4. Wanderer  (彷徨さまよう者)
Mysterious Wanderer  (ミステリアスな彷徨さまよう者) - event monster

*event monsters was given special names from Feb. 2021.

※豆知識:Relicは長い年月を生き抜いた、歴史を知る上で重要なアイテムのこと。通常は古代遺跡の発掘品などを指すが、彷徨う者との交換アイテムのRelicは「Relict 長い年月を生き延びた鉱物」を指している。Relictとは、周りの鉱物が変化したのに変化せずに残った鉱物のことで、古代を知る手がかりになる石。彷徨う者のミステリー感が漂う石である。

They migrated to the Upper City at the end of June 2022.

before Dec 2021

3. Gargoyle⇦Prev Next➡5. Mummy

Wanderer/ Mysterious Wanderer
No one knows where the Wanderers came to the City from. They're only interested in valuable relics and will exchange anything you need for them.

(Former description before Jan. 2021) These Servants carry out the will of the silent and mysterious City. Wanderers are its eyes, ears and keepers of its secrets. Mute at all times, they appear from the darkness and leave quickly. Only a relic may make them stay longer, for which they might exchange a rare artifact.


Red Relic 古(いにしえ) の赤石/ Requirements: 3 treading items
An item you can exchange with a Wanderer. Wanderers value such relics very highly and will gladly exchange them for rare artifacts of the City.

(Former description before Jan. 2021) A crystal that holds a tiny fraction of the City's magical energy. In exchange a Wanderer will give you a most valuable artifact from the City.

Quartz Relic 古代の水晶/ Requirements: 3 treading items *for Event Monsters, in Jun-Jul 2022 required 5 items
  An item to trade with a Mysterious Wanderer. For this relic, he will give you unique artifacts that aren't easy to get on your own.

(Former description before Jan. 2021) Offer this new item to the Wanderer. The sparkling crystal's faces will attract his attention. Surely he'll exchange this relic for unique artifacts.



⓪ Wanderer's Introduction

⓪UC Monsters' Introduction アッパーモンスターズ導入編

Main Story: 《Light in the Darkness 闇を照らす光》


❶【Famous Accessories いわくつきの装飾品 *only ④,⑤ and ⑥'s story available ※クエは④⑤⑥のみ単発


❷【Poetic Flowers 詩に詠(うた)われた花々
*This story is an adaptation of the gift collection for the event held in July 2017 at Angela's Park


★Sub quest series 《Cardsharp's Tournament カードシャープのトーナメント
❸【Hat Business 帽子の駆け引き


❹【Ice Battles 氷上の戦い


❺【Test for the Convict 有罪宣告を受けた者への判定試験


★Sub quest series 《Mehr Licht! もっと光を!
❻【Prisms of Life 命のプリズム


4 Collection's name Reward 1 Reward 2 SA E C
Famous Accessories Discoverer's Magnifier 1 - 1 30 800
Poetic Flower Chronometer 1 Icy Dagger 1 1 60 1900
Hat Business Diode Bomb 1 Magnetic Cannon 1 1 65 1950
Ice Battles Lighter 1 Obsidian Dagger 1 1 70 2000
Test for the Convict Mine Detector 1 Mummifying Liquid 1 1 75 2050
Prisms of Life Discoverer's Magnifier 1 - 1 35 900

4 Assembler 1     Assembler 2     Assembler 3     Assembler 4  
Red elixir 3   Rock crystal 3   Mechanic's Glasses 3   Lucky butterfly 3
A Bottle of Wine 5   Mechanic's Glasses 7   Threefold Amulet 5   Angelic Candle 5
Mechanic's Glasses 7   Copper Gates 5   Unknown Key 7   Iron Heart 5
Truth Powder 5   Mechanic's Glasses 7   Brush Kit 5   Wreath of Luck 5
Vase 5   Mechanic's Glasses 7   Golden Apple 5   Divination Board 7
Truth Powder 3   Lock Pick 3   Brush Kit 3   Threefold Amulet 3


Gargoyle 3. Gargoyle⇦Prev Next➡5. Mummy Mummy on the map


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