ)…。
read these lines: lines は書かれた内容の事。ここでは糸で編まれた運命の事。
Moira hid the Bell of Souls in the thicket of the Whispering Forest and entangled the paths with magic, so that neither the living nor the dead could find their way to it. Alas, after several centuries Petrus succeeded.
We must find clues in Maeve's history, as she lived in the Whispering Forest, and find out what she did when she crossed paths with Petrus.
- Tell us everything you know! Player (YOU) -知ってる事を僕らに全部教えておくれよ!

51-1【Moira's Yarn モイラの織り糸】
Frame with Woven Threads Scales of Life Soul Eater's Sickle Interwoven Threds Guiding Threds Moira's Spindle
命の天秤 ソウルイーター
絡み合った糸 導きの糸 モイラの

51-2【Voices of the Forest 森の生き者たちの声】
Dying Plant Acorns with Runes Crown of the Forest Figure of the Maze Bear Paw Amulet Messenger Owl
枯れゆく植物 ルーンの刻まれた
森を統べる者の冠 迷宮の全体像 熊の前足の

Moira turned to stone whilst closing the breach created by the ringing of the Bell of Souls. But before that, she managed to hide the artifact in the Whispering Forest, where Maeve lived. What led Petrus to the bell, and how did he manage to get out of the intricate mazes of the magical forest?

Goal:   Learn how Petrus found the bell.


Goal:   ペトラスがどうやって鐘を見付けたのかを調べよう。
[Whisper of Flowers]
Find the Dying Plant. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-2 ①
So, we know that Moira turned to stone when closing the breach created by the ringing of the Bell of Souls. But before that, she managed to hide the bell in the Whispering Forest, where hundreds of years later her descendant, the forest mage Maeve, would live.
It seems that she was the one who fought against Petrus when he found the bell again.
Martha doesn't know anything about this. Continue to explore the Witches' Abode to find out what led Petrus to the Bell of Souls.
- Let's do it! Player (YOU) -よーし、頑張ろう!
"Maeve listens to the whisper of the wind." What a beautiful inscription on the plaque under the statue. Oh, look, the flowers at the base of the statue have suddenly wilted and are covered with spiderwebs. This is a clue! So Maeve is trying to tell us how Petrus was able to find the bell? Let's take a closer look at the flowers in the Abode. Juliette
「メーヴ、風の囁きに耳を傾ける者」。この像の下のプレートに書かれた銘文は何て綺麗なのかしら。あら、見て、この像の足元に咲く花が急に萎(しお)れて蜘蛛の巣で覆われてしまったわ。これって手がかりなのよ!つまり、どうしてペトラスが鐘を見付ける事ができたのかを、メーヴがどうにか私たちに伝えようとしてるって事?祭壇であの花にもっと近寄って見てみましょう。 inscription: 銘文
wilt: 草花が萎れる
Mon ami, a red rose bound in spiderwebs. How awful. The flower is dying from the inside. Do you think this was an omen about Petrus's appearance in the Whispering Forest? モナミ、蜘蛛の巣に捉えられてしまった赤い薔薇だわ。なんて恐ろしいの。この花は蜘蛛の巣の中で死にかけてる。これってペトラスが「囁きの森」に現れたっていう悪い予兆なんだと思う?  
[Forest Runes]
Find the Acorns with Runes. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-2 ②
The ancient manuscripts mentioned that Maeve was the keeper of the Whispering Forest, the repository of the secrets of the universe. I noticed several oak acorns with runes on them in the Abode. Bring them. Let's see what they told Maeve. Isabelle
古代の手記にはメーヴは「囁きの森」の番人でこの世の秘密を守る者なのだと書かれているわね。ルーンが刻まれたどんぐりが祭壇にいくつかあるのに気付いたの。そのどんぐりを持って来て。それがメーヴに何を伝えたのかを確かめてみましょう。 repository: 秘密を守る者
oak: オーク。樫や楢の樹の仲間。
acorn: どんぐり(樫や楢の実)
I will recreate the message that Maeve read during the divination. It sounded like this: "He goes to his creation, led by the Soul Takers." It appears that he had astral bloodhounds. 占いの際にメーヴが読み取ったメッセージを再構築するわ。大体こんな感じよ「彼は彼の作りし物に向かう、魂を奪う者たるソウルテイカーたちに導かれ」。どうやら彼には霊的なブラッドハウンドがいたみたいね。 💬???Soul Eater 魂を喰らう者とSoul Taker 魂を奪う者は別人なのでしょうか?男性アバターはSoul Taker とありますね。あれが何人もいるの?二枚目なブラッドハウンドだなー。
[Whisper of the Wind]
Find the Crown of the Forest. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-2 ③
Maeve kept an eye on Petrus by using the Crown of the Forest. It allowed her to see with thousands of eyes and hear everything that was happening in the Whispering Forest, all at the same time. Find the crown in the Abode. It still holds Maeve's visions. Martha
The Crown of the Forest will reveal to me what Maeve saw.
I see the Whispering Forest's jumbled trails.
Petrus's minions destroying everything in their path... They are hungry and hear the call of the Bell of Souls. They're almost there!
jumbled: 入り組んだ、ごちゃ混ぜになった
💬なるほど、迷路を探索するんではなく、呼ぶ声のする方に真っすぐ破壊して進んだんですね。兵法的にはありかも。これが出来たらRPGって楽ですねえ。因みにここのcall は鐘がおいでおいでと呼ぶ事で鳴ってません。
[Lost in the Maze]
Find the Figure of the Maze. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-2 ④
Maeve had to stay one step ahead of Petrus to prevent him from striking the Bell. Deduction suggests that something stopped her, as her statue stands in the Abode. Help me find an image of the jumbled forest trails: a figure of a maze. Maybe it holds some evidence? Detective
メーヴがペトラスに鐘を鳴らされないように遮(さえぎ)るつもりなら、奴の一歩先にいなくちゃならん。祭壇に彼女の像が立ってるっつう事から差っ引いて考えるに、何かに足止めを喰らったんだな。この入り組んだ森の道筋の想像図、要するに迷宮の全体像を見つけるのに手を貸してくれ。もしかしたらそこに何か証拠が隠されてるかもしれんだろ? deduction: 一般論から(引いていって)特別な事例(つまり答え)を導く考え方。演繹法
induction: 観察結果など特別な事例から一般論を導く考え方。帰納法
Look, buddy! It looks like the card broadcasts a vision of the past. Petrus went to the bell, but Maeve doesn't stand in his way. She waits for him in the bushes. How suspicious! おい、相棒!このカードが過去の映像を流してくれてるみたいだぜ。ペトラスは鐘に向かったのに、メーヴは行く手に立ってない。彼女は茂みの中でヤツを待ってるんだ。なんか胡散臭いぜ! 💬みんながみんな刑事みたいに、敵の真正面から行くわけでは…(笑)
[Whispering Forest Avatar]
Find the Bear Paw Amulet. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-2 ⑤
Maeve possessed the primordial magic of nature and summoned animal spirits to help her. Find and amulet with the image of a wild animal, and we will learn how the meeting between the forest witch and the soul eater ended. Martha
The amulet you found holds the story of that fateful day: Maeve called on the forest spirits and created an avatar of a bear to protect the bell! She forced Petrus to flee, but he managed to strike the bell, and the line between the worlds began to crumble again. あなたが見付けて来たアミュレットには、運命のその日の物語が隠されているの、メーヴは森の精霊を呼び集め、鐘を守るために熊の化身を作り出したのよ!彼女はペトラスを追いやったけれども、鐘は鳴らされてしまった、そして世界を跨ぐ境界線はまたしても音を立てて崩れ始めたのだわ。 crumble: ガラガラと崩れる
Maeve fought Petrus. She drove him from the Whispering Forest, the cradle of primordial magic, but she understood this wouldn't stop him. Petrus would return for the bell. It was just a matter of time. He waited for the moment when Maeve turned to stone, using the last of her strength to restore the line between worlds that was disturbed bye the bell. What did she do? Isabelle
メーヴはペトラスと闘ったのね。彼女はあの男を囁きの森、始まりの魔法の揺りかごから追い払ったけれども、これだけではあの男を止められはしないという事を分かっていた。ペトラスはあの鐘を求めてまた再び戻って来るだろう事を。あの男はその瞬間を待っていたのよ、メーヴが石に変わるその時を、鐘によって乱された世界を跨ぐ境界線を修復するために、最後の力を使い果たすその瞬間を。彼女はその時一体何をしたの? 💬あ、なるほど、一回でも鐘を鳴らせればOKだったわけだ。修復に力を使い果たす事が分かってるから。全部を破壊して進むっていうやり方といい、頭はいいなぁ。本人が出てこないのが残念だ。
- Let's try to find out! Player (YOU) -よし、それを最後まで突き止めよう!
[Fragments of the Past]
Find the Messenger Owl. - Assemble the "Voices of the Forest" collection.
51-2 ⑥
Maeve's magical attributes that you discovered were created by the Whispering Forest's magic, and contain a small part of my ancestor's soul. Let's piece them together to find out what she did when Petrus found the bell. Bring me some City artifacts. They will help me focus. Martha
あなたが見付けて来たメーヴの魔道具は囁きの森の魔法によって作られていて、私の先祖の魂の一部が込められているの。その欠片を繋ぎ合わせて、ペトラスが鐘を見つけた時彼女が一体何をしたのか突き止めましょう。シティのアーティファクトをいくつか持っていらっしゃい。私が意識を集中するのをアーティファクトが助けてくれるわ。 piece together: つなぎ合わせる
The energy of the artifacts passes through the runes, which are imbued with the energy of the forest, and lead me through a maze... Look, this messenger owl is Maeve's familiar. It flew in when Maeve, exhausted after the fight, made her final decision. アーティファクトのエネルギーが森のエネルギーを吹き込まれたルーンを通り抜け、森の迷宮の中で私を導いていく…。ご覧なさい、この梟の使者はメーヴの使い魔よ。戦闘で力を使い果たしたメーヴが最後の決断をした時、飛び込んできたのね。 imbue: 吹き込む
See, the flowers around Maeve's statue have bloomed. They're full of life again. This is a sign, mon ami. I'm sure of it! Hurry, let's place the Owl Messenger on Maeve's arm. Would you be so kind as to help me?
Sweet owl, now you're with your owner again.
Can you tell us what happened to Maeve when you arrived? What did you see?
Oh! The owl's head spun around its axis and a compartment opened in the statue. Look, here's Maeve's scroll.
Whould you be so kind as to~: 非常に丁寧な依頼。直訳は~していただける位ご親切でいらっしゃいますか?
axis: 中心軸
- Read it, fast! Player (YOU) -読み上げて、速く!
Day of the Blind Sun
Evil walks through the maze of the Whispering Forest, burning a direct path to the Bell of Souls hidden in the thicket.
Petrus's minions sense his magic: he calls to them and they obey. I can't let the boundary between the worlds collapse again! I'll give them a fight!

