Jill o'Tumn's Curiosity Shop and City Cache in May 2022
ジル=オータムの珍品堂とシティの秘密の保管庫 (2022年5月)

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Shop1: Energy

Unrecognizable Cake Pops
Hot Fondue
Cake of Champions
*Champions: 理念などの為に闘う人々
Light of Art
*1st sale 新販売
The item gives 45 energy units.
The item gives 170 energy units.
The items gives 300 energy units.
Increases the number of coins and experience you get by 50% and the chance to get any items in locations and mini-games by 30%. Lasts for 4 hours.
Great Potential
*1st sale 新販売
Energy Concentrate
*1st sale 新販売
Muse of Dimensions
*Muse ミューズ:芸術の女神
*3rd sale 3度目の販売
Mask of Inspiration
*1st sale 新販売
Gives an infinite supply of energy, increases the chance to get any items in locations and mini-games by 30%. Lasts for 15 minutes.
Increases energy recovery rate by 80% and reduces energy cost for entering locations and mini-games by 30%. Lasts for 30 minutes.
+100% more assemblers in locations with anomalies, +30% energy recovery rate for 2 days.
Reduces energy for entering by 50%, increases the chance to get any items in locations and mini-games by 80%. Lasts for 20 minutes.


Shop1.2: Sticker's Chest (Moments) *7th May - 14th May
In these Chests, you can find 3 random stickers for the "Moments" section with the following chances. If you get a duplicate, you can send it to a friend as a gift.
チェストの中には「心に残る瞬間」用のステッカーがランダムで3種類入ってるよ。確率は以下の通り。 被ったらフレンドにギフトとして贈ることができます。

