Requirement LV81 |
*same BGM as the Collector's House (Oct 2023-)
*Previous BGM; same as the Room of Fate
The intricate lines of an elegant art nouveau hall, the smell of baked Easter treats, and the fragrance of flowers greet the Mansion's guests. Spring lives here while the outside world is stuck in an agonizing winter. Where did the occupants of this place go? |
優雅なアールヌーボー様式のホールを飾る複雑な曲線美、イースターのご馳走の焼ける匂い、そして花々の芳しい香りが館の訪問客を出迎える。春はここに息づいているのだ、外の世界は未だ耐え忍ぶ冬の中に置き去りにされているというのに。この場所の住人たちはどこへ行ってしまったのだろうか? |
*This location changes its appearances as the stage goes up. This image is
the Stage Ⅱand, these of the Stages Ⅰ to Ⅶ are displayed at the bottom of
this page.
Related Investigation: Case №40
*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's
№ 40 Spring Mystery
🗝Quests for the new location (№40-0)
❶【Spring Invitation 春の招待状】 (№40-1)
❷【Garden Diagnostics 庭木の診断学】 (№40-2)
❸【Magic Melody 魔法の旋律】 (№40-3)
❹【Love in the Air 漂う愛に包まれて】 (№40-4)
❺【Spring Gate 春の門】 (№40-5)
-Artifact 【Spring Story 春の物語】 (№40-Post quest)
★Sub quest series 《Never Ending Tea Time》
❻【Silver Tea Time
❼【Baking Pans
❾【Comfort for the Medium
⓫【Summer Drinks 夏向きのドリンク】 (№76-5)
*This collection was assigned from the Pirate
Treasure on July 2020.
[Stages] *The Changed places by the stages: 1. On the railing in the lower left corner. 2. On the tea table in the lower right corner. 3. In front of and on the counter. 4. Both sides of the Tree of Life. 5. In front of the bench behind the Tree of Life. 6.Top of the staircase. |
[ステージ] *ステージ毎の変更箇所: 1. 左下隅のレールの上 2. 右下隅のティーテーブルの上 3. カウンターの前と上 4. 生命の樹の両脇 5. 生命の樹の奥にあるベンチの前 6. 階段の上段 |