Night of the Blind Sun
Petrus managed to strike the Bell and began destroying the border between worlds. His strength increased a hundred-fold, but the spirits helped me drive him from the maze!
My strength is leaving me...
I will move the bell to the Witches' Abode and then close the breach between the worlds!
Maeve's scroll

hundred-fold: 百倍に、百重に。
💬この「Day of the Blind Sun 盲(めしい)の太陽の日」というのは何の日の事を指してるんでしょうかね…?
So it was Maeve who moved the bell to the Witches' Abode. She considered this place to be impenetrable, but she still had to use all of her life energy to close the breach between the worlds created by the bell.
And Petrus continued to roam free in search of a way to reach the bell again. Let's destroy this horrible artifact.
Why didn't Martha's ancestors do it themselves? What do you think, buddy?
- We need to ask them Player (YOU) -彼らに聞いてみるしかないよね
Maeve and Moira sacrificed their strength and leaves to restore the border between the worlds broken by the bell's ringing. Maybe the Detective is right and the bell must be destroyed?
Look, the eyes of the next statue are filled with light. The moss-covered plaque was cleaned and says: "Morgana, knower of the future, a great breaker of spells." I think she wants to tell us why the bell wasn't destroyed.
💬Moira モイラ, Maeve メーヴ, Morgana モルガーナ, Martha マーサ。全員Mで始まってますね…。狙ったのかな?
- Let's listen Player (YOU) -よし、それを聞こう。

51-2【Voices of the Forest 森の生き者たちの声】
Dying Plant Acorns with Runes Crown of the Forest Figure of the Maze Bear Paw Amulet Messenger Owl
枯れゆく植物 ルーンの刻まれた
森を統べる者の冠 迷宮の全体像 熊の前足の

51-3【Bell of Destruction 破滅の鐘】
Fiery Artifact Fountain of Truth Stone Soul Fata Morgana Mirage Fiery Engraver Morgana's Magic Ball
真実の泉 石化した魂 ファタ・モルガーナ
炎の彫刻道具 モルガーナの

Morgana, the great breaker of spells, studied the dark artifact all her life and tried to destroy it. What prevented her from finishing the job?