Colorfulness of the Holiday
Feb 2021 Time of the Golden Ox
2021年2月 金牛が刻(とき)
Time of Spring
Apr 2021 Alchemy of Spring
2021年4月 春の錬金術
❶Coins of Happiness (招福の銅銭) - 23%
❷Hongbao Envelop (ご祝儀袋) - 14%
❸Blooming Lotus (満開の蓮) - 14%
❹Wind Chime (風鈴) - 10%
❺Fragrant Tangerines (いい香りの蜜柑) - 8%
❻Moon Hare (月の兎) - 8%
❼Golden Carp (金の鯉) - 6%
❽Graceful Crane (気品あふれる鶴) - 5%
❾Heavenly Lion (天の獅子) - 5%
❿Vessel of Longevity (長寿の器) - 4%
⓫Sacred Ox (天界の雄牛) - 3%
❶Sunny Lollipop (おひさまのペロペロキャンディ) - 21%
❷Messenger of the Sun (太陽のメッセンジャー) - 17%
❸Chamomile the Mole (ザ・カモミールもぐら君) - 13%
❹Blooming Watering Can (春満開のじょうろ) - 9%
❺Nimble Bunny (すばしっこいうさちゃん) - 8%
❻Golden Bee (金の蜜蜂) - 7%
❼Easter Balloon (イースターの気球) - 6%
❽Wild Beehive (野性の蜂の巣) - 6%
❾Spring Fluffies (春のふわふわさん) -5%
❿Painted Birdhouse (ペンキの塗られた鳥小屋) - 4%
⓫Binger of Joy (大いなる喜びを運ぶ者) - 4%
A Day in Creator's Life
June-July 2021 Statues' Silent Story
2021年6-7月 彫像たちの静かな物語
Famous Circus Performers
Aug 2021 If the City were a circus...
❶Strong Coffee (ガツンと濃いコーヒー) - 22%
❷Ancient Candles (古代の蝋燭) - 18%
❸Fruit Platter (フルーツの盛り合わせ) - 14%
❹Star Lamp (星のランプ) - 10%
❺Venus of the Desert (砂漠のビーナス) - 8%
❻Creator's Instruments (クリエイターの道具) - 7%
❼Sunshine Flower (陽光の花) - 7%
❽ Workshop Fan (工房の扇風機) - 6%
❾Inspiring Sappho (インスパイアを与えるサッフォー) - 4%
❿Mytical Hand Fan (神秘の扇子) - 4%
❶Tattooed Eccentric (タトゥーの入った変人) - 24%
❷Foggy Mime (霧のパントマイム・パフォーマー) - 18%
❸Aerial Acrobat (空中軽業師) - 13%
❹Snake Charmer (蛇使い) - 11%
❺Ringmaster (サーカスの団長さん) - 10%
❻Juggler of Memories (記憶のジャグラー) - 8%
❼Human Cannonball (人間大砲) - 6%
❽Fire Tamer (炎を手懐ける者) - 6%
❾Magician's Assistant (マジシャンの助手) - 4%
Easter Stickers
Apr 2019 Easter Memories
2019年4月 イースターの思い出
Summer Adventures
Jul 2019 Summer Trip
2019年7月 夏の小旅行
⓪Spring Bouquet (春のブーケ) - 6%
❶Wishes from Dorothy (ドロシーからの願い事) - 21%
❸Easter Chickens (イースターのヒヨコたち) - 8%
❹Happy Doorkeeper (幸せいっぱいのドアキーパー) - 11%
❺Wishes from Lady (レディからの願い事) - 5%
❻Elegant Snowy (エレガントなスノーウィ) - 4%
❼Spirits of Nature Wreath (自然の精霊たちのリース) - 4%
❽Peter (ピーター) - 6%
❾Cart with Easter Pastries (イースターのパンのカート) - 4%
❿First Warm Days Messenger (春一番の使者) - 14%
⓫Picnic Basket (ピクニックのバスケット) - 3%
⓬The Dogs Grande and Mr. Cookie (犬のグランデとミスター=クッキー) - 14%
⓪Fancy Hat (華やかな帽子) - 6%
❶Italian Ice Cream (イタリアン・アイスクリーム) - 15%
❸Lighthouse (灯台) - 6%
❹Pearl (真珠) - 11%
❺Sea Turtle (海がめ) - 4%
❻Water Beast (海の魔物) - 9%
❼Blooming Cactus (満開のサボテン) - 11%
❽Ferris Wheel (観覧車) - 4%
❾Postcard from Albion (英国からの絵はがき) - 4%
❿Kite (凧) - 4%
⓫Beach Postcard (浜辺の絵はがき) - 6%
⓬Croquet (クロケット) - 11%
⓭Circus Tent (サーカスのテント) - 9%
Hanami Spirit's Chest
Mar 2020 Hanami Memories
2020年3月 お花見の思い出
Spring Is...
Apr 2020 Spring Memories
❷Maneki-Neko (招き猫) - 5%
❸Hot Ramen (熱々ラーメン) - 5%
❹White Cranes (丹頂鶴) - 3%
❻Bonsai (盆栽) - 7%
❼Origami Figures (折り紙) - 7%
❽Zōri Sandals (ぞうり) - 12%
❾Uchiwa Fan (うちわ) - 16%
❿Dobin and Chawan (土瓶と茶碗) - 2%
⓫Kokeshi Doll (こけし) - 11%
⓬Mount Fuji (富士山) - 8%
⓭Andon Lantern (提灯) - 8%
⓮Janomegasa Umbrella (蛇の目傘) - 16%
❶Ancient Padlock (古代の錠前) - 22%
❷Magic Key (魔法の鍵) - 15%
❸Spring Mail (春の便り) - 13%
❹Warmth Catcher (温もりキャッチャー) - 11%
❺Flowering Ladder (花満開のはしご) - 9%
❻Sweet Couple (甘やかな恋人たち) - 3%
❼Dandelion the Hedgehog (たんぽぽハリネズミ) - 6%
❽Hangers for a Spring Dress (春ドレス用ハンガー) - 8%
❾Florist's Bike (花屋さんの自転車)- 4%
❿Overgrown Alarm Clock (繁茂する目覚まし時計) - 6%
⓫Flower Car (花綻ぶ車) - 3%
Sticker Fair Chest
Spring Dance
Jade Tree (翡翠の樹) - 11% (Time of the Golden Ox⓪)
Flowers' Treat (花々のご馳走) - 12% (Alchemy of SpringⒶ)
Spring Clock (春時計) - 11% (Alchemy of SpringⒷ)
Marble Nightingale (大理石のナイチンゲール) - 10% (Statues' Silent StoryⒶ)
Artist's Eyeglasses (芸術家の眼鏡) - 12% (Statues' Silent StoryⒷ)
Sweet-Voiced Muse (甘い声の美の女神) - 11% (Statues' Silent StoryⒸ)
Great Illusionist (偉大な魔術師) - 12% (If the City were a circus...Ⓐ)
Stylish Strongman (スタイリッシュな力持ち) - 10% (If the City were a circus...Ⓑ)
Strict Trainer (禁欲的な調教師) - 11% (If the City were a circus...Ⓒ)
Spirit of Spring (春の精) - 17% (Easter Memories❷)
Llama (ラマ) - 17% (Summer Trip❷)
Torii Gate (鳥居) - 16% (Hanami Memories❶)
Hanami Dango (花見団子) - 17% (Hanami Memories❺)
Twin Nestling (双子の雛鳥) - 17% (Spring Memories⓪)
Butterfulies of the Forest (森の蝶々) - 16% (Spring Memories⑫)


Shop2: Avatar

*Avatars you already have do not be displayed in the shop.


Shop3: Assembler

Amber Shield
Beaded Thread
Emerald Dress Clips
Ruby Brooch

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