Now Removed 現在削除されました

💀Pirate Treasure  (海賊の財宝)

*same BGM as the Collector's House and various locations

*Moved from map to the Dungeons in Aug 2018.
*Removed from Dungeons in July 2020

Diggers' Stash 穴掘り屋のアジト⇦Prev  Next➡Werewolves' Lair 狼男たちの塒(ねぐら)

Dungeons' Entrance 地下迷宮入り口

The sound of blades, the heat of battle, and sailor songs still fill this place. Memories of forgotten days and pirates who left their treasure here.

*Former location image on the map: this location is in the City's Dungeons now

The sound of blades, victorious cries and bold sailor songs still fill this place. These are memories of days long past, of people long dead and of glorious pirates who left their treasure behind.

Related Investigation: Case №76


《Case № 76 Pirates' Riddle 海賊の謎かけ

🗝Quests for the new location (№76-0)

❶【Mysteries of the Five Seas 五つの海のミステリー】 (№76-1)
*This collection was assigned to the Room of Fate on July 2020.
Mysteries of the Five Seas

❷【Postcards from the Road 旅先のポストカード】 (№76-2)
*This collection was assigned to the Pier on July 2020.
Postcards from the Road

❸【Pirate's Things 海賊の持ち物】 (№76-3)
*This collection was assigned to the Italian Patio on July 2020.
Pirate's Things

❹【Power of the Winds 風の力】 (№76-4)
*This collection was assigned to the Greenhouse on July 2020.
Power of the Winds

❺【Summer Drinks 夏向きのドリンク】 (№76-5)
*This collection was assigned to the Mansion on July 2020.
Summer Drinks

❻【Treasure Chest お宝の箱】 (№76-6)
*This collection was assigned to the City Hall on July 2020.
Treasure Chest

-Artifact 【Pirate Flag 海賊旗】 (№76-Post Quest)
Pirate Flag


★Sub quest series #17 《Cache behind Cobwebs 蜘蛛の巣の奥の秘密
*These collections were assigned to the Castle Gate on July 2020.
❼【Scarlet Secret 緋色に隠された秘密

❽【Spider's Curse 蜘蛛の呪い


★Sub quest series #8-4 《Affection for Rudyルディへの愛情
❾【Uncovering Secrets 秘密を紐解いて
*This collection was assigned to the Masquerade Ball on July 2020.


★Sub quest series #9-10 《Captain Drake's Wonder ドレイク船長にまつわる不思議
❿【Pirate's Parrots 海賊の鸚鵡(おうむ)たち
*This collection was assigned to the Pier on July 2020.


Diggers' Stash 穴掘り屋のアジト⇦Prev  Next➡Werewolves' Lair 狼男たちの塒(ねぐら)


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