Goal:   Learn how to destroy the bell.


Goal:  鐘を破壊する方法を調よう。
[Mediums' Connection]
Find the Fiery Artifact. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-3 ①
Morgana was a medium. Like me, she had a remarkable gift for clairvoyance. I want to contact her and get an answer as to why she didn't destroy the Bell of Souls. The clues must be at the Witches' Abode!
I see a destructive flame, as if the image of the artifact became petrified in the fire and melted from the mystical heat. Find it quickly.
★モルガーナのモデルはアーサー王伝説に登場するMorgan le Fei モルガン=ル=フェイ(妖精モルガン)と思われる。美しい稀代の魔女で、変身と幻影を得意としていた。MorganaはMorganのイタリア語読み。
The Fiery Artifact you found is the image of the bell that came to me in a vision. How did Morgana interpret it? As the flame of the destruction of creationary matter, of course. あなたの見付けて来た炎のアーティファクトは私のビジョンに浮かんだのと同じ鐘の形をしてるわ。モルガーナならこの鐘という形の持つ意味をどう説明したかしらね。観念的な世界での破壊の炎として、という意味でよ、分かると思うけど。 💬マーサの言ってる事は観念的で分かりにくいですが、人の心を破壊する魂の鐘もBellの形をしていて、それを破壊しようとしていた炎のアーティファクトもBellの形をしている。つまり破壊とBellという形の間には何らかの関連があり意味があるのでは、という事を言っているようです。
[Dark Essene]
Find the Fountain of Truth. - Explore the Witches' Abode with the "Illusions" anomaly active.
51-3 ②
Morgana wouldn't thoughtlessly destroy the original substance of the Bell of Souls. It's dangerous! I admit that before she studied it, she tried to comprehend the very essence of the dark artifact. Find the Fountain of Truth in the Abode. We'll see what it showed to the great medium. Isabelle
モルガーナは何の考えもなしに「魂の鐘」という根源的な存在を破壊しようとはしなかったはずよ。危険だもの!彼女が鐘を破壊する方法を研究する前に、闇のアーティファクトの正に本質部分を完全に理解しようとしてたって事は分かってるの。「真実の泉」を祭壇で探して頂戴。真実の泉が偉大なる霊媒師に見せたモノは何なのか確かめてみましょう。 comprehend: 完全に本質まで理解する
understand: 表層的に知識として理解する
The bell's true essence is reflected in the fountain. This artifact is invaluable for understanding the secret knowledge of primordial magic. あの鐘の本来の性質がこの泉には映し出されているわ。あのアーティファクトは始まりの魔法の秘められた知識を理解するには測り知れない価値を持つとね。 💬魂の鐘も始まりの魔法を使って作られた、という事なんでしょうね。
[Frozen Soul]
Find the Stone Soul. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-3 ③
Well, the magical value of the Bell of Souls has been proven. And what about its victims, the unfortunate petrified folk, whose souls were stolen by Petrus's minions? I see several stone figures in the Abode. Let's take a closer look at them, buddy. Detective
It seems that Petrus's minions, the Soul Takers, took the lives of their victims even when the bell was under Morgana's protection. This is evidenced by the Stone Soul we found. Morgana just accepted this? この感じだと、ペトラスの手下ども、「ソウルテイカー」ってのは、あの鐘がモルガーナの保護下にあった間でさえ犠牲者の命を奪ってたんだぜ。俺たちの見付けたこの石になった魂がその証拠だ。モルガーナはこれをただ指を咥えて見てたってのか?  
[Illusions of the Medium]
Find the Fata Morgana Mirage. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-3 ④
Awaiting and fulfilling prophecies is the grand goal of a medium, right, Martha?
This didn't apply to Morgana! She was a famous spellbreaker, and throughout her life she hid hundreds of powerful artifacts, creating copies of them using a Fata Morgana Mirage. Find it in the Abode.
★Fata Morgana ファタ=モルガーナ: モルガン=ル=フェイのイタリアでの呼び名。蜃気楼の事も指す。イタリアのメッシーナ海峡の蜃気楼がモルガーナの魔法によるものだという伝承による。fata はイタリア語で妖精。
Great job! You managed to find the mirage of the Bell of Souls that Morgana created. It looks like she was trying to extract and destroy the bell's dark essence. A waste of time! 褒めてあげましょう!モルガーナの作り出した「魂の鐘」の幻影を見つけ出したのね。どうやらこの鐘の闇の本質をどうにかして抽出して破壊しようと模索していた様だわ。時間の無駄だこと! try to do: どうにかして~する。結果は問わず、それに腐心した事を指す。
manage to do: どうにかして~をやり遂げる。最終的にやり遂げた事に使う。
Find the Fiery Engraver. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-3 ⑤

I studied the runes etched on the bell. I was amazed that some of them were written with fire in Morgana's magical handwriting. If we find the engraver used to etch them at the Abode, we can understand what the spellbreaker was working toward.
This engraver belonged to Morgana herself. She etched runes of destruction on the bell using a cleansing flame. But this didn't strip the artifact of its power. この彫刻道具はモルガーナ自身のモノね。彼女は浄化の炎を使って破壊のルーンをあの鐘に彫りこんだんだわ。でもあのアーティファクトからその力を削ぎ落すことは出来なかったのね。  
That's what happened buddy: Morgana felt the bell's powerful, dark energy. She realized that this artifact had great value for understanding secret, magical knowledge. She tried to destroy the bell many times, but why didn't she finish the job? Let's find out right now! Detective
- I'm in Player (YOU) -よし、僕も一緒に行くよ I'm in: 参加する
[Astral Projections]
Find Morgana's Magic Ball. - Assemble the "Bell of Destruction" collection.
51-3 ⑥
Morgana kept her visions and astral projections in a magic ball. I will perform a ritual using the items you found to discover where Morgana's ball is hidden. But I'll need artifacts from the City. Please bring some while I arrange the items you found in a magic circle. Martha
Morgana, great breaker of spells, I, Martha, call upon you! Tell me the secret, send me a sign. What stopped you from destroying the dark artifact?
Look! The City artifacts materialized into a ball! Let's place it on Morgana's statue.
I think time was reversed when Martha placed the magic ball on Morgana's statue. Drops of water from the fountain rushed upward, and the petals of the withered roses were again full of freshness.
Look, you can see images of Morgana's past in the ball. She's directing all the force of her magical power through the ball to close the breach between the worlds of the living and the dead. Oh, mon ami, she was turned to stone on this very spot.
- Morgana saved humankind! Player (YOU) -モルガーナが人類を救ったんだ!
I laid down my life trying to destroy the Bell of Souls. It was all in vain! On earth, there are no conditions under which its mystical power can be taken away. The only solution is to continue guarding the bell.
When Petrus struck the bell on the Day of the Blind Sun, summoning its destructive power again, I did not fight him. I put him to sleep and rendered his minions unconscious, then moved them to an astral prison. Petrus will remain in prison for a hundred years, but what is that compared to eternity?

