Requirement LV99

⏰Jack's Tower  (ジャックの塔)

*same BGM as the Collector's House (Oct 2023-)

*Previous one; same as the River of Oblivion

*Original BGM

LV96 Observatory 天文台⇦Prev  Next➡LV102 Autumn Valley 秋の谷

Steep stairs spiral to the top of Jack's Tower. Here, surrounded by gargoyles, the Samhain Clock blazes ominously from the top of the Tower, flooding the City with scarlet light. Whose figure stand frozen in front of the Clock, as if protecting the world from its eerie light?

Related Investigation: Case №44

*You can see about searching items in the FANDOM wiki's Jack's Tower.

《Case №44: Through the Darkness 暗闇を抜けて
🗝Quests for the new location (№44-0)

❶【Steward's Features 世話役の特徴】 (№44-1)

❷【Taming the Spirits 精霊たちを手懐けるには】 (№44-2)

❸【In the Captors' Footsteps 攫った者の足取りを追って】 (№44-3)

❹【Light in the Darkness 闇を照らす光】 (№44-4)

❺【Long Live the Queen! 女王陛下万歳!】 (№44-5)

-Artifact 【Bride of Darkness 闇の花嫁】 (№44-Post quest)


★Sub quest series 《Long live the Queen! 女王陛下万歳!
★Sub quest series 《Cases in Jack's Realm ジャックの王国の事件簿

❻【Test for the Queen 女王のための試験

❼【King's Carelessness 王の軽率さ

❽【Dark Entourage 闇の側近衆

❾【Gifts of Night Spirits 夜の精霊たちからの贈り物


❿【Hunter's Armour 狩人の鎧

*This collection was assigned from the Werewolves' Lair on July 2020.


LV96 Observatory 天文台⇦Prev  Next➡LV102 Autumn Valley 秋の谷


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