Now Removed 現在削除されました

🐺Werewolves' Lair  (狼男たちの塒ねぐら)

*same BGM as underground locations, mini-games, and the Witchs' Abode

*Moved from map to the Dungeons in Oct 2017.
*Removed from Dungeons in July 2020

Pirate Treasure 海賊の財宝⇦Prev  Next➡Mistress' Room ミストレスの居室

Dungeons' Entrance 地下迷宮入り口

A terrifying beast, the mighty werewolf, once owed this place. He hid the treasures he stole from his victims here, away from prying eyes.

*Former location image on the map: this location is in the City's Dungeons now

A terrifying beast, the mighty werewolf, once owed this place. He hid the treasures he stole from his victims here, away from prying eyes.

🗝Quests for the new location available and unlocked


❶【Werewolf's Trophy 狼男の戦利品

*This collection was assigned to the Secret Room on July 2020.


★Sub quest series #8-2 《Affection for Rudyルディへの愛情
❷【Search for a Cub 狼の仔の探索

*This collection was assigned to Hidden Row on July 2020.


❸【Hunter's Armour 狩人の鎧

*This collection was assigned to the Jack's Tower on July 2020.


❹【Mushroom Army 闘うマッシュルーム

*This collection was assigned to the Witches' Abode on July 2020.


❺【Blades of Tianxia 天下の刃(やいば)

*This collection was assigned to the Emperor's Palace on July 2020.


❻【Discoverer's Amulets 新たなる発見をする者のアミュレット

*This collection was assigned to Hidden Row on July 2020.


Pirate Treasure 海賊の財宝⇦Prev  Next➡Mistress' Room ミストレスの居室


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