I gave all my energy and the power of my soul to restore the boundary between the worlds.
Morgana's letter 我が人生を魂の鐘を破壊せんが為、費やしてきた。全ては無駄な試みであったがな!この世に、あの得体のしれない力を移し替えられる条件を兼ね備えた環境が存在しないのだ。唯一の解決法は、このままあの鐘を護り続ける事しかない。

render 人 C: 人を~にする

💬「Day of the Blind Sun 盲(めしい)の太陽の日」になるとペトラスがやって来ると…
Convinced that the bell couldn't be destroyed, Morgana decided not to waste her strength in battle against Petrus, but imprisoned him in the shackles of sleep.
Unfortunately, he escaped and attacked again, and this time Grandma Magda was standing against him.
Shortly after I appeared in the City of Shadows, I received an astral message created by my grandmother when she was still alive. It was designed so that I could read it when I was ready. In it, she recommended that I hide the Bell of Souls in the City. She knew my destiny. How else...
she recommended that I (should) hide the Bell of Souls in the City:recommendの従属節は動詞が原型になる。shouldが省略されても原型になるため時制の一致を受けていないように見える。※suggest やdemandと同じ用法
- Let's find out the details Player (YOU) -どういう事なのか突き止めようよ。
Ah, Martha, mon ami, look at the final statue. The plant that twists around it has bloomed. It seems that the buds are interwoven with the luxurious, long hair of the stone woman.
Her name is Magda, right? I'm sure that she wants to give us a message and clues as to how to punish Petrus for his evil deeds.
- There's no time to lose Player (YOU) -すぐに取り掛からなくっちゃ

51-3【Bell of Destruction 破滅の鐘】
Fiery Artifact Fountain of Truth Stone Soul Fata Morgana Mirage Fiery Engraver Morgana's Magic Ball
真実の泉 石化した魂 ファタ・モルガーナ
炎の彫刻道具 モルガーナの

51-4【Hermit's Vision 隠者の視覚】
Hermit's Staff Morpheus's Winged Crown Divination Locket Shadow Catcher Face of Petrus Magda's Comb
隠者の杖 モルフェウスの
ペトラスの顔 マグダの櫛

The conditions under which the bell could be destroyed don't exist on earth, so Martha's ancestors continued to protect it. Magda, Martha's grandmother, studied her enemy, Petrus, while he laid in the shackles of sleep. What did she manage to find out?

Goal:   Examine Magda's research.


