Requirement LV111

🔔Witches' Abode  (魔女たちの祭壇さいだん)


*same BGM as the Collector's House (Oct 2023-)

*Previous one; same as past underground locations

LV108 Pagoda 高楼(こうろう)⇦Prev  Next➡LV114 Tea House 茶室

Centuries-old silence shrouds the statues of witches frozen in stone within a secret place that's been hidden from the townspeople for many years by Martha's magic. The stone statues stand here as if alive, and traces of their strength are still felt in the air. But why is their gaze on the huge bell so stern?

Related Investigation: Case №51

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Witches' Abode.

《Case №51: Martha's Secret マーサの秘密
🗝Quests for the new location (№51-0)
❶【Moira's Yarn モイラの織り糸】 (№51-1)

❷【Voices of the Forest 森の生き物たちの声】 (№51-2)

❸【Bell of Destruction 破滅の鐘】 (№51-3)

❹【Hermit's Vision 隠者の視覚】 (№51-4)

❺【Soul Eater Trap 魂を喰(は)む者への罠】 (№51-5)

-Artifact 【Return from the Shadow World 影の世界からの帰還】 (№51-Post Quest)


★Sub quest series 《Fear of the Advent of Petrus ペトラス再臨の懸念
❻【Day of the Blind Sun 盲(めしい)の太陽の日

❼【Ancient Portals 古(いにしえ)の次元の扉


❽【Witch's Flowers 魔女の様々な花

*This story is an adaptation of the gift collection for the event held in Feb. 2019 at Witches' Abode


❾【Cursed Gifts 呪われた贈り物


★Sub quest series 《Fear of the Advent of Petrus ペトラス再臨の懸念
❿【Source of the Truth 真実の源
Source of the Truth


★Sub quest series 《Lady in the Mirror 鏡の中の貴婦人
⓫【Witchcraft Artifacts (2) 魔法の力を持つアーティファクト(2)

*This collection was reassigned from the Chapel Basement on July 2020.
*This collection is also available at Room of Fate, but this story is belonged to the Witch's Abode.


⓬【Mushroom Army 闘うマッシュルーム

*This collection was assigned from the Werewolves' Lair on July 2020.


⓭【Secret Books 知られざる書物

*This collection was reassigned from the Diggers' Stash on May 2021.


LV108 Pagoda 高楼(こうろう)⇦Prev  Next➡LV114 Tea House 茶室


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