Goal:   マグダの調べていた事を調査しよう。
[Advantages of Illusion]
Find the Hermit's Staff. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-4 ①
I read about Magda, an expert on human souls, but I didn't know that she was Martha's grandmother! Let's study her artifacts, which are located in the Abode, to find out how Magda stopped Petrus last time. I see a staff made from the wood of the Whispering Forest's magical trees. It clearly belonged to Magda. Let's examine it. Isabelle
マグダについての記述をかつて読んだことがあるわ、人の心についてのエキスパートよ、でもまさかマーサのおばあ様だったなんて知らなかったわ!祭壇に置いてある彼女のアーティファクトを詳しく調べてみましょう、マグダが最後ペトラスを止めた方法を突き止めるためにね。「囁きの森」の魔法の樹で作られた杖を見かけたの。あれは明らかにマグダの物よ。それを調べてみましょう。 💬なんでクエスト名が「Advantages of Illusion 幻影が有利に働く間に」なのかな?と疑問に思ったのですが、モルガーナの得意な魔法は幻影を見せる事で、夢も幻影の一種なのかな?と思いました。
hermit: 隠遁者。人里離れて生活する人。隠者
Incredibly, you found Magda's staff! I feel the reverberation of Petrus's soul in it. It seems that Magda was studying the soul eater while he was under Morgana's hundred-year sleep spell. 凄いわ、マグダの杖を見付けるなんて!ペトラスの魂の波動の名残をこの中に感じるわね。マグダは、モルガーナの百年の眠りの呪文が効いている間に、ソウルイーターの事を詳しく調べていたんじゃないかしら。 reveration: 残響
incredibly: incredibleはいい意味でスゴイ事に使う。
[Petrus's Dream]
Find Morpheus's Winged Crown. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-4 ②
Magda knew how to enter the world of dreams, encountering the ones who sleep. While Petrus was in the shackles of sleep, she tried to study his soul, if he had one. Magda used Morpheus's Winged Crown to do this. Find it in the Abode. It still holds Petrus's dreams. Martha
マグダは夢の世界への入り方を知っていたのよ、寝ている者に遭遇した際にね。ペトラスが眠りの枷に繋がれている間に、祖母はどうにかしてあの男の心を詳しく調べようとしたのだわ。マグダは夢に入る時にはモルフェウスの翼の冠を使っていたの。それを祭壇で探してらっしゃい。あの冠は今もペトラスの夢をその内に抱えているはずだから。 ★Morpheus モルフェウス: 夢を司るギリシャ神話の神
You found Morpheus's Winged Crown. Look quickly at this world of Petrus's dreams. You see only darkness, without light and no end? What terrible dream! モルフェウスの翼の冠を見付けてくれたのね。ペトラスの夢の中の世界をさっと覗いてご覧なさい。闇だけが見える、光もなく終わりもないでしょ?なんて恐ろしい夢!  
[Portal to the Soul]
Find the Divination Locket. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-4 ③
"... my research culminated in success. I found Petrus's weary soul in the endless corridors of the magic locket..." This is Magda's handwriting. Buddy, help me find this amulet in the Abode. My gut feeling is that it will tell us how to defeat Petrus. Detctive
「…私の調査は大成功を収めた。ペトラスの疲れ切った心を、魔法のロケット・ペンダントの終わりのない回廊の中に見付けたのだから…」こいつはマグダの筆跡だぞ。相棒、祭壇でこのアミュレットを探すのを手伝ってくれ。俺の勘じゃあ、コイツがペトラスを倒す方法を教えてくれるって気がするんだ。 ★注:クエスト名the soulはペトラスの心という意味でthe
culminate: 最高潮に達する
weary: 疲れ切った
I thought the locket would be smaller, but look at how many mirrors there are. The reflection of this scoundrel, Petrus, flashes in them! No, I'm not imagining things! 俺はロケット・ペンダントはもっと小さいと思ってたんだがな、見ろよ、えらいたくさん鏡が付いてるぜ。あの悪党、ペトラスの像が鏡の中で光ったぞ!いいや、目の錯覚なんかじゃない! imaginating things: 目の錯覚、あるいは想像の産物、考えすぎなど。
[Light of the Soul]
Find the Shadow Catcher. - Explore the Witches' Abode with the "Illusions" anomaly active.
51-4 ④
"... I was able to detect something. Petrus's petrified soul isn't defeated. It crumbles into bits of light, attributable only..." reads another passage from Magda's diary. It smells like incense. Hurry and find an incense burner or something similar that belonged to Magda in the Abode. Valerie
「…私はすごいものを探(さぐ)り当てることに成功したのだわ。ペトラスの石化した心は無くなってはいなかったのだから。粉々に砕け散って光の欠片となり、元はそうだったとしか分からないけれど…」とマグダの日記の新たに見つかった件(くだり)にあるわ。この日記からは香(こう)の様な匂いがしてる。祭壇でマグナの持ち物の中からから香立てかそんなような物を急いで探して。 detect: 探り当てる、検出する
attributable: attribute (~の性質を持つ)の形容詞。単独で該当する日本語がない単語。ここでは砕けた光がもともとはペトラスの心だったという事を指してattributableと言っている
What a beautiful incense burner. It's called a Shadow Catcher, and it still smells of incense. Did you see that? A puff of smoke resembling a hand shot from it and crumbled into sparks! Is this part of Magda's vision? It's a real head scratcher. なんて綺麗な香立てなの。シャドウ・キャッチャーって言うのね、まだ香の香りが残ってる。今の見た?これの手から煙がプッと噴出したみたいになって、それから光の粒になって砕け散ったのよ!これもマグダのビジョンの一部なの?訳が分かんなくってホントに頭の中を掻きむしりたくなりそうだわ。 head scracher: 訳が分からなくって頭を掻きむしりたくなるようにさせるもの。
[Face of Our Enemy]
Find the Face of Petrus. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-4 ⑤
"The metamorphosis that Petrus's soul underwent is unique. Now I clearly see what's hidden under the stone mask on his face." It turns out that Magda was able to see the true face of our enemy. Hurry, let's find it in the Abode. It will help us defeat Petrus. Isabelle
「ペトラスの心に起こった完全なる変容というのは他では見られないものね。やっとあの男の付ける石の仮面の下に何が隠されているのかをはっきりと見る事ができるわ。」なんとマグダは私たちの敵の素顔を見る事に成功したんだわ。急いで、祭壇でそれを探して。それがあればきっとペトラスを倒せるはずよ。 metamorphosis: 不思議な力に因って起こる完全な変容。自然界でこの単語を使うのは昆虫の完全変態くらい。つまりその位変わらないと使わない。
The mask you found is similar to the one that hides Petrus's face... Wait, there are some markings on the reverse side of it. I feel the energy of a human soul in them. あなたが見付けて来た仮面はペトラスが顔を隠してたのと似てるわね…。待って、裏側に何かの痕跡がある。この痕跡からは人間の心のエネルギーを感じるわ。 💬仮面の顔とペトラスの素顔は違うモノなんでしょうか…?仮面の下はソウルテイカーみたいに二枚目だったりしないのかなぁ。
[Hermit's Secret]
Find Magda's Comb. - Assemble the "Hermit's Vision" collection.
51-4 ⑥
Magda spent her whole life living in the Witches' Abode trying to study Petrus's soul while he was under the influence of a sleeping spell.
You've found all of her magical attributes. I perform a ritual with them to find out how Magda stopped Petrus. I'll need to call upon the City's magic. Bring me some artifacts, please.
The smoke rising from the incense burner replicates the image of Magda. She's wearing Morpheus's Winged Crown, and her ghostly image is reflected in the mirrors of the locket. She's pointing to the staff. There is a secret compartment inside it, and parts of Magda's ancient comb are inside the compartment! It's broken. I will fix it using the magic of the artifacts. 香立てから立ち昇る煙がマグダの像を象(かたど)っていく。モルフェウスの翼の冠を身に着けて、その消え入りそうな像がロケットの鏡の中に映し出されてるわ。杖を指さしてる。杖の中に隠された間仕切りがあるのね、マグダの古めかしい櫛の欠片が間仕切りの中にあるわ!壊れてしまってるけど。アーティファクトの魔法を使って直して見せるわ。 💬どうしても合成部分のセリフは説明的になりますね。アニメーションがあればセリフを補えるのでしょうが…。まあ、人間には想像の翼がありますから(笑)
A dangerous comb - teeth as sharp as a razor. Let's place it in the hand of Magda's statue.
It worked!
Look, the jewels on the comb are twinkling in a specific order. Deduction tells me to press them!
So, red, then green... no, yellow. Yikes! This artifact is also pulsating with an electrical current! Buddy, you try it.
- Watch it carefully! Player (YOU) -慎重に光る順番を見てってば!
My ancestor Morgana managed to warn me about Petrus...
Having entered his dreams, I realized that I couldn't kill him. He became invincible after he consumed his first soul.
But I detected human essence in the crumbling pieces of his dying soul. This is his weakness. Petrus is driven by a yearning for immortality, which means that he can be vanquished through trickery. Unfortunately, I won't be able to put this into action.
The Day of the Blind Sun is approaching, and Petrus will return to the Witches' Abode to strike the bell and destroy the boundary between worlds. I can't prevent it, but I will make sure to restore the balance.
Magda's letter 我が祖先モルガーナはペトラスについて、苦労の末警告を残してくれたわ…。あの男の夢に入ってみて、私には彼を殺すことは出来ないと分かってしまった。最初の魂を吸い上げた後、無敵になってしまっていたのだから。
consume: 食いつくす、飲み干す

detect: 含まれているものを検出する
vanquish: (文語)打ち負かす

💬再三登場する「the Day of the Blind Sun (太陽の盲の日)」ってsolar eclipse 日食なんでしょうかね?あるいは別の何かなのでしょうかね?
This wretch Petrus has something human in him? Well, wash me overboard! I re-read the hidden page from Magda's dairy, and have good and bad news.
Petrus is immortal and invincible, and has a strong connection to his invention, the Bell of Souls. But despite this, he can be outwitted, since human essence is dominant within him. This is his weak spot. We will defeat him in no time.
wretch: どうしようもない人、悪党
wash me overboard: 海に投げ出される。※訳は前後のセリフからの意訳。
outwit: 出し抜く、裏をかく
dominant: 支配的な
- You're an optimist! Player (YOU) -君って前向きだよね!
Despite his power, Petrus is vulnerable, like any human.
We can use this to incapacitate him. But no trap on earth or in the astral plane can hold him. His prison must be in another dimension. Is there a way to lure him there?
I will find it, but I need your help and support. Hurry, the breach between worlds is growing larger.
Martha その力にも関わらず、ペトラスには弱点があるのね、全ての人間がそうであるように。その弱点を突けば、あの男を無力化できるわ。でもこの世界でなく精神世界でなければ罠にかけても捕まえて置けないでしょう。あの男を閉じ込めるのであれば、別の次元でないと。そこにおびき寄せる方法なんてあるのかしら?
velnerable: 傷が付けられる、弱点がある
incapacitate: 能力を奪った状態にする
- Of course Player (YOU) -当り前じゃないか

51-4【Hermit's Vision 隠者の視覚】
Hermit's Staff Morpheus's Winged Crown Divination Locket Shadow Catcher Face of Petrus Magda's Comb
隠者の杖 モルフェウスの
ペトラスの顔 マグダの櫛

51-5【Soul Eater Trap 魂を喰(は)む者への罠】
Vessel for Fireless Smoke Lifeless Flower Nameless Star Phantom of the Soul Unending Path Step to the World of Darkness
火のない煙の器 命のない花 名のない星 魂の幻 終わりのない道 闇の世界への階段

Petrus is invulnerable, but there's something human left in him. He is guided by greed, and we can use this to defeat him once and for all. Martha has come up with a ritual, which she hopes to use to deceive the Devourer of Souls.

Goal:   Lure Petrus into the world of the dead.


Goal:   ペトラスを死者の世界へとおびき寄せよう。
once and for all: これを最後に
come up with: 案を提案する
deceive: 騙す(真実の一部を伝えなかったりで、誤認させることで勘違いさせる)
[From City Fog]
Find the Vessel for Fireless Smoke. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-5 ①
Martha made a list of items needed for the ritual to outsmart Petrus. The first thing she needs is a source of smoke, but without fire. A flame carries the energy of aggression. We cannot have Petrus sensing it and figuring everything out. Search the Abode for a container for the smoke, and I'll enclose a bit of the City's fog in it. Isabelle
マーサがペトラスの裏をかくための儀式に必要なアイテムのリストを作ってくれたわ。マーサが必要としてる最初のアイテムは煙の元よ、でも火を使わないものが要るの。炎というものは攻撃的な怒りのエネルギーを持っているのよ。私たちはペトラスにそれを気取られて、全てを見抜かれたりするわけにはいかないでしょ。祭壇で煙を入れる入れ物を探して来て、そしたら私がシティの霧をそれにちょっとだけ詰めて来るから。 outsmart: 裏をかく、知恵で出し抜く
aggression: 敵対的な感情、攻撃的な怒りの感情
The lantern you found is perfect for creating fireless smoke and fooling Petrus. I'll fill it with fog and take it to Martha to help her prepare for the ritual. あなたが見付けて来たランタンは火のない煙を作り出して、ペトラスを引っかけるのにぴったりだわ。儀式の準備をできる様に、これを霧で満たしてマーサの所に持って行くわね。 fool: 騙す、引っかける(比較的軽い行為にも使う)
Find the Lifeless Flower. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-5 ②
For the ritual Martha devised to trick Petrus, we need an immortal flower from the Whispering Forest that was picked hundreds of years ago, but still hasn't withered. Help me find a Lifeless Flower in the Abode, mon ami. Juliette
マーサが考え出した、ペトラスを担ぐための儀式には、「囁きの森」の永遠の花が必要なの、それはね、百年前に摘み取られて、でも今なお枯れてないのよ。祭壇で命のない花を探すのを手伝って、モナミ。 devise: 考案する
trick: 騙す(計略で引っかける)
What a fascinating, mystical sight. In a vessel filled with water, bright swirls of color radiate from the flower, as if it sprouted magical roots and lives only thanks to them. なんて魅力的で、神秘的な光景なのかしら。水の張られた器の中で、輝く色の渦が花から広がっているの、まるでこの花に魔法の根が生えて、それのお陰でのみ生きているとでも言う様ね。 💬ジュリエットの説明だと、花から出る光が水中で根っこの様に広がって渦を巻いてるみたいですね。
[Star Outside of the Heavens]
Find the Nameless Star. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-5 ③
the heavens: 天空
To perform the ritual, Martha will need a star without a name. We need to study all the reflections that we can only find in the Abode and identify a star that isn't a true celestial body. Tell me if you see something suspicious. Helen
Oh, heavens! You're right. The star in the reflection of the well has no name. It's a lost star. It's not part of any known constellation. I don't immediately notice it. Are you sure you're not an astronomer? あら、まあ!正解ですわ。井戸の中に映る星に名前はありませんもの。迷子の星ね。これなら既知の星座のいずれにも属さないものですわ。私でもすぐには気付かなかったのに。あなたが天文学者でないだなんて本当かしら? 💬なんか主人公、えらいヘレンに気に入られてるなー。ヘレンの「天文学者かと思った」はきっと最上級の褒め言葉だぞ?一番はお父様だろうけども。
[Disturbed Peace]
Find the Phantom of the Soul. - Explore the Witches' Abode with the "Illusions" anomaly active.
51-5 ④
I hope Petrus isn't stupid enough to fall for Martha's trick. She'll need a phantom of a soul for the ritual. I will help you create it. There aren't enough subtle energies in the Abode, but there are enough to weave something ghostly. Don't just stand there!
Help me!
ペトラスがマーサのペテンなどに引っかかるほどマヌケでないと良いわねえ。儀式に魂の幻が要るのでしょ。私(わたくし)がそれを作ってあげても良くってよ。祭壇には緻密なエネルギーというのはさほどないけど、幽霊っぽいモノを織りなすくらいにはあるわね。そんなところで突っ立ってないで!手をお貸し! fall for ~: 計略などに引っかかる
Nice job! You're a great helper. The phantom looks exactly like Martha, and the spark inside is like a soul that's only just left the body. It's a shame that it's only a phantom. 褒めてあげるわ!お前は素晴らしい助手ねえ。この幻はマーサにそっくりで、中の閃光は体を離れたばっかりの魂の様だわ。これがただの幻に過ぎないのが残念なくらい。 💬残念なのはホントにマーサが死んだわけではないから?
Find the Unending Path. - Explore the Witches' Abode.
51-5 ⑤
The final component for Martha's ritual to outsmart Petrus is something similar to a path with no end - an astral trail that opens in front of a soul that has separated from its body. Help me find the spectral path in the Abode. Isabelle
ペトラスを出し抜くためのマーサの儀式に必要な最後の材料は、端のない小路の様なモノなの-霊体の辿る道、体から離れた魂の前に開くモノよ。幽霊の小路を祭壇で探すから手伝って頂戴。 spectral: 幽霊の
Great job! This is an exact copy of the path that opens before those who go to another world. Let's see if Martha is ready to perform the ritual. やるじゃない!これは異世界へ行く者の前に開く小路とそっくり同じコピーだわ。マーサが儀式の準備ができたかどうか見に行きましょう。  
Martha said that everything is ready for the ritual. She entrusted my Mistress to perform it. Oh, I'm so worried, mon ami. You know how they don't get along. I hope the power over Martha's life won't tempt the Mistress to... well, you know, kill her. I hope that everything turns out well. Juliette
マーサが儀式の準備が整ったって。マーサ、うちのミストレスにその儀式を頼んだのよ。ああ、私すっごい心配なんだけど、モナミ。あなたも知ってるでしょ、あの二人がどれほど反りが合わないか。ミストレスが変な気を起こさないか祈るばっかりだわ、マーサの生命を力で操っているうちにミストレスが…うー、分かるでしょ、殺しちゃったり。終わってみればすべてよしになれば良いんだけど。 get along: 仲良くやる
主語 tempt 人 to do: 主語が人に~する気にさせる。人以外のモノが主語になることが多い。主語してるうちに~な気を起こす。
- She knows what she's doing. Player (YOU) -大丈夫、ミストレスは自分のやるべきことを分かってるよ。 She knows what she's doing: なすべきを知る。「いい大人なんだからきちんとした分別がある」という様な文脈で使う。
[Unending Path]
Create a Trap for Petrus. - Assemble the "Soul Eater Trap" collection.
51-5 ⑥
The nature of the ritual is simple: Martha's soul will leave her body for a split second and I will hide it. At that moment, an astral trail to the world of the dead will appear at the border between the worlds. I'll lead the phantom that you created along the trail. Hopefully, Petrus will chase after it to devour it and will fall into the trap. Mistress
儀式の本質は至ってシンプルよ、マーサの魂がほんの一瞬体を離れたらその隙に私(わたくし)がそれを隠す。その瞬間、死者の世界への霊体の辿る道が世界に跨る境界線上に現れるわ。そこでお前たちが作った幻をその霊体の道に沿って私(わたくし)が引っ張って行く。上手く行けば、ペトラスがその魂を貪(むさぼ)らんと追いかけて行き、果てには罠に落ちるというわけ。 💬ふーん、幽体離脱の状態って死んだのと同じとみなされて霊界の門が開くって事か。そしてそのマーサの魂はミストレスの手に…。ジュリエットじゃなくても気になるな、そりゃ。
- I hope so too Player (YOU) -僕もそれを願ってます
You have everything you need for the ritual that will save us from the soul eater forever! The breach between worlds grows in size with every second and threatens to swallow us. Don't just stare at me! Hurry up and bring some artifacts! Mistress

お前たち、ソウルイーターから我々を金輪際救い出すための儀式とやらに必要な物は全て揃えたのでしょうね!世界に跨る割れ目が刻々と大きくなってこちらを呑み込まんと脅(おびや)かしてるじゃないの。ボサッとこっちを眺めてないで!とっととアーティファクトを持って来るのです! 💬檄が飛ぶところが、ミストレスらしくていいなぁ。みんなキビキビ動きそうだよね。上司としては優秀かも。パワハラで訴えられそうだけど。
Wonderful! Now let's begin the ritual! I will lead the phantom of Martha's soul on an endless path into another world, having illuminated the thinning line between the worlds. Petrus has taken the bait and chased after it. Fool! He's trying to consume its illusory light. Pathetic! よろしい!それでは儀式を始めましょう!私(わたくし)がマーサの魂の幻を異世界の終わりのない小路に引っ張って行きます、世界に跨る薄い境界線を照らしながらね。ペトラスが餌にかかって追いかけて行ったわ。なんと愚かな!幻の光を食い尽くさんとしてるわよ。哀れだこと! illusory: 錯覚を起こさせる
pathetic: 哀れを誘う様な(pathos ペィソスの形容詞)
Everything ended successfully, buddy!
The ritual that Martha devised worked. Petrus crossed the boundary between worlds and streams of otherworldly energy prevent him from entering the world of the living. Let's take a break and start restoring the border between the worlds.
Hey, Martha, what are you doing? Buddy, she needs to close the breach right now. She's directing the energy of her soul and filling the holes in space with it!
Martha, don't do it!
talk 人 out of~: ~しないように説得する。
- I'll talk her out of it now! Player (YOU) -今すぐやめる様に説得してくる!
The breach between the worlds is growing. If it's not closed now, it will reach a critical size, and our efforts will be in vain.
This is unacceptable!
I don't want to turn to stone, but there's no other way.
There's not enough time left. Please don't try to stop me! I have to fulfill my purpose: to close the breach to save you all.
- Martha, you're becoming stone! Player (YOU) -マーサ、もう石になりかけてるじゃないか!
Martha Myth is an extraordinary medium whose Room of Fate was repeatedly visited by each of us for advise. Today, on the Day of the Blind Sun, she gave her life to restore the balance between the worlds of the living and the dead.
Martha believed that life is not a chaotic collection of events, but instead the balanced chain of a great cosmic plan. Martha believed that everyone who finds their way to the City has a purpose.
Today she didn't hesitate and fulfilled hers. Martha Myth turned to stone, taking a central place in the pantheon of her ancestors.
Martha will live forever in our hearts!
Hidden City Times マーサ=ミスは並外れた霊媒師であり、彼女の運命の部屋には、皆それぞれが助言を求めて繰り返し訪れたものである。今日(こんにち)「盲(めしい)の太陽の日」に、生ける者と死せる者の世界の調和を回復するため、彼女は自らの命を投げ出してくれた。
★マーサのフルネームは《Keys to the Past》に登場したときはMartha Smithマーサ=スミスだったのだが、霊媒師として独立してからはMartha Myth マーサ=ミスと名乗っているのかもしれない。どうして名前を変えたのかの経緯は不明。

💬当初Martha the Myth伝説の人マーサという意味なのかと思ったのだが、どうやら苗字のようである。2021年6月後半に追加された導入編でもMartha Mythと名乗っている。
Mon ami, I can't believe this happened... I can't imagine the City without Martha. She was part of each of our lives... and now what?
I'm confident that she can find a way back even from this stone state of being, and we will look for a way to help her...
now what?: これからどうしたらいいの?
- Don't cry. We will do anything for her! Player (YOU) -泣かないで。彼女のためだったら僕たち、なんだってするさ!
[Towards the Sun]
Receive the reward. - Complete the investigation to receive your reward.
💬Towards the Sunって最後のending のクエスト名に何回か出て来とるなー。よっぽど好きな題名なんだろうか?
Martha lured Petrus's essence into the world of the dead and restored the boundary that he destroyed. Thanks to her fearless act, the sun shines over the City again. The world is saved. But how long will the other world be able to contain Petrus? Detective
The confrontation between the Devourer of Souls and Martha's family dates back to the beginning of time.
When a powerful dark artifact, the Bell of Souls, was created on the Day of the Blind Sun, Moira felt its destructive power. She stole the artifact from its creator, making her descendants responsible for protecting the bell and guaranteeing its "silence."
Martha outwitted Petrus and sealed him in the world of the dead. But how long can the border between the worlds hold the Devourer of Souls?

Rewards: Midnight Messenger



💬アバターではSoul Taker (魂を奪う者)ってなってたけど、Soul Eater (魂を喰らう者) = Petrus ペトラス の間違いじゃないかなぁ…。仮面持ってるし。

★気になる「the Day of the Blind Sun 盲(めしい)の太陽の日」ですが、その正体がサブクエストに出てきます。
参照:Witches' Abode❻【Day of the Blind Sun 盲(めしい)の太陽の日】

51-5【Soul Eater Trap 魂を喰(は)む者への罠】
Vessel for Fireless Smoke Lifeless Flower Nameless Star Phantom of the Soul Unending Path Step to the World of Darkness
火のない煙の器 命のない花 名のない星 魂の幻 終わりのない道 闇の世界への階段

Sub Quest Series #27-1
《Fear of the Advent of Petrus》
 Next➡#27-1【Ancient Portals 古(いにしえ)の次元の扉】


Sub Quest Series #27-1
《Fear of the Advent of Petrus》
#27-1【Ancient Portals 古(いにしえ)の次元の扉】⇦Prev Next➡#27-3【Day of the Blind Sun 盲(めしい)の太陽の日】

*this link【Ancient Portals】 is the next story of the main investigation and the previous story of the following post quest.
※このリンク先のお話【古(いにしえ)の次元の扉】はメインの事件簿の次の話であり、続くPost Questの一つ前のお話です

51-Post Quest 【Return from the Shadow World 影の世界からの帰還】
51-1 ⑥ 51-2 ⑥ 51-3 ⑥ 51-4 ⑥ 51-5 ⑥ 51-おまけ ⑥
Moira's Spindle Messenger Owl Morgana's Magic Ball Magda's Comb Step to the World of Darkness Fatal Prophecy
梟の使者 モルガーナの
マグダの櫛 闇の世界への階段 宿命の予言

[From the Brink of Death]
Free Martha's Soul. - Assemble the "Return from the Shadow World" collection.
51-おまけ ⑦
Juliette is harassing me with requests t help Martha. She's reading my ancient, magical manuscripts... I agreed to help, but on one condition: will you do me a favor when I need it?
I'll use the magical attributes of Martha's ancestors in the ritual to free her. Bring some City artifacts and let's be done with this!
harass: しつこくして困らせる
Martha's great ancestors, I call upon you!
Your daughter, like a warrior of light, gave her life in the triumph over evil. Return her living soul, imprisoned in the world of forgotten souls, to her stone body!
In mundo oblitus animarum!!!
It worked! Here is your Martha, alive and unharmed.
★In mundo oblitus animarum: ラテン語。英語直訳では In the world forgotten souls

51-Post Quest 【Return from the Shadow World 影の世界からの帰還】
51-1 ⑥ 51-2 ⑥ 51-3 ⑥ 51-4 ⑥ 51-5 ⑥ 51-おまけ ⑥
Moira's Spindle Messenger Owl Morgana's Magic Ball Magda's Comb Step to the World of Darkness Fatal Prophecy
梟の使者 モルガーナの
マグダの櫛 闇の世界への階段 宿命の予言

Martha's Murky Story マーサの濃い闇の物語》⇦Prev

Sub Quest Series #27-1
《Fear of the Advent of Petrus》
#27-1【Ancient Portals 古(いにしえ)の次元の扉】⇦Prev Next➡#27-3【Day of the Blind Sun 盲(めしい)の太陽の日】

*Above Post Quest is the next story of 【Ancient Portals】 and the previous story of 【Day of the Blind Sun】.
※上のおまけクエストは【古(いにしえ)の次元の扉】の次の話であり、【盲(めしい)の太陽の日】 の一つ前のお話です


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